--- /dev/null
+" unicodePlugin : A completion plugin for Unicode glyphs
+" Author: C.Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
+" Version: 0.17
+" Copyright: (c) 2009 by Christian Brabandt
+" The VIM LICENSE applies to unicode.vim, and unicode.txt
+" (see |copyright|) except use "unicode" instead of "Vim".
+" No warranty, express or implied.
+" *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk! *** ***
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 2822 17 :AutoInstall: unicode.vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+if exists("g:unicode_URL")
+ let s:unicode_URL=g:unicode_URL
+ "let s:unicode_URL='http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/Index.txt'
+ let s:unicode_URL='http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt'
+if !exists("g:UnicodeShowPreviewWindow")
+ let g:UnicodeShowPreviewWindow = 0
+" HTML entitities
+let s:html = {}
+let s:html[0x0022] = """
+let s:html[0x0026] = "&"
+let s:html[0x0027] = "'"
+let s:html[0x003C] = "<"
+let s:html[0x003E] = ">"
+let s:html[0x0022] = """
+let s:html[0x0026] = "&"
+let s:html[0x0027] = "'"
+let s:html[0x003C] = "<"
+let s:html[0x003E] = ">"
+let s:html[0x00A0] = " "
+let s:html[0x00A1] = "¡"
+let s:html[0x00A2] = "¢"
+let s:html[0x00A3] = "£"
+let s:html[0x00A4] = "¤"
+let s:html[0x00A5] = "¥"
+let s:html[0x00A6] = "¦"
+let s:html[0x00A7] = "§"
+let s:html[0x00A8] = "¨"
+let s:html[0x00A9] = "©"
+let s:html[0x00AA] = "ª"
+let s:html[0x00AB] = "«"
+let s:html[0x00AC] = "¬"
+let s:html[0x00AD] = "­"
+let s:html[0x00AE] = "®"
+let s:html[0x00AF] = "¯"
+let s:html[0x00B0] = "°"
+let s:html[0x00B1] = "±"
+let s:html[0x00B2] = "²"
+let s:html[0x00B3] = "³"
+let s:html[0x00B4] = "´"
+let s:html[0x00B5] = "µ"
+let s:html[0x00B6] = "¶"
+let s:html[0x00B7] = "·"
+let s:html[0x00B8] = "¸"
+let s:html[0x00B9] = "¹"
+let s:html[0x00BA] = "º"
+let s:html[0x00BB] = "»"
+let s:html[0x00BC] = "¼"
+let s:html[0x00BD] = "½"
+let s:html[0x00BE] = "¾"
+let s:html[0x00BF] = "¿"
+let s:html[0x00C0] = "À"
+let s:html[0x00C1] = "Á"
+let s:html[0x00C2] = "Â"
+let s:html[0x00C3] = "Ã"
+let s:html[0x00C4] = "Ä"
+let s:html[0x00C5] = "Å"
+let s:html[0x00C6] = "Æ"
+let s:html[0x00C7] = "Ç"
+let s:html[0x00C8] = "È"
+let s:html[0x00C9] = "É"
+let s:html[0x00CA] = "Ê"
+let s:html[0x00CB] = "Ë"
+let s:html[0x00CC] = "Ì"
+let s:html[0x00CD] = "Í"
+let s:html[0x00CE] = "Î"
+let s:html[0x00CF] = "Ï"
+let s:html[0x00D0] = "Ð"
+let s:html[0x00D1] = "Ñ"
+let s:html[0x00D2] = "Ò"
+let s:html[0x00D3] = "Ó"
+let s:html[0x00D4] = "Ô"
+let s:html[0x00D5] = "Õ"
+let s:html[0x00D6] = "Ö"
+let s:html[0x00D7] = "×"
+let s:html[0x00D8] = "Ø"
+let s:html[0x00D9] = "Ù"
+let s:html[0x00DA] = "Ú"
