"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Multi-version vimrc compatible with version 4 and above. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Note that "if | call Something() | endif" syntax is unsupported " in Vim 4 so we write all our functions out the long way. It does work in " autocommand definitions, however. " Vim 4 complains if version isn't set in the configuration file. version 4.0 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Handle options safe to use in version 4. Vim 4 parses but ignores the " "if version" syntax used later in this file so we don't use it. No attempt " is made to make this configuration compatible with Vim 3. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " No compatibility mode. se nocp " Tabstop 2. se ts=2 " And use spaces not tabs. se expandtab " And << and >> indent by 2. se sw=2 " Allow backspace to delete before start of line. se bs=2 " Show the ruler. se ruler " Show partial commands in the ruler. se showcmd " And always show the status line. se laststatus=2 " Use C indent style. se cindent se cinkeys=0{,0},0),:,!^F,o,O,e se cinoptions=b1,c2 " GUI options. se go=aglmr " Don't be bugged by messages at the bottom of the screen. se shm=aot " Find as you type. se incsearch " Case-insensitive search. se ignorecase " But override by typing capitals. se smartcase " Look for ctags in home directory first. se tags=~/.tags,./tags,tags " Don't timeout waiting to interpet, eg, OA as an escape code. se ttimeoutlen=100 " Use ^B to search backward when completing. inoremap " Use ^L to show matching completions but don't select one. inoremap """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Handle options only available in Vim 5 and above. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" if version >= "500" version 5.0 " Tell Vim we use dark backgrounds in our terminals. if ! has("gui_running") se bg=dark endif " Enable tab-completion prompting for commands. se wildmenu " Don't list object files when globbing files to load. se wildignore+=*.o,*.obj " So there's no need to assign them low priority. se suffixes-=*.o,*.obj " Save sessions in UNIX format with / as file separator. This is " cross-platform. se ssop+=unix,slash " Nuke any pre-existing autocommands. autocmd! " Save the current window width so we can restore it when we quit. let oldcols=&columns " More GUI options. Add icon, tearoffs and toolbar. se go+=itT " Allow dynamic window resize even if we aren't in an xterm. se t_WS=[8;%p1%d;%p2%dt " Highlight search results. se hlsearch " Set graphical window title. se titlestring=%{Show_TitleString()} " Syntax highlighting. New versions will use syn enable instead. if version < "600" syn on endif " Use a discernably different colour to highlight the cursor which shows " matching brackets. Our regular cursor is green so use blue instead of cyan. hi MatchParen ctermbg=blue " Catch typos. command! W :w command! Wq :wq command! Wqa :wqa " Set up our variables. fun! Iain_Vars() if ! exists("b:iainlist") let b:iainlist = 0 endif if ! exists("b:iainhex") let b:iainhex = 0 endif if ! exists("b:iainverbose") let b:iainverbose = 0 endif if ! exists("b:iainstatus") " Window Flags: (F)ocused, (I)nsert mode, Cursor (H)old. let b:iainstatus = "Fih" endif if ! exists("g:iainextracolumns") let g:iainextracolumns = 0 endif endfun " Helper for status line. " Show space, underscore or dollar sign depending on list mode. fun! Show_List() call Iain_Vars() if b:iainlist == 0 " No list. return " " elseif b:iainlist == 1 " Just tabs. return "_" else " Full list. return "\$" endif endfun " Helper for status line. " Show c or C to denote case-sensitivity. fun! Show_Case() if &ic return "c" else return "C" endif endfun " Helper for status line. " Show the size of the tabstop. fun! Show_Tabstop() return &ts endfun " Helper for status line. " Show p when paste mode is on. fun! Show_Paste() if &paste return "p" else return "" endif endfun " Show the window title. fun! Show_TitleString() if bufname("") == "" let l:ts1='Vim' else let l:ts1=printf("%2d: %s", bufnr(""), expand('%t')) endif return printf("%s (%s) %s", l:ts1, getcwd(), v:servername) endfun " Show the status line. fun! Show_StatusLine() call Iain_Vars() let l:sl1='%2n\:\ %<%f\ [%{Show_List()}%{Show_Case()}%{Show_Tabstop()}%{Show_Paste()}%Y%M%R]\ %=' let l:sl3='L:%4.6l/%-4.6L\ C:%3.6c\ \|\ %P' let l:hexformat='%b' if b:iainhex let l:hexformat='0\x%02B' endif if b:iainverbose let l:sl2=l:hexformat . '\ \|\ P:%4.6o\ ' else let l:sl2='' endif exec "set statusline=" . l:sl1 . l:sl2 . l:sl3 endfun " Toggle case-sensitivity. fun! Invert_Case() let &ic = ! &ic endfun " Grow or shrink the window