#include "nssm.h" #include extern imports_t imports; /* Open Policy object. */ int open_lsa_policy(LSA_HANDLE *policy) { LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attributes; ZeroMemory(&attributes, sizeof(attributes)); NTSTATUS status = LsaOpenPolicy(0, &attributes, POLICY_ALL_ACCESS, policy); if (status) { print_message(stderr, NSSM_MESSAGE_LSAOPENPOLICY_FAILED, error_string(LsaNtStatusToWinError(status))); return 1; } return 0; } /* Look up SID for an account. */ int username_sid(const TCHAR *username, SID **sid, LSA_HANDLE *policy) { LSA_HANDLE handle; if (! policy) { policy = &handle; if (open_lsa_policy(policy)) return 1; } LSA_UNICODE_STRING lsa_username; #ifdef UNICODE lsa_username.Buffer = (wchar_t *) username; lsa_username.Length = (unsigned short) _tcslen(username) * sizeof(TCHAR); lsa_username.MaximumLength = lsa_username.Length + sizeof(TCHAR); #else size_t buflen; mbstowcs_s(&buflen, NULL, 0, username, _TRUNCATE); lsa_username.MaximumLength = (unsigned short) buflen * sizeof(wchar_t); lsa_username.Length = lsa_username.MaximumLength - sizeof(wchar_t); lsa_username.Buffer = (wchar_t *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lsa_username.MaximumLength); if (lsa_username.Buffer) mbstowcs_s(&buflen, lsa_username.Buffer, lsa_username.MaximumLength, username, _TRUNCATE); else { if (policy == &handle) LsaClose(handle); print_message(stderr, NSSM_MESSAGE_OUT_OF_MEMORY, _T("LSA_UNICODE_STRING"), _T("username_sid()")); return 2; } #endif LSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST *translated_domains; LSA_TRANSLATED_SID *translated_sid; NTSTATUS status = LsaLookupNames(*policy, 1, &lsa_username, &translated_domains, &translated_sid); #ifndef UNICODE HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lsa_username.Buffer); #endif if (policy == &handle) LsaClose(handle); if (status) { LsaFreeMemory(translated_domains); LsaFreeMemory(translated_sid); print_message(stderr, NSSM_MESSAGE_LSALOOKUPNAMES_FAILED, username, error_string(LsaNtStatusToWinError(status))); return 3; } if (translated_sid->Use != SidTypeUser && translated_sid->Use != SidTypeWellKnownGroup) { LsaFreeMemory(translated_domains); LsaFreeMemory(translated_sid); print_message(stderr, NSSM_GUI_INVALID_USERNAME, username); return 4; } LSA_TRUST_INFORMATION *trust = &translated_domains->Domains[translated_sid->DomainIndex]; if (! trust || ! IsValidSid(trust->Sid)) { LsaFreeMemory(translated_domains); LsaFreeMemory(translated_sid); print_message(stderr, NSSM_GUI_INVALID_USERNAME, username); return 5; } /* GetSidSubAuthority*() return pointers! */ unsigned char *n = GetSidSubAuthorityCount(trust->Sid); /* Convert translated SID to SID. */ *sid = (SID *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, GetSidLengthRequired(*n + 1)); if (! *sid) { LsaFreeMemory(translated_domains); LsaFreeMemory(translated_sid); print_message(stderr, NSSM_MESSAGE_OUT_OF_MEMORY, _T("SID"), _T("grant_logon_as_service")); return 6; } unsigned long error; if (! InitializeSid(*sid, GetSidIdentifierAuthority(trust->Sid), *n + 1)) { error = GetLastError(); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *sid); LsaFreeMemory(translated_domains); LsaFreeMemory(translated_sid); print_message(stderr, NSSM_MESSAGE_INITIALIZESID_FAILED, username, error_string(error)); return 7; } for (unsigned char i = 0; i <= *n; i++) { unsigned long *sub = GetSidSubAuthority(*sid, i); if (i < *n) *sub = *GetSidSubAuthority(trust->Sid, i); else *sub = translated_sid->RelativeId; } int ret = 0; if (translated_sid->Use == SidTypeWellKnownGroup && ! well_known_sid(*sid)) { print_message(stderr, NSSM_GUI_INVALID_USERNAME, username); ret = 