From 818d30c4f33a7609b216b4ca4b34bf82a788d5d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Iain Patterson Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 10:54:30 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Use silent mappings where possible. The Mapping() function was being called with ":" appended to every mapping so that executing the mapping would not leave the expanded command in the ruler. On Vim 6 and later the correct way to execute the mapping discreetly is to use and even on Vim 5 it is more appropriate to append the ":" within the Mapping() function. --- .vimrc | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc index 21e3877..8c8f8f9 100644 --- a/.vimrc +++ b/.vimrc @@ -427,39 +427,39 @@ endfun "}}}2 " Function to create mappings with either a hardcoded \ or . fun! Mapping(keysequence,mapping) "{{{2 if version < "600" - exec "map \\" . a:keysequence . " " . a:mapping + exec "map \\" . a:keysequence . " " . a:mapping . ":" else - exec "map " . a:keysequence . " " . a:mapping + exec "map " . a:keysequence . " " . a:mapping endif endfun "}}}2 " Use - and = to create underlines. -call Mapping("-", "yyp:s/./-/g:let @/='':") -call Mapping("=", "yyp:s/./=/g:let @/='':") +call Mapping("-", "yyp:s/./-/g:let @/=''") +call Mapping("=", "yyp:s/./=/g:let @/=''") " Set 2-column tabs with \2. -call Mapping("2", ":se ts=2:se sw=2:") +call Mapping("2", ":se ts=2:se sw=2") " Set 4-column tabs with \4. -call Mapping("4", ":se ts=4:se sw=4:") +call Mapping("4", ":se ts=4:se sw=4") " Set 8-column tabs with \8. -call Mapping("8", ":se ts=8:se sw=8:") +call Mapping("8", ":se ts=8:se sw=8") " Set 16-column tabs with \6. -call Mapping("6", ":se ts=16:se sw=16:") +call Mapping("6", ":se ts=16:se sw=16") " Set 32-column tabs with \3. -call Mapping("3", ":se ts=32:se sw=32:") +call Mapping("3", ":se ts=32:se sw=32") " Toggle paste mode with \p. -call Mapping("p", ":se paste!:") +call Mapping("p", ":se paste!") " Swap case-sensitivity with \c. -call Mapping("C", ":call Invert_Case():") +call Mapping("C", ":call Invert_Case()") " Change number mode with \n. -call Mapping("n", ":call Number(1):") +call Mapping("n", ":call Number(1)") " Expand or shrink window size with \> and \<. -call Mapping(">", ":call Resize_Columns('+'):") -call Mapping("<", ":call Resize_Columns('-'):") +call Mapping(">", ":call Resize_Columns('+')") +call Mapping("<", ":call Resize_Columns('-')") " Clear search pattern with \/. -call Mapping("/", ":let @/=\"\":") +call Mapping("/", ":let @/=\"\"") " Toggle alternate buffer name with \#. -call Mapping("#", ":call Cycle_Alt():") +call Mapping("#", ":call Cycle_Alt()") " Set graphical window title. if has("win32") || has("win64") @@ -1229,22 +1229,22 @@ fun! Extra_Whitespace_Match() "{{{2 endfun "}}}2 " Swap hex/decimal statusline with \x. -call Mapping("x", ":call Cycle_HexStatusLine():") +call Mapping("x", ":call Cycle_HexStatusLine()") " Change statusline verbosity with \v. -call Mapping("V", ":call Cycle_VerboseStatusLine():") +call Mapping("V", ":call Cycle_VerboseStatusLine()") " Cycle list styles with \l. -call Mapping("l", ":call Cycle_List():") +call Mapping("l", ":call Cycle_List()") " Toggle tags with \t. call Mapping("t", ":Tlist") " Change foldmethod with \f. -call Mapping("f", ":se foldenable!:") +call Mapping("f", ":se foldenable!") " Toggle quickfix window with \q. -call Mapping("q", ":call Cycle_Quickfix():") +call Mapping("q", ":call Cycle_Quickfix()") " Rerun filetype detection with \s. The s is for syntax, as this will be " updated as a side-effect. -call Mapping("S", ":filetype detect:") +call Mapping("S", ":filetype detect") " Toggle marks with \m. -call Mapping("m", ":call Cycle_Signs(1):") +call Mapping("m", ":call Cycle_Signs(1)") if has("autocmd") " Show signs by default. @@ -1265,9 +1265,9 @@ if version >= "700" "{{{1 version 7.0 " Narrow buffer with \w. -call Mapping("w", ":NarrowRegion:") +call Mapping("w", ":NarrowRegion") " Narrow window with \W. -call Mapping("W", ":NarrowWindow:") +call Mapping("W", ":NarrowWindow") " Helper to show tab name. fun! TabName(label, gui) "{{{2 @@ -1501,12 +1501,12 @@ if version >= "703" "{{{1 version 7.3 " Toggle persistent undo with \u. -call Mapping("u", ":call Cycle_Undo():") +call Mapping("u", ":call Cycle_Undo()") " Remove persistent undo file with \U. -call Mapping("U", ":call Clear_Undo():") +call Mapping("U", ":call Clear_Undo()") " Toggle gundo window with \g. -call Mapping("g", ":call gundo#GundoToggle():") +call Mapping("g", ":call gundo#GundoToggle()") " Use a persistent undo file if it exists. fun! Check_Undo() "{{{2 @@ -1566,11 +1566,11 @@ endfun "}}}2 if has("syntax") " Enable showing ColorColumn at cursor position with \CC. - call Mapping("CC", ":call Cycle_ColorColumn():") + call Mapping("CC", ":call Cycle_ColorColumn()") " Remove last shown ColorColumn with \Cc. - call Mapping("Cc", ":let &colorcolumn=substitute(&colorcolumn, \",*[0-9]*$\", \"\", \"\"):") + call Mapping("Cc", ":let &colorcolumn=substitute(&colorcolumn, \",*[0-9]*$\", \"\", \"\")") " Remove all ColorColumns with \Cx. - call Mapping("Cx", ":se colorcolumn=:") + call Mapping("Cx", ":se colorcolumn=") endif " Use persistent undo if available. -- 2.20.1