--- /dev/null
+*space.txt* Smart Space Key
+ *space.vim*
+ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____
+ / _____\ | ___ \ / ___ \ / ___/ / ___/
+ \ \____ | ___ / | \ / | | | | \__
+ \___ \ | | | V | | |___ | /___
+ /______/ \_| \_/ \_/ \____/ \____/
+ By Henrik Öhman <speeph@gmail.com>
+ Reference Manual ~
+ *space-toc*
+1. Intro |space-intro|
+2. Usage |space-usage|
+3. Hooks |space-hooks|
+4. Status line integration |space-statusline|
+5. Configuration |space-configuration|
+6. License |space-license|
+1. Intro *space-intro*
+space.vim is a plugin which remaps the *<Space>* key to act as a clever key
+to repeat motions. To disable space.vim, set the "space_loaded" global
+variable in your |vimrc| file: >
+ :let g:space_loaded = 1
+space.vim hooks into several of the more complex motion commands, such as
+|search-commands|, |jumpto-diffs|, |quickfix|, |tag-commands| and
+|location-list| and more commands. When a command that space.vim has hooked
+into is issued, it remaps the <Space> key to repeat that command, and it also
+remaps <S-Space> and <BS> to do the reverse.
+NOTE:~Due to terminal restrictions, <S-Space> may not be available. For that
+reason, the <BS> key is also used for reverse motions. Wherever this document
+talks of <S-Space>, <BS> can be used in its place.
+NOTE:~When using the gVim space.vim won't remap <BS> if any previous mappings
+to it already exists. When using Vim <BS> is always remapped.
+NOTE:~space.vim has some problems with the |'foldopen'| option. Since Vim
+won't open folds if a command is part of a mapping, space.vim tries to
+emulate this behaviour. This works well for all Normal mode mappings and for
+most Visual mode mappings. Only for searches using |/| and |?| in Visual mode
+is space.vim unable to emulate |'foldopen'|.
+NOTE:~Some |filetype| plugins map the section text objects ([[, [], ][, ]])
+and the method motions ([m, [M, ]m, ]M). space.vim is unable to hook into
+these mappings in a well defined way. There is definitely room for
+improvement here.
+2. Usage *space-usage*
+Using space.vim is intuitive. Issue a command, such as a search, and the
+<Space> key to go to the next match, and <S-Space> to go to the previous
+match. Thus, the following sequence >
+ /foo<CR>
+ n
+ N
+is equivalent to >
+ /foo<CR>
+ <Space>
+ <S-Space>
+This works with counts, and with Visual mode too >
+ /foo<CR>
+ V
+ 4<Space>
+space.vim tries to immitate Vim in its logic when specifying the direction for
+the repeated movement. For the search commands, <Space> behaves like |n|, and
+<S-Space> behaves like |N|, which means that a <Space> following a search using
+|?|, will actually find the previous match. For other commands, <Space> is
+configured to use the variant of the command that has the meaning of "next".
+Thus, <Space> is always mapped to |:lnext|, |[[|, |zj| etc, and never the
+The full power of space.vim will become apparent if you use |jumpto-diffs|,
+in particular on non-US keyboards, or |quickfix| and |location-list|
+commands. Remember all that finger stretching and keyboard dancing to quickly
+browse through a series of diffs for a fast overview of what your colleague
+managed to screw up this time? No more! >
+ ]c Jump to the next diff
+ <Space> Repeat the ]c motion
+ ... Nothing interesting, keep pressing space
+ <S-Space> Wait, there was something! Let's go back one diff
+Or why not quickly browse through all files which contain the sentence 'over
+9000' in all subdirectories? >
+ :lvimgrep /over 9000/ **/* Find all the matches and add them to the
+ location-list
+ <Space> <Space> is now mapped to :lnext
+ <S-Space> And <S-Space> is mapped to :lprevious
+Neat, huh? To get an overview of all the commands space.vim hooks into, and
+enables <Space> and <S-Space> mappings for, read on. |space-hooks|
+3. Hooks *space-hooks*
+This is a list of all the commands that space.vim hooks into and provides
+<Space> and <S-Space> navigation for.