+let s:html[0x00DB] = "Û"
+let s:html[0x00DC] = "Ü"
+let s:html[0x00DD] = "Ý"
+let s:html[0x00DE] = "Þ"
+let s:html[0x00DF] = "ß"
+let s:html[0x00E0] = "à"
+let s:html[0x00E1] = "á"
+let s:html[0x00E2] = "â"
+let s:html[0x00E3] = "ã"
+let s:html[0x00E4] = "ä"
+let s:html[0x00E5] = "å"
+let s:html[0x00E6] = "æ"
+let s:html[0x00E7] = "ç"
+let s:html[0x00E8] = "è"
+let s:html[0x00E9] = "é"
+let s:html[0x00EA] = "ê"
+let s:html[0x00EB] = "ë"
+let s:html[0x00EC] = "ì"
+let s:html[0x00ED] = "í"
+let s:html[0x00EE] = "î"
+let s:html[0x00EF] = "ï"
+let s:html[0x00F0] = "ð"
+let s:html[0x00F1] = "ñ"
+let s:html[0x00F2] = "ò"
+let s:html[0x00F3] = "ó"
+let s:html[0x00F4] = "ô"
+let s:html[0x00F5] = "õ"
+let s:html[0x00F6] = "ö"
+let s:html[0x00F7] = "÷"
+let s:html[0x00F8] = "ø"
+let s:html[0x00F9] = "ù"
+let s:html[0x00FA] = "ú"
+let s:html[0x00FB] = "û"
+let s:html[0x00FC] = "ü"
+let s:html[0x00FD] = "ý"
+let s:html[0x00FE] = "þ"
+let s:html[0x00FF] = "ÿ"
+let s:html[0x0152] = "Œ"
+let s:html[0x0153] = "œ"
+let s:html[0x0160] = "Š"
+let s:html[0x0161] = "š"
+let s:html[0x0178] = "Ÿ"
+let s:html[0x0192] = "ƒ"
+let s:html[0x02C6] = "ˆ"
+let s:html[0x02DC] = "˜"
+let s:html[0x0391] = "Α"
+let s:html[0x0392] = "Β"
+let s:html[0x0393] = "Γ"
+let s:html[0x0394] = "Δ"
+let s:html[0x0395] = "Ε"
+let s:html[0x0396] = "Ζ"
+let s:html[0x0397] = "Η"
+let s:html[0x0398] = "Θ"
+let s:html[0x0399] = "Ι"
+let s:html[0x039A] = "Κ"
+let s:html[0x039B] = "Λ"
+let s:html[0x039C] = "Μ"
+let s:html[0x039D] = "Ν"
+let s:html[0x039E] = "Ξ"
+let s:html[0x039F] = "Ο"
+let s:html[0x03A0] = "Π"
+let s:html[0x03A1] = "Ρ"
+let s:html[0x03A3] = "Σ"
+let s:html[0x03A4] = "Τ"
+let s:html[0x03A5] = "Υ"
+let s:html[0x03A6] = "Φ"
+let s:html[0x03A7] = "Χ"
+let s:html[0x03A8] = "Ψ"
+let s:html[0x03A9] = "Ω"
+let s:html[0x03B1] = "α"
+let s:html[0x03B2] = "β"
+let s:html[0x03B3] = "γ"
+let s:html[0x03B4] = "δ"
+let s:html[0x03B5] = "ε"
+let s:html[0x03B6] = "ζ"
+let s:html[0x03B7] = "η"
+let s:html[0x03B8] = "θ"
+let s:html[0x03B9] = "ι"
+let s:html[0x03BA] = "κ"
+let s:html[0x03BB] = "λ"
+let s:html[0x03BC] = "μ"
+let s:html[0x03BD] = "ν"
+let s:html[0x03BE] = "ξ"
+let s:html[0x03BF] = "ο"
+let s:html[0x03C0] = "π"
+let s:html[0x03C1] = "ρ"
+let s:html[0x03C2] = "ς"
+let s:html[0x03C3] = "σ"
+let s:html[0x03C4] = "τ"
+let s:html[0x03C5] = "υ"
+let s:html[0x03C6] = "φ"
+let s:html[0x03C7] = "χ"
+let s:html[0x03C8] = "ψ"
+let s:html[0x03C9] = "ω"
+let s:html[0x03D1] = "ϑ"
+let s:html[0x03D2] = "ϒ"
+let s:html[0x03D6] = "ϖ"
+let s:html[0x2002] = " "
+let s:html[0x2003] = " "
+let s:html[0x2009] = " "
+let s:html[0x200C] = "‌"
+let s:html[0x200D] = "‍"
+let s:html[0x200E] = "‎"
