export P4EDITOR=vim
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
- export P4MERGE="vim -o -c '3wincmd j' -c 'wincmd L'"
+ if [ -e "$HOME/.vim/script/p4" ]; then
+ export P4MERGE="vim -S '$HOME/.vim/script/p4'"
+ else
+ export P4MERGE="vim -o -c '3wincmd j' -c 'wincmd L'"
+ fi
export P4MERGE="p4merge"
--- /dev/null
+" Define the function we'll use. It's easier to do this than to faff about
+" trying to run a sequence of normal mode commands.
+fun! P4merge()
+ " There should be four arguments:
+ " 0. The original file (tmp.xxx).
+ " 1. Their version (tmp.yyy).
+ " 2. My version (original filename).
+ " 3. The merged version (tmp.zzz).
+ if argc() != 4
+ return
+ endif
+ let l:filename = fnameescape(fnamemodify(argv(2), ":h"))
+ " Make sure the window is big enough for diffs.
+ if &columns < 165
+ let &columns=(&columns * 2)
+ endif
+ " Mark the buffer for the original file.
+ set ro
+ set nomodifiable
+ set nobuflisted
+ set buftype=nowrite
+ set bufhidden=hide
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ exe "file \[ORIG:" . l:filename . "\]"
+ diffthis
+ 1
+ " Split the buffer for my version.
+ split +buffer\ 3
+ set ro
+ set nomodifiable
+ set nobuflisted
+ set buftype=nowrite
+ set bufhidden=hide
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ exe "file \[YOURS:" . l:filename . "\]"
+ diffthis
+ 1
+ " Split the buffer for their version and put it below.
+ split +buffer\ 2
+ wincmd J
+ set ro
+ set nomodifiable
+ set nobuflisted
+ set buftype=nowrite
+ set bufhidden=hide
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ exe "file \[THEIRS:" . l:filename . "\]"
+ diffthis
+ 1
+ " Split the buffer for the merged version and put it at the side.
+ split +buffer\ 4
+ wincmd L
+ se modifiable
+ 1
+" Expand the command line window so we don't have to press RETURN later.
+let s:cmdheight = &cmdheight
+set cmdheight=3
+" Call and then discard our function.
+call P4merge()
+delfunction P4merge
+" Restore the command window.
+exe "set cmdheight=" . s:cmdheight
+" Close the scratch buffer.
+if version >= 700
+ " Vim 7 lets us close the buffer by number. The merge is always in #4.
+ au BufWinLeave <buffer=4> qa!
+ " Prior versions can only do it by name. Fall back to a temporary file.
+ au BufWinLeave /tmp/tmp.*.* qa!