+Character movements: |left-right-motions|
+ |f| |F| |t| |T| |;| |,|
+Search commands: |search-commands|
+ |star| |gstar| |#| |g#| |n| |N|
+Jump list jumps: |jump-motions|
+Change list jumps: |change-list-jumps|
+ |g;| |g,|
+Diff jumps: |jumpto-diffs|
+ |]c| |[c|
+Parenthesis and bracket jumps: |various-motions|
+ |])| |[(| |]}| |[{|
+Method jumps: |various-motions|
+ |]m| |[m| |]M| |[M|
+Section jumps: |object-motions|
+ |]]| |[]| |][| |[[|
+Fold movements:
+ |zj| |zk| |]z| |[z|
+Tag movements: |tag-commands|
+ |CTRL-]|
+ |:tag|
+ |:tnext|
+ |:tprevious|
+ |:tNext|
+ |:trewind|
+ |:tfirst|
+ |:tlast|
+Undolist movements: |undo-branches|
+ |g-||g+|
+Quickfix commands: |quickfix|
+ |:make|
+ |:vimgrep|
+ |:grep|
+ |:cc|
+ |:cnext|
+ |:cprevious|
+ |:cNext|
+ |:cfirst|
+ |:clast|
+ |:crewind|
+ |:cfile|
+ |:cnfile|
+ |:cpfile|
+ |:cNfile|
+Location list commands: |location-list|
+ |:lmake|
+ |:lvimgrep|
+ |:lgrep|
+ |:ll|
+ |:lcnext|
+ |:lcprevious|
+ |:lcNext|
+ |:lcfirst|
+ |:lclast|
+ |:lcrewind|
+ |:lcfile|
+ |:lcnfile|
+ |:lcpfile|
+ |:lcNfile|
+4. Status line integration *space-statusline*
+It is possible to display the current command assigned to <Space> in the
+status line using the GetSpaceMovement() function. Here's an example: >
+ function! SlSpace()
+ if exists("*GetSpaceMovement")
+ return "[" . GetSpaceMovement() . "]"
+ else
+ return ""
+ endif
+ endfunc
+ set statusline+=%{SlSpace()}
+5. Configuration *space-configuration*
+It is possible to avoid using the <Space> key for groups of navigation
+commands using global variables. For instance, you may wish to use <Space> to
+repeat the last command only for diff jumps and quickfix and location list
+commands. Here's a list of commands that disable the use of the <Space> key
+Disable <Space> for character movements >
+ let g:space_no_character_movements = 1
+Disable <Space> for search commands >
+ let g:space_no_search = 1
+Disable <Space> for jump commands >
+ let g:space_no_jump = 1
+Disable <Space> for diff jumps >
+ let g:space_no_diff = 1
+Disable <Space> for parenthesis and bracket jumps >
+ let g:space_no_brace = 1
+Disable <Space> for method jumps >
+ let g:space_no_method = 1
+Disable <Space> for section jumps >
+ let g:space_no_section = 1
+Disable <Space> for fold movements >
+ let g:space_no_folds = 1
+Disable <Space> for tag movements >
+ let g:space_no_tags = 1
+Disable <Space> for quickfix and location list commands >
+ let g:space_no_quickfix = 1
+Disable <Space> for undolist movements >
+ let g:space_no_undolist = 1
+Furthermore it is possible to disable the hooks and mappings set by space.vim
+to affect the select mode (these can cause problems with some snippets plugins
+like snipmate.vim) >
+ let g:space_disable_select_mode = 1
+6. License *space-license*
+space.vim is licensed under the same terms as Vim itself.
--- /dev/null
+" space.vim - Smart Space key
+" Author: Henrik Öhman <speeph@gmail.com>
+" URL: http://github.com/spiiph/vim-space/tree/master
+" Version: 1.8
+" ReleaseDate: 2011 jun 09
+" Licensed under the same terms as Vim itself.
+" NOTE: Using this script has some problems with 'foldopen', since vim won't
+" open folds if a command is part of a mapping. This is possible to
+" emulate in Normal mode, and in most cases in Visual mode. Only for
+" searches using '/' and '?' have I been unsuccessful in finding a
+" solution.