+let s:html[0x200F] = "‏"
+let s:html[0x2013] = "–"
+let s:html[0x2014] = "—"
+let s:html[0x2018] = "‘"
+let s:html[0x2019] = "’"
+let s:html[0x201A] = "‚"
+let s:html[0x201C] = "“"
+let s:html[0x201D] = "”"
+let s:html[0x201E] = "„"
+let s:html[0x2020] = "†"
+let s:html[0x2021] = "‡"
+let s:html[0x2022] = "•"
+let s:html[0x2026] = "…"
+let s:html[0x2030] = "‰"
+let s:html[0x2032] = "′"
+let s:html[0x2033] = "″"
+let s:html[0x2039] = "‹"
+let s:html[0x203A] = "›"
+let s:html[0x203E] = "‾"
+let s:html[0x2044] = "⁄"
+let s:html[0x20AC] = "€"
+let s:html[0x2111] = "ℑ"
+let s:html[0x2118] = "℘"
+let s:html[0x211C] = "ℜ"
+let s:html[0x2122] = "™"
+let s:html[0x2135] = "ℵ"
+let s:html[0x2190] = "←"
+let s:html[0x2191] = "↑"
+let s:html[0x2192] = "→"
+let s:html[0x2193] = "↓"
+let s:html[0x2194] = "↔"
+let s:html[0x21B5] = "↵"
+let s:html[0x21D0] = "⇐"
+let s:html[0x21D1] = "⇑"
+let s:html[0x21D2] = "⇒"
+let s:html[0x21D3] = "⇓"
+let s:html[0x21D4] = "⇔"
+let s:html[0x2200] = "∀"
+let s:html[0x2202] = "∂"
+let s:html[0x2203] = "∃"
+let s:html[0x2205] = "∅"
+let s:html[0x2207] = "∇"
+let s:html[0x2208] = "∈"
+let s:html[0x2209] = "∉"
+let s:html[0x220B] = "∋"
+let s:html[0x220F] = "∏"
+let s:html[0x2211] = "∑"
+let s:html[0x2212] = "−"
+let s:html[0x2217] = "∗"
+let s:html[0x221A] = "√"
+let s:html[0x221D] = "∝"
+let s:html[0x221E] = "∞"
+let s:html[0x2220] = "∠"
+let s:html[0x2227] = "∧"
+let s:html[0x2228] = "∨"
+let s:html[0x2229] = "∩"
+let s:html[0x222A] = "∪"
+let s:html[0x222B] = "∫"
+let s:html[0x2234] = "∴"
+let s:html[0x223C] = "∼"
+let s:html[0x2245] = "≅"
+let s:html[0x2248] = "≈"
+let s:html[0x2260] = "≠"
+let s:html[0x2261] = "≡"
+let s:html[0x2264] = "≤"
+let s:html[0x2265] = "≥"
+let s:html[0x2282] = "⊂"
+let s:html[0x2283] = "⊃"
+let s:html[0x2284] = "⊄"
+let s:html[0x2286] = "⊆"
+let s:html[0x2287] = "⊇"
+let s:html[0x2295] = "⊕"
+let s:html[0x2297] = "⊗"
+let s:html[0x22A5] = "⊥"
+let s:html[0x22C5] = "⋅"
+let s:html[0x2308] = "⌈"
+let s:html[0x2309] = "⌉"
+let s:html[0x230A] = "⌊"
+let s:html[0x230B] = "⌋"
+let s:html[0x2329] = "⟨"
+let s:html[0x232A] = "⟩"
+let s:html[0x25CA] = "◊"
+let s:html[0x2660] = "♠"
+let s:html[0x2663] = "♣"
+let s:html[0x2665] = "♥"
+let s:html[0x2666] = "♦"
+let s:file=matchstr(s:unicode_URL, '[^/]*$')
+let s:directory = expand("<sfile>:p:h")."/unicode"
+let s:UniFile = s:directory . '/UnicodeData.txt'
+fu! unicode#CompleteUnicode(findstart,base) "{{{1
+ if !exists("s:numeric")
+ let s:numeric=0
+ endif
+ if a:findstart
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let start = col('.') - 1
+ while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\w\|+'
+ let start -= 1
+ endwhile
