" perforcebugrep.vim: Generate perforcebugrep.txt for perforce plugin. " Author: Hari Krishna (hari_vim at yahoo dot com) " Last Change: 29-Aug-2006 @ 17:57 " Created: 07-Nov-2003 " Requires: Vim-7.0, perforce.vim(4.0) " Version: 2.1.0 " Licence: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or " modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. " See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt if !exists("loaded_perforce") runtime plugin/perforce.vim endif if !exists("loaded_perforce") || loaded_perforce < 400 echomsg "perforcebugrep: You need a newer version of perforce.vim plugin" finish endif " Make sure line-continuations won't cause any problem. This will be restored " at the end let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Based on $VIM/bugreport.vim let _more = &more try PFInitialize " Make sure it is autoloaded. set nomore call delete('perforcebugrep.txt') if has("unix") !echo "uname -a" >perforcebugrep.txt !uname -a >>perforcebugrep.txt endif redir >>perforcebugrep.txt version echo "Perforce plugin version: " . loaded_perforce echo "Genutils plugin version: " . loaded_genutils echo "--- Perforce Plugin Settings ---" for nextSetting in perforce#PFGet('s:settings') let value = perforce#PFCall('s:_', nextSetting) echo nextSetting.': '.value endfor echo "s:p4Contexts: " . string(perforce#PFCall('s:_', 'Contexts')) echo "g:p4CurDirExpr: " . perforce#PFCall('s:_', 'CurDirExpr') echo "g:p4CurPresetExpr: " . perforce#PFCall('s:_', 'CurPresetExpr') echo "s:p4Client: " . perforce#PFCall('s:_', 'Client') echo "s:p4User: " . perforce#PFCall('s:_', 'User') echo "s:p4Port: " . perforce#PFCall('s:_', 'Port') echo "--- Current Buffer ---" echo "Current buffer: " . expand('%') echo "Current directory: " . getcwd() let tempDir = perforce#PFCall('s:_', 'TempDir') if isdirectory(tempDir) echo 'temp directory "' . tempDir . '" exists' else echo 'temp directory "' . tempDir . '" does NOT exist' endif if exists('b:p4OrgFileName') echo 'b:p4OrgFileName: ' . b:p4OrgFileName endif if exists('b:p4Command') echo 'b:p4Command: ' . b:p4Command endif if exists('b:p4Options') echo 'b:p4Options: ' . b:p4Options endif if exists('b:p4FullCmd') echo 'b:p4FullCmd: '. b:p4FullCmd endif if exists('g:p4FullCmd') echo 'g:p4FullCmd: '. g:p4FullCmd endif setlocal echo "--- p4 info ---" let info = perforce#PFCall('perforce#PFIF', '1', '4', 'info') " The above resets redir. redir >>perforcebugrep.txt echo info set all finally redir END let &more = _more sp perforcebugrep.txt endtry " Restore cpo. let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim6:fdm=marker et sw=2