return &ts
-" Swap hex/decimal statusline with ,x
-map ,x :call Cycle_StatusLine()<CR>:<CR>
-" Swap case-sensitivity with ,c.
-map ,c :call Invert_Case()<CR>:<CR>
-" Cycle list styles with ,l.
-map ,l :call Cycle_List()<CR>:<CR>
-" Change to ts=2 with ,2.
-map ,2 :se ts=2<CR>:<CR>
-" Change to ts=4 with ,4.
-map ,4 :se ts=4<CR>:<CR>
-" Change to ts=8 with ,8.
-map ,8 :se ts=8<CR>:<CR>
+" Clear Q as we will use it for commands.
+map Q <Nop>
+" Swap hex/decimal statusline with Qx
+map Qx :call Cycle_StatusLine()<CR>:<CR>
+" Swap case-sensitivity with Qc.
+map Qc :call Invert_Case()<CR>:<CR>
+" Cycle list styles with Ql.
+map Ql :call Cycle_List()<CR>:<CR>
+" Change to ts=2 with Q2.
+map Q2 :se ts=2<CR>:<CR>
+" Change to ts=4 with Q4.
+map Q4 :se ts=4<CR>:<CR>
+" Change to ts=8 with Q8.
+map Q8 :se ts=8<CR>:<CR>
call Cycle_StatusLine()