-" $Id$
+" $Id$ vim: set syntax=vim:
" Define the function we'll use. It's easier to do this than to faff about
" trying to run a sequence of normal mode commands.
fun! P4submit()
exe "set cmdheight=" . s:cmdheight
" Close the scratch buffer.
-au BufWinLeave <buffer=1> qa!
+if version >= 700
+ " Vim 7 lets us close the buffer by number. The changelist is always in #1.
+ au BufWinLeave <buffer=1> qa!
+ " Prior versions can only do it by name. Fall back to a temporary file.
+ au BufWinLeave /tmp/tmp.*.* qa!
-" $Id$
+" $Id$ vim: set syntax=vim:
" Define the function we'll use. It's easier to do this than to faff about
" trying to run a sequence of normal mode commands.
fun! SVNcommit()
exe "se cmdheight=" . s:cmdheight
" Close the scratch buffer.
-au BufWinLeave <buffer=1> qa!
+if version >= 700
+ " Vim 7 lets us close the buffer by number. The changelist is always in #1.
+ au BufWinLeave <buffer=1> qa!
+ " Prior versions can only do it by name. Fall back to a temporary file.
+ au BufWinLeave /tmp/tmp.*.* qa!