+" ============================================================================
+if version < 702
+ finish
+" Set this variable to disable space.vim
+" let g:space_loaded = 1
+" Set this variable to disable select mode mappings
+" let g:space_disable_select_mode = 1
+" These variables disables the usage of <Space> for groups of different
+" movement commands
+" Disable <Space> for character movements, e.g. fFtT;,
+" let g:space_no_character_movements = 1
+" Disable <Space> for searches, e.g. /?#*nN
+" let g:space_no_search = 1
+" Disable <Space> for jump commands, e.g. Ctrl-O, Ctrl-I, g, and g;
+" let g:space_no_jump = 1
+" Disable <Space> for diff commands, e.g. [c and ]c
+" let g:space_no_diff = 1
+" Disable <Space> for brace movement commands, e.g. [(, ]), [{ and ]}
+" let g:space_no_brace = 1
+" Disable <Space> for method movement commands, e.g. [m, ]m, [M and ]M
+" let g:space_no_method = 1
+" Disable <Space> for section movement commands, e.g. [[, ]], [] and ][
+" let g:space_no_section = 1
+" Disable <Space> for fold movement commands, e.g. [z, ]z, zj and zk
+" let g:space_no_folds = 1
+" Disable <Space> for tag movement commands, e.g. Ctrl-], :tag, etc.
+" let g:space_no_tags = 1
+" Disable <Space> for quickfix and location list commands, e.g. :cc, :ll, etc.
+" let g:space_no_quickfix = 1
+" Disable <Space> for undolist movements, e.g. g- and g+
+" let g:space_no_undolist = 1
+" It is possible to display the current command assigned to <Space> in the
+" status line using the GetSpaceMovement() function. Here's an example:
+" function! SlSpace()
+" if exists("*GetSpaceMovement")
+" return "[" . GetSpaceMovement() . "]"
+" else
+" return ""
+" endif
+" endfunc
+" set statusline+=%{SlSpace()}
+" TODO: Make the mapping assignments more dynamical, and allow user defined
+" commands?
+if exists("g:space_debug")
+ let g:space_no_character_movements = 0
+ let g:space_no_search = 0
+ let g:space_no_jump = 0
+ let g:space_no_diff = 0
+ let g:space_no_brace = 0
+ let g:space_no_method = 0
+ let g:space_no_section = 0
+ let g:space_no_folds = 0
+ let g:space_no_quickfix = 0
+ let g:space_no_undolist = 0
+ let g:space_no_tags = 0
+ echomsg "Running space.vim in debug mode."
+elseif exists("g:space_loaded")
+ finish
+let g:space_loaded = 1
+" Mapping of <Space>/<S-Space> and possibly <BS>
+noremap <expr> <silent> <Space> <SID>do_space(0, "<Space>")
+noremap <expr> <silent> <S-Space> <SID>do_space(1, "<S-Space>")
+if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap <Space>
+ silent! sunmap <S-Space>
+ silent! sunmap <BS>
+if mapcheck("<BS>") == "" || !has("gui_running")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> <BS> <SID>do_space(1, "<BS>")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap <BS>
+ endif
+" character movement commands
+if !exists("g:space_no_character_movements") || !g:space_no_character_movements
+ noremap <expr> <silent> f <SID>setup_space("char", "f")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> F <SID>setup_space("char", "F")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> t <SID>setup_space("char", "t")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> T <SID>setup_space("char", "T")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> ; <SID>setup_space("char", ";")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> , <SID>setup_space("char", ",")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap f
+ silent! sunmap F
+ silent! sunmap t
+ silent! sunmap T
+ silent! sunmap ;
+ silent! sunmap ,
+ endif
+" search commands
+if !exists("g:space_no_search") || !g:space_no_search
+ " do not override visual mappings for * and #
+ " because these are often used for visual search functions
+ if maparg('*', 'v') != ''
+ nnoremap <expr> <silent> * <SID>setup_space("search", "*")
+ onoremap <expr> <silent> * <SID>setup_space("search", "*")
+ nnoremap <expr> <silent> <kMultiply> <SID>setup_space("search", "*")
+ onoremap <expr> <silent> <kMultiply> <SID>setup_space("search", "*")
+ else
+ noremap <expr> <silent> * <SID>setup_space("search", "*")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> <kMultiply> <SID>setup_space("search", "*")
+ endif
+ if maparg('#', 'v') != ''
+ nnoremap <expr> <silent> # <SID>setup_space("search", "#")
+ onoremap <expr> <silent> # <SID>setup_space("search", "#")
+ else
+ noremap <expr> <silent> # <SID>setup_space("search", "#")
+ endif
+ noremap <expr> <silent> g* <SID>setup_space("search", "g*")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> g# <SID>setup_space("search", "g#")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> n <SID>setup_space("search", "n")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> N <SID>setup_space("search", "N")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap *
+ silent! sunmap #
+ silent! sunmap <kMultiply>
+ silent! sunmap g*
+ silent! sunmap g#
+ silent! sunmap n
+ silent! sunmap N
+ endif
+ let s:search_mappings = 1
+ let s:search_mappings = 0
+" jump commands
+" NOTE: Jumps are not motions. They can't be used in Visual mode.
