--- /dev/null
+" Name Of File: compview.vim
+" Description: Vim plugin to search for a word and display a window with
+" matches.
+" Author: Juan Frias (juandfrias at gmail.com)
+" Last Change: 2007 Nov 10
+" Version: 1.01
+" Copyright: Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
+" with or without modifications, provided that this header
+" is included with it.
+" This script is to be distributed freely in the hope that it
+" will be useful, but is provided 'as is' and without warranties
+" as to performance of merchantability or any other warranties
+" whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware
+" and software environments into which this script may be put,
+" no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered.
+" The author does not retain any liability on any damage caused
+" through the use of this script.
+" Install: 1. Read the section titled 'Options'
+" 2. Setup any variables need in your vimrc file
+" 3. Copy 'compview.vim' to your plugin directory.
+" Mapped Keys: <Leader>v Begin a search.
+" Usage: Start the script with the mapped key you'll be presented
+" with a prompt with the word under the cursor, press enter
+" to accept the word or type '\c' without the quotes to do a
+" case insensitive word or type in new word/expression to
+" search instead of current word.
+" Once the search is complete a new window appears with the
+" matches found moving around the window will also update the
+" position of the current document.
+" The following keys are mapped to the results window:
+" q - Quit, and restore original cursor position.
+" e - Exit, and keep results window open note that
+" movements on the result window will no longer be
+" updated.
+" <cr> - Quit and place the cursor on the selected line.
+" Please send me any bugs you find, so I can keep the script up to date.
+" History: {{{1
+" 1.01 Added open window position option cvWindowPosition.
+" Thanks to Bernhard Walle
+" 1.00 Initial version.
+" User Options: {{{1
+" <Leader>v
+" This is the default key map to start a search. Search for 'key' to
+" overwrite this key.
+" g:cvWindowPosition
+" This is specifies the position of the window to be opened. By
+" default it will open at on top. To overwrite use:
+" let g:cvWindowPosition = 1
+" in your vimrc file, options are as follows:
+" 0 = Open on top
+" 1 = Open on the bottom
+" Global variables: {{{1
+" Load script once
+if exists("loaded_compview") || &cp
+ finish
+let loaded_compview = 1
+" Set where the window opens
+if !exists('g:cvWindowPosition')
+" 0 = Open at top
+ let g:cvWindowPosition = 0
+" Function: Search file {{{1
+function! s:SearchFile(word)
+ " Add the name of the file to the top.
+ let @z = "File:".expand("%:p")."\n"
+ " Search at the beginning and keep adding them to the register
+ normal gg
+ while search(a:word, "W") > 0
+ if foldlevel(line(".")) != 0
+ normal 99zo
+ endif
+ normal 0
+ let @z = @z.line('.').':'
+ normal "Zy$
+ let @z = @z."\n"
+ normal $
+ endwhile
+ " Open results window and place items there.
+ if g:cvWindowPosition == 0
+ sp -SearchResults-
+ else
+ botright sp -SearchResults-
+ endif
+ set modifiable
+ normal "zPGddgg
+ " Resize line if too big.
+ let l:hits = line("$")
+ if l:hits < winheight(0)
+ sil! exe "resize ".l:hits
+ endif
+ " Clean up.
+ let @z = ""
+ set nomodified
+" Function: Get line number {{{1
+function! s:LineNumber()
+ let l:text = getline(".")
+ if strpart(l:text, 0, 5) == "File:"
+ return 0
+ endif
+ return strpart(l:text, 0, stridx(l:text, ":"))
+" Function: Update document position {{{1
+function! s:UpdateDoc()
+ let l:line_hit = <sid>LineNumber()
+ match
+ exe 'match Search /\%'.line(".").'l.*/'
+ if line(".") < (line("$") - (winheight(0) / 2)) + 1
+ normal zz
+ endif
+ execute bufwinnr(g:compview_buffer_name)." wincmd w"
+ match
+ if l:line_hit == 0
+ normal 1G
+ else
+ exe "normal ".l:line_hit."Gzz"
+ exe 'match Search /\%'.line(".").'l.*/'
+ endif
+ execute bufwinnr('-SearchResults-')." wincmd w"
+ redraw
+" Function: Clean up on exit {{{1
+function! s:Exit(key)
+ call <sid>UpdateDoc()
+ if a:key == -1
+ nunmap <buffer> e
+ nunmap <buffer> q
+ nunmap <buffer> <cr>
+ execute bufwinnr(g:compview_buffer_name)." wincmd w"
+ else
+ bd!
+ endif
+ if a:key == 0
+ exe "normal ".g:compview_original_line."G"
+ endif
+ match
+ normal zz
+ au! CursorHold
+ execute "set updatetime=".g:compview_old_updatetime
+ unlet g:compview_original_line
+ unlet g:compview_current_line
+ unlet g:compview_old_updatetime
+ unlet g:compview_buffer_name
+" Function: Check for screen update {{{1
+function! s:CheckForUpdate()
+ if expand("%:t") != "-SearchResults-"
+ return
+ endif
+ if g:compview_current_line != line(".")
+ call <sid>UpdateDoc()
+ let g:compview_current_line = line(".")
+ endif
+" Function: Start the search. {{{1
+function! s:CSearch()
+ let l:current_word = expand("<cword>")
+ let g:compview_buffer_name = expand("%")
+ let g:compview_original_line = line(".")
+ " Get the word {{{
+ " ----------------
+ " If the word is too big then blank it out
+ if strlen(l:current_word) > 30
+ let l:current_word = ""
+ endif
+ " Ask to verify the word
+ echohl Search
+ let l:search_word = input(l:current_word.",/")
+ echohl None
+ " If no new word was given use the one we picked up.
+ if strlen(l:search_word) == 0
+ let l:search_word = l:current_word
+ endif
+ " If only \c was passed then append it to the beginning
+ if l:search_word == "\\c"
+ let l:search_word = l:search_word.l:current_word
+ endif
+ " }}}
+ " Make sure we at least have one hit.
+ if !search(l:search_word, 'w')
+ echohl Search
+ echo "No matches found"
+ echohl None
+ return
+ endif
+ " Generate hit window
+ call s:SearchFile(l:search_word)
+ " Look for the next closest match
+ while <sid>LineNumber() < g:compview_original_line
+ normal j
+ endwhile
+ " Map exit keys
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :call <sid>Exit(0)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> :call <sid>Exit(1)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> e :call <sid>Exit(-1)<cr>
+ " Setup syntax highlight {{{
+ exe 'syntax match compviewSearchWord /'.l:search_word.'/'
+ syntax match compviewFileDivider /^File:.*$/
+ syntax match compviewLineNumber /^\d\+:/
+ highlight def link compviewFileDivider Title
+ highlight def link compviewLineNumber LineNr
+ highlight def link compviewSearchWord Search
+ " }}}
+ " Save globals and change updatetime
+ let g:compview_current_line = line(".")
+ let g:compview_old_updatetime = &updatetime
+ set updatetime=350
+ " update the doc and hook the CheckForUpdate function.
+ call <sid>UpdateDoc()
+ au! CursorHold -SearchResults- nested call <sid>CheckForUpdate()
+map <silent> <Leader>v :call <sid>CSearch()<cr>
+" vim:fdm=marker:tw=75: