" $Id$ se nocp se ts=2 se bs=2 se sw=2 se expandtab se ruler se cindent se cinkeys=0{,0},0),:,!^F,o,O,e se showcmd se go=agilmrtT se hlsearch se incsearch se ignorecase se smartcase se shm=aot se laststatus=2 syn enable if has("gui_running") se guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 12 colo darkblue endif highlight StatusLine guifg=white guibg=blue ctermbg=white ctermfg=blue if has("win32") se guifont=Bitstream_Vera_Sans_Mono:h10:cANSI endif :autocmd! " Set up our variables. fun Iain_Vars() if ! exists("b:iainlist") | let b:iainlist = 0 | endif if ! exists("b:iainhex") | let b:iainhex = 1 | endif endfun fun Cycle_List() call Iain_Vars() let b:iainlist = b:iainlist + 1 if b:iainlist > 2 | let b:iainlist = 0 | endif if b:iainlist == 0 set nolist elseif b:iainlist == 1 set lcs=tab:\\_,trail:_,extends:<,precedes:> set list else set lcs=tab:\\_,trail:_,extends:<,precedes:>,eol:$ set list endif endfun fun Show_List() call Iain_Vars() if b:iainlist == 0 " No list. return " " elseif b:iainlist == 1 " Just tabs. return "\\_" else " Full list. return "\.\$" endif endfun " Cycle between hex and decimal display of toolbar stuff fun Cycle_StatusLine() call Iain_Vars() let b:iainhex = ! b:iainhex if b:iainhex set statusline=%2n\:\ %<%f\ [%{Show_List()}][%{Show_Case()}]%y%m%r\ %=0\x%02B\ (%3.6c,%-4.6l)\ 0\x%04.6O\ \|\ %4.6L\ %P else set statusline=%2n\:\ %<%f\ [%{Show_List()}][%{Show_Case()}]%y%m%r\ %=%b\ (%3.6c,%-4.6l)\ %4.6o\ \|\ %4.6L\ %P endif endfun " Save the current window width so if we change it we can restore it " when we quit. let andyoldcols=&columns " This expands the terminal to display two 80-column files side-by-side " when vim is opened in diff mode. if &diff | let &columns = 164 | endif map viwvbi"ea" map - yyp:s/./-/g:let @/='': map = yyp:s/./=/g:let @/='': command W :w se tags=~/.ctags fun Invert_Case() let &ic = ! &ic endfun fun Show_Case() if &ic | return "ca" | else | return "Ca" | endif endfun " Swap hex/decimal statusline with ,x map ,x :call Cycle_StatusLine(): " Swap case-sensitivity with ,c. map ,c :call Invert_Case(): " Cycle list styles with ,l. map ,l :call Cycle_List(): call Cycle_StatusLine() au VimLeave * if exists("andyoldcols") | let &columns=andyoldcols | endif " Autocommands to setup features we only want in certain modes... " ... For C/C++ files: au BufEnter * if &ft == "c" || &ft == "cpp" | call CMode_map() | endif au BufLeave * if &ft == "c" || &ft == "cpp" | call CMode_unmap() | endif " ... For Perl files: au BufEnter * if &ft == "perl" | call PerlMode_map() | endif au BufLeave * if &ft == "perl" | call PerlMode_unmap() | endif " ... For PHP files: au BufEnter * if &ft == "php" | call PHPMode_map() | endif au BufLeave * if &ft == "php" | call PHPMode_unmap() | endif " ... For makefiles: au BufEnter * if &ft == "make" | call MakeMode_map() | endif au BufLeave * if &ft == "make" | call MakeMode_unmap() | endif " Functions to call when we enter/leave a programming language buffer... " ... For C-like languages: fun CMode_map() set cinkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!^F,o,O,e set cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,switch endfun fun CMode_unmap() endfun " .. For Perl files: fun PerlMode_map() set cinkeys=0{,0},:,!^F,o,O,e set cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,eval endfun fun PerlMode_unmap() set foldmethod=manual endfun fun PHPMode_map() set nocindent set autoindent endfun fun PHPMode_unmap() set noautoindent set cindent endfun " ... For makefiles: fun MakeMode_map() set list set noexpandtab endfun fun MakeMode_unmap() set nolist set expandtab endfun