+if !exists("g:space_no_jump") || !g:space_no_jump
+ nnoremap <expr> <silent> g, <SID>setup_space("cjump", "g,")
+ nnoremap <expr> <silent> g; <SID>setup_space("cjump", "g;")
+ nnoremap <expr> <silent> <C-O> <SID>setup_space("jump", "\<C-o>")
+ nnoremap <expr> <silent> <C-I> <SID>setup_space("jump", "\<C-i>")
+" diff next/prev
+if !exists("g:space_no_diff") || !g:space_no_diff
+ noremap <expr> <silent> ]c <SID>setup_space("diff", "]c")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> [c <SID>setup_space("diff", "[c")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap ]c
+ silent! sunmap [c
+ endif
+" previous/next unmatched ( or [
+if !exists("g:space_no_brace") || !g:space_no_brace
+ noremap <expr> <silent> ]) <SID>setup_space("paren", "])")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> [( <SID>setup_space("paren", "[(")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> ]} <SID>setup_space("curly", "]}")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> [{ <SID>setup_space("curly", "[{")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap ])
+ silent! sunmap [(
+ silent! sunmap ]}
+ silent! sunmap [{
+ endif
+" start/end of a method
+if !exists("g:space_no_method") || !g:space_no_method
+ noremap <expr> <silent> ]m <SID>setup_space("method_start", "]m")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> [m <SID>setup_space("method_start", "[m")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> ]M <SID>setup_space("method_end", "]M")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> [M <SID>setup_space("method_end", "[M")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap ]m
+ silent! sunmap [m
+ silent! sunmap ]M
+ silent! sunmap [M
+ endif
+" previous/next section or '}'/'{' in the first column
+if !exists("g:space_no_section") || !g:space_no_section
+ noremap <expr> <silent> ]] <SID>setup_space("section_start", "]]")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> [[ <SID>setup_space("section_start", "[[")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> ][ <SID>setup_space("section_end", "][")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> [] <SID>setup_space("section_end", "[]")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap ]]
+ silent! sunmap [[
+ silent! sunmap ][
+ silent! sunmap []
+ endif
+" previous/next fold
+if !exists("g:space_no_folds") || !g:space_no_folds
+ noremap <expr> <silent> zj <SID>setup_space("fold_next", "zj")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> zk <SID>setup_space("fold_next", "zk")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> ]z <SID>setup_space("fold_start", "]z")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> [z <SID>setup_space("fold_start", "[z")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap zj
+ silent! sunmap zk
+ silent! sunmap ]z
+ silent! sunmap [z
+ endif
+" tag movement
+if !exists("g:space_no_tags") || !g:space_no_tags
+ noremap <expr> <silent> <C-]> <SID>setup_space("tag", "\<C-]>")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap <C-]>
+ endif
+ let s:tag_mappings = 1
+ let s:tag_mappings = 0
+" undolist movement
+if !exists("g:space_no_undolist") || !g:space_no_undolist
+ noremap <expr> <silent> g- <SID>setup_space("undo", "g-")
+ noremap <expr> <silent> g+ <SID>setup_space("undo", "g+")
+ if exists("g:space_disable_select_mode")
+ silent! sunmap g-
+ silent! sunmap g+
+ endif
+" quickfix and location list commands
+if !exists("g:space_no_quickfix") || !g:space_no_quickfix
+ cnoremap <expr> <CR> <SID>parse_cmd_line()
+ let s:quickfix_mappings = 1
+ let s:quickfix_mappings = 0
+" TODO: Have all mappings add the remapped sequence to a list, and use that
+" list to remove mappings.