size. fun! Resize_Columns(op) " XXX: This won't work inside screen. " We should really detect whether it would work rather than assume it won't. if &term =~ '^screen' return endif " Vim 5 hardcodes the size of numbers column to 8. if version >= "700" let l:numberwidth = &numberwidth else let l:numberwidth = 8 endif exec "se columns" . a:op . "=" . l:numberwidth endfun " Toggle number display. fun! Number() call Iain_Vars() let &number = ! &number if version >= "700" let l:i = 0 let l:num_numbers = 0 while l:i <= winnr("$") if getwinvar(l:i, "&number") == 1 let l:num_numbers = l:num_numbers + 1 endif let l:i = l:i + 1 endwhile if l:num_numbers == 0 let g:iainextracolumns = 0 call Resize_Columns("-") elseif g:iainextracolumns == 0 let g:iainextracolumns = 1 call Resize_Columns("+") endif endif endfun " Restore window size. au VimLeave * if exists("oldcols") | let &columns=oldcols | endif " Map Makefile mode. au BufEnter * if &ft == "make" | call MakeMode_map() | endif au BufLeave * if &ft == "make" | call MakeMode_unmap() | endif " Entering Make mode. fun! MakeMode_map() call Iain_Vars() let b:iainlist=1 call Cycle_List() set ts=8 set noexpandtab endfun " Leaving Make mode. fun! MakeMode_unmap() call Cycle_List() set ts=2 set expandtab endfun " Show the status line for the first time. call Show_StatusLine() " Function to create mappings with either a hardcoded \ or . fun! Mapping(keysequence,mapping) if version < "600" exec "map \\" . a:keysequence . " " . a:mapping else exec "map " . a:keysequence . " " . a:mapping endif endfun " Use - and = to create underlines. call Mapping("-", "yyp:s/./-/g:let @/='':") call Mapping("=", "yyp:s/./=/g:let @/='':") " Change to ts=2 with \2. call Mapping("2", ":se ts=2:") " Change to ts=4 with \4. call Mapping("4", ":se ts=4:") " Change to ts=8 with \8. call Mapping("8", ":se ts=8:") " Change to ts=16 with \6. call Mapping("6", ":se ts=16:") " Change to ts=32 with \3. call Mapping("3", ":se ts=32:") " Toggle paste mode with \p. call Mapping("p", ":se paste!:") " Swap case-sensitivity with \c. call Mapping("c", ":call Invert_Case():") " Change number mode with \n. call Mapping("n", ":call Number():") " Expand or shrink window size with \> and \<. call Mapping(">", ":call Resize_Columns('+'):") call Mapping("<", ":call Resize_Columns('-'):") " Clear search pattern with \/. call Mapping("/", ":let @/=\"\":") " Forget the Ex mode mapping. map Q " Vim tip 99: What's the highlighting group under the cursor? call Mapping("h", ":echo \"hi<\" . synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"),col(\".\"),1),\"name\") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"),col(\".\"),0),\"name\") . \"> lo<\" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line(\".\"),col(\".\"),1)),\"name\") . \">\"") endif """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Handle options only available in Vim 6 and above. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" if version >= "600" version 6.0 " Remember quickfix state. let g:quickfixing=0 " Set indenting by filetype. filetype indent on " Less intrusive syntax highlighting. syn enable " Nice GUI colour. if has("gui_running") se guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 10 colo darkblue hi LineNr guibg=#303030 elseif &t_Co > 16 try colo iain catch endtry endif if has("win32") se guifont=DejaVu_Sans_Mono:h10:cANSI endif hi! link TabLineSel StatusLine hi! link TabLine StatusLineNC " Ignore whitespace when diffing. se diffopt=filler,iwhite " Expand window when doing a vertical diff. if &diff let &columns = 164 endif " Remember that we are opening the quickfix window. au BufWinEnter quickfix let g:quickfixing=1 au BufUnload * if &ft == "qf" | let g:quickfixing=0 | endif " Allow in-place editing of crontabs. au FileType crontab set backupcopy=yes " Make * and # work the way you expect in visual mode. vnoremap * y/\V=substitute(escape(@@,"/\\"),"\n","\\\\n","ge") vnoremap # y?\V=substitute(escape(@@,"?\\"),"\n","\\\\n","ge") " Change list mode. fun! Cycle_List() let basic='tab:\\_,trail:_,extends:<,precedes:>' call Iain_Vars() let b:iainlist = b:iainlist + 1 if b:iainlist > 2 let b:iainlist = 0 endif if b:iainlist == 0 set nolist elseif b:iainlist == 1 exec "set lcs=" . basic set list else exec "set lcs=" . basic . ",eol:$" set list endif endfun " Cycle between hex and decimal display of toolbar stuff. fun! Cycle_HexStatusLine() call Iain_Vars() let b:iainhex = ! b:iainhex call Show_StatusLine() endfun " Cycle verbose display of toolbar stuff. fun! Cycle_VerboseStatusLine() call Iain_Vars() let b:iainverbose = ! b:iainverbose call Show_StatusLine() endfun " Toggle quickfix window. fun! Cycle_Quickfix() if