-:if ! &ro
- /^# A Perforce Change Spec/,/^$/d
+" Define the function we'll use. It's easier to do this than to faff about
+" trying to run a sequence of normal mode commands.
+fun! P4submit()
+ " There's no point doing this if the spec is readonly. That probably means
+ " it's a submitted change.
+ if ! &ro
+ " Clear the unnamed register.
+ let @" = ""
+ try
+ " Delete the spec blurb if it exists.
+ /^# A Perforce Change Spec/,/^$/d
+ " If the blurb was deleted the text will be in the unnamed register.
+ if @" != ""
+ " Allow closing an unmodified spec.
+ set nomod
- :set nomod
+ " Create a new window, move it below the spec and read in a diff.
+ botright new
+ r!p4 diff
+ setf diff
- :wincmd n
- :wincmd J
- :r!p4 diff
- :1
- :delete
+ " Delete the blank line left above the diff.
+ 1
+ delete
+ set nobuflisted
+ set buftype=nofile
+ set bufhidden=hide
+ setlocal noswapfile
- :setf diff
- :set nomod
+ " Switch back to the top window and put the cursor by the description.
+ wincmd k
+ resize 10
+ exe "normal G"
+ ?<enter description here>
+ let @/ = ""
+ endif
+ catch
+ " We get here if no blurb was deleted. This is the case if we aren't
+ " editing a change.
+ endtry
+ endif
- :wincmd k
- /<enter description here>
- :let @/ = ""
+" Expand the command line window so we don't have to press RETURN later.
+let s:cmdheight = &cmdheight
+set cmdheight=2
+" Call and then discard our function.
+call P4submit()
+delfunction P4submit
+" Don't expand tabs in the spec.
+set noexpandtab
+" Restore the command window.
+exe "set cmdheight=" . s:cmdheight
+" Close the scratch buffer.
+au BufWinLeave <buffer=1> qa!