+ if line[start] =~# 'U' && line[start+1] == '+' && col('.')-1 >=start+2
+ let s:numeric=1
+ else
+ let s:numeric=0
+ endif
+ return start
+ else
+ if exists("g:showDigraphCode")
+ let s:showDigraphCode=g:showDigraphCode
+ else
+ let s:showDigraphCode = 0
+ endif
+ if s:numeric
+ let complete_list = filter(copy(s:UniDict),
+ \ 'printf("%04X", v:val) =~? "^0*".a:base[2:]')
+ else
+ let complete_list = filter(copy(s:UniDict), 'v:key =~? a:base')
+ endif
+ for [key, value] in sort(items(complete_list), "<sid>CompareList")
+ "let key=matchstr(key, "^[^0-9 ]*")
+ let dg_char=<sid>GetDigraphChars(value)
+ if s:showDigraphCode
+ if !empty(dg_char)
+ let fstring = printf("U+%04X %s (%s):'%s'", value, key, dg_char,
+ \ nr2char(value))
+ else
+ let fstring=printf("U+%04X %s:%s", value, key, nr2char(value))
+ endif
+ else
+ let fstring=printf("U+%04X %s:'%s'", value, key, nr2char(value))
+ endif
+ let istring = printf("U+%04X %s%s:'%s'", value, key,
+ \ empty(dg_char) ? '' : '('.dg_char.')', nr2char(value))
+ if s:unicode_complete_name
+ let dict = {'word':key, 'abbr':fstring}
+ if g:UnicodeShowPreviewWindow
+ call extend(dict, {'info': istring})
+ endif
+ call complete_add(dict)
+ else
+ let dict = {'word':nr2char(value), 'abbr':fstring}
+ if g:UnicodeShowPreviewWindow
+ call extend(dict, {'info': istring})
+ endif
+ call complete_add(dict)
+ endif
+ if complete_check()
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return {}
+ endif
+fu! unicode#CompleteDigraph() "{{{1
+ let prevchar=getline('.')[col('.')-2]
+ let prevchar1=getline('.')[col('.')-3]
+ let dlist=<sid>GetDigraph()
+ if prevchar !~ '\s' && !empty(prevchar)
+ let filter1 = '( v:val[0] == prevchar1 && v:val[1] == prevchar)'
+ let filter2 = 'v:val[0] == prevchar || v:val[1] == prevchar'
+ let dlist1 = filter(copy(dlist), filter1)
+ if empty(dlist1)
+ let dlist = filter(dlist, filter2)
+ let col=col('.')-1
+ else
+ let dlist = dlist1
+ let col=col('.')-2
+ endif
+ unlet dlist1
+ else
+ let col=col('.')
+ endif
+ let tlist=[]
+ for args in dlist
+ let t=matchlist(args, '^\(..\)\s<\?\(..\?\)>\?\s\+\(\d\+\)$')
+ if !empty(t)
+ let format=printf("'%s' %s U+%04X",t[1], t[2], t[3])
+ call add(tlist, {'word':nr2char(t[3]), 'abbr':format,
+ \ 'info': printf("Abbrev\tGlyph\tCodepoint\n%s\t%s\tU+%04X",
+ \ t[1],t[2],t[3])})
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call complete(col, tlist)
+ return ''
+fu! unicode#SwapCompletion() "{{{1
+ if !exists('s:unicode_complete_name')
+ let s:unicode_complete_name = 1
+ endif
+ if exists('g:unicode_complete_name')
+ let s:unicode_complete_name = g:unicode_complete_name
+ else
+ let s:unicode_complete_name = !s:unicode_complete_name
+ endif
+ echo "Unicode Completion Names " .
