call Mapping("-", "yyp:s/./-/g<CR>:let @/=''<CR>")
call Mapping("=", "yyp:s/./=/g<CR>:let @/=''<CR>")
+fun! Tab_Width(width) "{{{2
+ exec "set sw=" . a:width
+ exec "set ts=" . a:width
+endfun "}}}2
" Set 2-column tabs with \2.
-call Mapping("2", ":se ts=2<CR>:se sw=2<CR>")
+call Mapping("2", ":call Tab_Width(2)<CR>")
" Set 4-column tabs with \4.
-call Mapping("4", ":se ts=4<CR>:se sw=4<CR>")
+call Mapping("4", ":call Tab_Width(4)<CR>")
" Set 8-column tabs with \8.
-call Mapping("8", ":se ts=8<CR>:se sw=8<CR>")
+call Mapping("8", ":call Tab_Width(8)<CR>")
" Set 16-column tabs with \6.
-call Mapping("6", ":se ts=16<CR>:se sw=16<CR>")
+call Mapping("6", ":call Tab_Width(16)<CR>")
" Set 32-column tabs with \3.
-call Mapping("3", ":se ts=32<CR>:se sw=32<CR>")
+call Mapping("3", ":call Tab_Width(32)<CR>")
" Toggle paste mode with \p.
call Mapping("p", ":se paste!<CR>")
" Swap case-sensitivity with \c.