--- /dev/null
+while getopts ":T:n:s:t:" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ T) tmux="$OPTARG";;
+ n|s|t) session_opts="$session_opts -$opt $OPTARG";;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND-1))
+exec $tmux ${tmux_opts## } new-session ${session_opts## } -d ';' attach ';' run-shell ktmux_helper
--- /dev/null
+# ktmux_helper: Run krenew in the background for tmux.
+# Notes: Doesn't handle multiple sessions properly.
+use FindBin;
+use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
+my $PROG = $FindBin::Script;
+# Ensure tmux is our parent and find its PID.
+my $tmux_pid = &get_tmux_pid;
+unless ($tmux_pid) {
+ print STDERR "$PROG: Not a child of tmux!\n";
+ exit 100;
+# Ensure there isn't already a helper running for this tmux.
+my $tmux_helper = &get_tmux_helper;
+exit 0 if $tmux_helper;
+my $exitasap = 0;
+my $pid = 0;
+$SIG{INT} = \&cleanup;
+$SIG{QUIT} = \&cleanup;
+$SIG{TERM} = \&cleanup;
+LOOP: while (&ping_tmux) {
+ $pid = fork;
+ die "$PROG: Can't fork: $!\n" unless defined $pid;
+ if ($pid) {
+ while (&ping_tmux) {
+ my $exited = waitpid $pid, WNOHANG;
+ goto LOOP if $exited == $pid || $exited < 0;
+ sleep 1;
+ }
+ # tmux is dead so kill krenew.
+ kill 3, $pid;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ exec "krenew", "-K", "60";
+ print "$PROG: Can't run krenew: $!\n";
+ exit 111;
+ }
+sub get_tmux_pid {
+ my $pid = getppid;
+ my $cmd = `/bin/ps -o args= -p $pid`;
+ return $pid if $cmd =~ /\btmux\b/;
+ return undef;
+sub get_tmux_helper {
+ my $pid = undef;
+ if (open IN, "pgrep -x -P $tmux_pid $PROG | ") {
+ while (<IN>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/[^\d]//g;
+ next if $_ == $$;
+ $pid = $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ close IN;
+ }
+ return $pid;
+sub ping_tmux {
+ return kill 0, $tmux_pid;
+sub cleanup {
+ unless ($exitasap) {
+ $exitasap = 1;
+ kill $pid;
+ waitpid $pid, WNOHANG;
+ exit 0;
+ }