+command! SpaceRemoveMappings call <SID>remove_space_mappings()
+function! s:remove_space_mappings()
+ silent! unmap <Space>
+ silent! unmap <S-Space>
+ silent! unmap <BS>
+ silent! unmap f
+ silent! unmap F
+ silent! unmap t
+ silent! unmap T
+ silent! unmap ;
+ silent! unmap ,
+ silent! unmap *
+ silent! unmap #
+ silent! unmap g*
+ silent! unmap g#
+ silent! unmap n
+ silent! unmap N
+ silent! nunmap g,
+ silent! nunmap g;
+ silent! nunmap <C-o>
+ silent! nunmap <C-i>
+ silent! unmap ]c
+ silent! unmap [c
+ silent! unmap [(
+ silent! unmap ])
+ silent! unmap [{
+ silent! unmap ]}
+ silent! unmap ]]
+ silent! unmap [[
+ silent! unmap ][
+ silent! unmap []
+ silent! unmap ]m
+ silent! unmap [m
+ silent! unmap ]M
+ silent! unmap [M
+ silent! unmap zj
+ silent! unmap zk
+ silent! unmap ]z
+ silent! unmap [z
+ silent! unmap <C-]>
+ silent! unmap g-
+ silent! unmap g+
+ silent! cunmap <CR>
+ silent! unlet g:space_loaded
+" TODO: Check if the '\>!\=' part of the pattern fails when 'iskeyword'
+" contains '!'
+" NOTE: Since Vim allows commands like ":'k,'lvim /foo/ *", it's a little
+" tedious to write a perfect regexp.
+let s:pre_re = '^\%(' .
+ \ '\%(noa\%[utocmd]\s\+\)\=' .
+ \ '\%(' .
+ \ '\%(' .
+ \ '\%(\d\+\)\|' .
+ \ '\%(''[0-9a-zA-Z><.]\)\|' .
+ \ '\%(\\[/?&]\)\|' .
+ \ '[%$.]' .
+ \ '\)' .
+ \ '\%([-+]\d*\)\=' .
+ \ '\)\=' .
+ \ ',\=' .
+ \ '\%(' .
+ \ '\%(' .
+ \ '\%(\d\+\)\|' .
+ \ '\%(''[0-9a-zA-Z><.]\)\|' .
+ \ '\%(\\[/?&]\)\|' .
+ \ '[%$.]' .
+ \ '\)' .
+ \ '\%([-+]\d*\)\=' .
+ \ '\)\=' .
+ \ '\)\='
+let s:qf_re = '\%(' .
+ \ 'mak\%[e]\|' .
+ \ 'v\%[imgrep]\|' .
+ \ 'gr\%[ep]\|' .
+ \ 'c\%(' .
+ \ 'c\|' .
+ \ 'p\%[revious]\|' .
+ \ '[nN]\%[ext]\|' .
+ \ '\(fir\|la\)\%[st]\|' .
+ \ 'r\%[ewind]\|' .
+ \ '\(f\|nf\|Nf\|pf\)\%[ile]' .
+ \ '\)' .
+ \ '\)\>!\='
+let s:lf_re = 'l\%(' .
+ \ 'mak\%[e]\|' .
+ \ 'v\%[imgrep]\|' .
+ \ 'gr\%[ep]\|' .
+ \ 'l\|' .
+ \ 'p\%[revious]\|' .
+ \ 'ne\%[xt]\|N\%[ext]\|' .
+ \ '\(fir\|la\)\%[st]\|' .
+ \ 'r\%[ewind]\|' .
+ \ '\(f\|nf\|Nf\|pf\)\%[ile]' .
+ \ '\)\>!\='
+let s:ta_re = 't\%(' .
+ \ 'a\%[g]\|' .
+ \ 'n\%[ext]\|' .
+ \ 'p\%[revious]\|' .
+ \ 'N\%[ext]\|' .
+ \ 'r\%[ewind]\|' .
+ \ 'f\%[irst]\|' .
+ \ 'l\%[ast]\|' .
+ \ '\)\>!\='
+function! s:parse_cmd_line()
+ let cmd = getcmdline()
+ let type = getcmdtype()
+ if s:search_mappings && (type == '/' || type == '?')
+ return <SID>setup_space("search", cmd)
+ elseif type == ':'
+ if s:quickfix_mappings
+ if cmd =~ s:pre_re . s:lf_re
+ return <SID>setup_space("lf", cmd)
+ elseif cmd =~ s:pre_re . s:qf_re
+ return <SID>setup_space("qf", cmd)
+ endif
+ endif
+ if s:tag_mappings && cmd =~ s:pre_re . s:ta_re
+ return <SID>setup_space("tag", cmd)
+ endif
+ end
+ return "\<CR>"
+function! s:setup_space(type, command)
+ let cmd = a:command
+ let s:cmd_type = "undefined"
+ if a:type == "char"
+ let s:space_move = ";"
+ let s:shift_space_move = ","
+ let s:cmd_type = "hor"
+ if cmd =~ "[;,]$"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ endif
+ elseif a:type == "diff"
+ let s:space_move = "]c"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "[c"
+ elseif a:type == "method_start"
+ let s:space_move = "]m"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "[m"
+ let s:cmd_type = "block"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "method_end"
+ let s:space_move = "]M"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "[M"
+ let s:cmd_type = "block"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "section_start"
+ let s:space_move = "]]"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "[["
+ let s:cmd_type = "block"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "section_end"
+ let s:space_move = "]["
+ let s:shift_space_move = "[]"
+ let s:cmd_type = "block"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "paren"
+ let s:space_move = "])"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "[("
+ let s:cmd_type = "block"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "curly"
+ let s:space_move = "]}"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "[{"
+ let s:cmd_type = "block"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "fold_next"
+ let s:space_move = "zj"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "zk"
+ elseif a:type == "fold_start"
+ let s:space_move = "]z"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "[z"
+ elseif a:type == "search"
+ let s:space_move = "n"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "N"
+ let s:cmd_type = "search"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "cjump"
+ let s:space_move = "g,"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "g;"
+ let s:cmd_type = "jump"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "jump"
+ let s:space_move = "\<C-i>"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "\<C-o>"
+ let s:cmd_type = "jump"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "tag"
+ let s:space_move = "tn"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "tp"
+ let s:cmd_type = "tag"
+ if getcmdtype() == ':'
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ endif
+ elseif a:type == "qf"
+ let s:space_move = "cn"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "cN"
+ let s:cmd_type = "quickfix"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "lf"
+ let s:space_move = "lne"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "lN"
+ let s:cmd_type = "quickfix"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ elseif a:type == "undo"
+ let s:space_move = "g-"
+ let s:shift_space_move = "g+"
+ let s:cmd_type = "undo"
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ endif
+ call <SID>debug_msg("setup_space(type = " . a:type .
+ \ ", command = " . cmd . ")")
+ return cmd
+function! s:do_space(shift, default)
+ " <Space>
+ if a:shift == 0
+ if exists("s:space_move")
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(s:space_move)
+ call <SID>debug_msg("do_space(cmd = " . cmd . ")")
+ else
+ let cmd = a:default
+ endif
+ " <S-Space> and <BS>
+ else
+ if exists("s:shift_space_move")
+ let cmd = <SID>maybe_open_fold(s:shift_space_move)
+ call <SID>debug_msg("do_space(cmd = " . cmd . ")")
+ else
+ let cmd = a:default
+ endif
+ endif
+ return cmd
+function! s:maybe_open_fold(cmd)
+ if !exists("g:space_no_foldopen") && &foldopen =~ s:cmd_type && v:operator != "c"
+ " special treatment of :ex commands
+ if s:cmd_type == "quickfix" || s:cmd_type == "tag"
+ if getcmdtype() == ':'
+ return "\<CR>"
+ else
+ return ":\<C-u>" . (v:count ? v:count : "") . a:cmd . "\<CR>zv"
+ endif
+ " special treatment of /foo and ?foo commands
+ elseif s:cmd_type == "search" && getcmdtype() =~ "[/?]"
+ return "\<CR>zv"
+ else
+ if mode() =~ "[vV\16]"
+ " NOTE: That this works is probably a bug in vim. Let's hope
+ " it stays that way. ;)
+ return ":\<C-u>normal! gv" . (v:count ? v:count : "")
+ \ . a:cmd . "zv\<CR>"
+ "return a:cmd . "zv"
+ else
+ return a:cmd . "zv"
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if s:cmd_type == "quickfix" || s:cmd_type == "tag"
+ if getcmdtype() == ':'
+ return "\<CR>"
+ else
+ return ":\<C-u>" . (v:count ? v:count : "") . a:cmd . "\<CR>"
+ endif
+ elseif s:cmd_type == "search" && getcmdtype() =~ "[/?]"
+ return "\<CR>"
+ else
+ return a:cmd
+ endif
+ endif
+function! s:debug_msg(string)
+ if exists("g:space_debug")
+ echomsg a:string
+ endif
+function! GetSpaceMovement()
+ if exists("s:space_move")
+ return s:space_move == "\<C-i>" ? "^I" : s:space_move
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+" vim: et sts=4 sw=4