g:quickfixing == 1 cclose let g:quickfixing=0 else copen endif endfun " Swap hex/decimal statusline with \x. call Mapping("x", ":call Cycle_HexStatusLine():") " Change statusline verbosity with \v. call Mapping("v", ":call Cycle_VerboseStatusLine():") " Cycle list styles with \l. call Mapping("l", ":call Cycle_List():") " Toggle tags with \t. call Mapping("t", ":Tlist") " Change foldmethod with \f. call Mapping("f", ":se foldenable!:") " Toggle quickfix window with \q. call Mapping("q", ":call Cycle_Quickfix():") " Rerun filetype detection with \s. The s is for syntax, as this will be " updated as a side-effect. call Mapping("s", ":filetype detect:") fun! Iain_Colour(colour) if &t_Co == 88 if a:colour == "darkblue" return 17 elseif a:colour == "darkmagenta" return 33 elseif a:colour == "darkred" return 32 elseif a:colour == "red" return 64 endif elseif &t_Co == 256 if a:colour == "darkblue" return 17 elseif a:colour == "darkmagenta" return 90 elseif a:colour == "darkred" return 88 elseif a:colour == "red" return 196 endif else return a:colour endif endfun " Change status bar colour when various things happen. " Flags: H/h: Cursor held/moved. " F/f: Focus gained/lost. " I/i: Insert mode entered/left. fun! Highlight_StatusLine(flag) " Get current status. call Iain_Vars() " Change the status based on the flag. XXX: Does Vim let us to do flags? let re = "[" . tolower(a:flag) . toupper(a:flag) . "]" let b:iainstatus = substitute(b:iainstatus, re, a:flag, "") let l:normalcolour = "darkblue" let l:editingcolour = "darkmagenta" let l:warningcolour = "darkred" let l:readonlycolour = "red" " Default colour. let l:colour = l:normalcolour " Maybe override depending on status. if b:iainstatus =~# "H" if b:iainstatus =~# "I" " Held in insert mode. Add extra highlight if we don't have focus. if b:iainstatus =~# "f" let l:colour = l:warningcolour else let l:colour = l:editingcolour endif endif else if b:iainstatus =~# "I" " Regular insert mode. let l:colour = l:editingcolour endif endif " Override again if readonly. if l:colour != l:normalcolour if getbufvar("", "&ro") let l:colour = l:readonlycolour endif endif let l:termcolour = Iain_Colour(l:colour) exec "highlight StatusLine guifg=white guibg=" . l:colour . " ctermbg=white ctermfg=" . l:termcolour endfun call Highlight_StatusLine("") endif """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Handle options only available in Vim 7 and above. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" if version >= "700" version 7.0 " Helper to show tab name. fun! TabName(label, gui) let l:label = a:label if l:label == "" let l:label = "No Name" if a:gui let l:label = "[" . l:label . "]" endif else let l:label = fnamemodify(l:label, ":t") if strlen(l:label) >= 18 let l:label = l:label[0:17] . ".." endif endif return l:label endfun " Find out if any buffer was modified. fun! TabModified(buflist) let l:i = 0 while i < len(a:buflist) if getbufvar(a:buflist[l:i], "&modified") == 1 return "+" endif let l:i = l:i + 1 endwhile return "" endfun " Tab line. fun! Show_TabLine() let l:s = "%#TabLineFill#Tabs:" let l:i = 0 while l:i < tabpagenr("$") let l:i = l:i + 1 " Get the label. let l:buflist = tabpagebuflist(l:i) let l:winnr = tabpagewinnr(l:i) let l:n = tabpagewinnr(l:i, "$") let l:label = TabName(bufname(l:buflist[l:winnr - 1]), 0) let l:modified = TabModified(l:buflist) " Choose highlighting. if l:i == tabpagenr() let l:s .= "%#TabLineSel#[" . l:n . l:modified . " " . l:label . "]" else let l:s .= "%#TabLine# " . l:n . l:modified . " " . l:label . " " endif endwhile " Padding. let l:s .= "%#TabLine#%T" return l:s endfun " Per tab label for the GUI. fun! Show_GUITabLine() let l:buflist = tabpagebuflist(v:lnum) let l:winnr = tabpagewinnr(v:lnum) let l:s = tabpagewinnr(v:lnum, "$") let l:label = TabName(bufname(l:buflist[l:winnr - 1]), 1) let l:modified = TabModified(l:buflist) let l:s .= l:modified . " " . l:label return l:s endfun se tabline=%!Show_TabLine() se guitablabel=%!Show_GUITabLine() au CursorHoldI * call Highlight_StatusLine("H") au CursorMovedI * call Highlight_StatusLine("h") au FocusGained * call Highlight_StatusLine("F") au FocusLost * call Highlight_StatusLine("f") au InsertEnter * call Highlight_StatusLine("I") au InsertLeave * call Highlight_StatusLine("i") " Limit the size of the popup menu when completing. se pumheight=20 " Make diffs vertical by default. se diffopt+=vertical " Set size of numbers column. se numberwidth=5 " Add "previous tab" mapping as gb. map gb :tabprevious: " Transparency. if has("gui_macvim") se transparency=15 endif " Yet more GUI options. Add tabs. se go+=e " Perforce. let g:p4EnableMenu=1 let g:p4Presets='P4CONFIG' endif