8; } LsaFreeMemory(translated_domains); LsaFreeMemory(translated_sid); return ret; } int username_sid(const TCHAR *username, SID **sid) { return username_sid(username, sid, 0); } /* Do two usernames map to the same SID? */ int username_equiv(const TCHAR *a, const TCHAR *b) { SID *sid_a, *sid_b; if (username_sid(a, &sid_a)) return 0; if (username_sid(b, &sid_b)) { FreeSid(sid_a); return 0; } int ret = 0; if (EqualSid(sid_a, sid_b)) ret = 1; FreeSid(sid_a); FreeSid(sid_b); return ret; } /* Does the username represent the LocalSystem account? */ int is_localsystem(const TCHAR *username) { if (str_equiv(username, NSSM_LOCALSYSTEM_ACCOUNT)) return 1; if (! imports.IsWellKnownSid) return 0; SID *sid; if (username_sid(username, &sid)) return 0; int ret = 0; if (imports.IsWellKnownSid(sid, WinLocalSystemSid)) ret = 1; FreeSid(sid); return ret; } /* Get well-known alias for LocalSystem and friends. Returns a pointer to a static string. DO NOT try to free it. */ const TCHAR *well_known_sid(SID *sid) { if (! imports.IsWellKnownSid) return 0; if (imports.IsWellKnownSid(sid, WinLocalSystemSid)) return NSSM_LOCALSYSTEM_ACCOUNT; if (imports.IsWellKnownSid(sid, WinLocalServiceSid)) return NSSM_LOCALSERVICE_ACCOUNT; if (imports.IsWellKnownSid(sid, WinNetworkServiceSid)) return NSSM_NETWORKSERVICE_ACCOUNT; return 0; } const TCHAR *well_known_username(const TCHAR *username) { if (! username) return NSSM_LOCALSYSTEM_ACCOUNT; if (str_equiv(username, NSSM_LOCALSYSTEM_ACCOUNT)) return NSSM_LOCALSYSTEM_ACCOUNT; SID *sid; int r = username_sid(username, &sid); if (username_sid(username, &sid)) return 0; const TCHAR *well_known = well_known_sid(sid); FreeSid(sid); return well_known; } int grant_logon_as_service(const TCHAR *username) { if (! username) return 0; /* Open Policy object. */ LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attributes; ZeroMemory(&attributes, sizeof(attributes)); LSA_HANDLE policy; NTSTATUS status; if (open_lsa_policy(&policy)) return 1; /* Look up SID for the account. */ SID *sid; if (username_sid(username, &sid, &policy)) { LsaClose(policy); return 2; } /* Shouldn't happen because it should have been checked before callling this function. */ if (well_known_sid(sid)) { LsaClose(policy); return 3; } /* Check if the SID has the "Log on as a service" right. */ LSA_UNICODE_STRING lsa_right; lsa_right.Buffer = NSSM_LOGON_AS_SERVICE_RIGHT; lsa_right.Length = (unsigned short) wcslen(lsa_right.Buffer) * sizeof(wchar_t); lsa_right.MaximumLength = lsa_right.Length + sizeof(wchar_t); LSA_UNICODE_STRING *rights; unsigned long count = ~0; status = LsaEnumerateAccountRights(policy, sid, &rights, &count); if (status) { /* If the account has no rights set LsaEnumerateAccountRights() will return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND and set count to 0. */ unsigned long error = LsaNtStatusToWinError(status); if (error != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { FreeSid(sid); LsaClose(policy); print_message(stderr, NSSM_MESSAGE_LSAENUMERATEACCOUNTRIGHTS_FAILED, username, error_string(error)); return 4; } } for (unsigned long i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (rights[i].Length != lsa_right.Length) continue; if (_wcsnicmp(rights[i].Buffer, lsa_right.Buffer, lsa_right.MaximumLength)) continue; /* The SID has the right. */ FreeSid(sid); LsaFreeMemory(rights); LsaClose(policy); return 0; } LsaFreeMemory(rights); /* Add the right. */ status = LsaAddAccountRights(policy, sid, &lsa_right, 1); FreeSid(sid); LsaClose(policy); if (status) { print_message(stderr, NSSM_MESSAGE_LSAADDACCOUNTRIGHTS_FAILED, error_string(LsaNtStatusToWinError(status))); return 5; } print_message(stdout, NSSM_MESSAGE_GRANTED_LOGON_AS_SERVICE, username); return 0; }