+ \ (s:unicode_complete_name ? 'ON':'OFF')
+fu! unicode#Init(enable) "{{{1
+ if !exists("s:unicode_complete_name")
+ let s:unicode_complete_name = 0
+ endif
+ if a:enable
+ let b:oldfunc=&l:cfu
+ if (<sid>CheckDir())
+ let s:UniDict = <sid>UnicodeDict()
+ setl completefunc=unicode#CompleteUnicode
+ set completeopt+=menuone
+ inoremap <C-X><C-G> <C-R>=unicode#CompleteDigraph()<CR>
+ nnoremap <leader>un :call unicode#SwapCompletion()<CR>
+ endif
+ else
+ if exists("b:oldfunc") && !empty(b:oldfunc)
+ let &l:cfu=b:oldfunc
+ else
+ setl completefunc=
+ endif
+ unlet! s:UniDict
+ if maparg("<leader>un", 'n')
+ nunmap <leader>un
+ endif
+ if maparg("<C-X><C-G>")
+ iunmap <C-X><C-G>
+ endif
+ endif
+ echo "Unicode Completion " . (a:enable? 'ON' : 'OFF')
+fu! unicode#GetUniChar(...) "{{{1
+ try
+ if (<sid>CheckDir())
+ if !exists("s:UniDict")
+ let s:UniDict=<sid>UnicodeDict()
+ endif
+ let msg = []
+ " Get glyph at Cursor
+ " need to use redir, cause we also want to capture combining chars
+ redir => a | exe "silent norm! ga" | redir end
+ let a = substitute(a, '\n', '', 'g')
+ " Special case: no character under cursor
+ if a == 'NUL'
+ call add(msg, "'NUL' U+0000 NULL")
+ "call add(msg, "No character under cursor!")
+ return
+ endif
+ let dlist = <sid>GetDigraph()
+ " Split string, in case cursor was on a combining char
+ for item in split(a, 'Octal \d\+\zs \?')
+ let glyph = substitute(item, '^<\(<\?[^>]*>\?\)>.*', '\1', '')
+ let dec = substitute(item, '.*>\?> \+\(\d\+\),.*', '\1', '')
+ " Check for control char (has no name)
+ if dec <= 0x1F || ( dec >= 0x7F && dec <= 0x9F)
+ if dec == 0
+ let dec = 10
+ endif
+ let dig = filter(copy(dlist), 'v:val =~ ''\D''.dec.''$''')
+ call add(msg, printf("'%s' U+%04X <Control Char> %s", glyph, dec,
+ \ empty(dig) ? '' : '('.dig[0][0:1].')'))
+ " CJK Unigraphs start at U+4E00 and go until U+9FFF
+ elseif dec >= 0x4E00 && dec <= 0x9FFF
+ call add(msg, printf("'%s' U+%04X CJK Ideograph", glyph, dec))
+ elseif dec >= 0xF0000 && dec <= 0xFFFFD
+ call add(msg, printf("'%s' U+%04X character from Plane 15 for private use",
+ \ glyph, dec))
+ elseif dec >= 0x100000 && dec <= 0x10FFFD
+ call add(msg, printf("'%s' U+%04X character from Plane 16 for private use",
+ \ glyph, dec))
+ else
+ let dict = filter(copy(s:UniDict), 'v:val == dec')
+ if empty(dict)
+ " not found
+ call add(msg, printf("Character '%s' U+%04X not found", glyph, dec))
+ return
+ endif
+ let dig = filter(copy(dlist), 'v:val =~ ''\D''.dec.''$''')
+ if !empty(dig)
+ let dchar = printf("(%s)", dig[0][0:1])
+ else
+ let dchar = ''
+ endif
+ let html = <sid>GetHtmlEntity(dec)
+ call add(msg, printf("'%s' U+%04X %s %s %s", glyph, values(dict)[0],
+ \ keys(dict)[0], dchar, html))
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if exists("a:1") && !empty(a:1)
+ exe "let @".a:1. "=join(msg)"
+ endif
+ "call <sid>OutputMessage(msg)
+ else
+ call add(msg, printf("Can't determine char under cursor, %s not found", s:UniFile))
+ endif
+ finally
+ call <sid>OutputMessage(msg)
+ endtry
+fu! unicode#OutputDigraphs(match, bang) "{{{1
+ let screenwidth = 0
+ let digit = a:match + 0
+ for dig in sort(<sid>GetDigraph(), '<sid>CompareDigraphs')
+ " display digraphs that match value
+ if dig !~# a:match && digit == 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ let item = matchlist(dig, '\(..\)\s\(\%(\s\s\)\|.\{,4\}\)\s\+\(\d\+\)$')
+ " if digit matches, we only want to display digraphs matching the
+ " decimal values
+ if digit > 0 && digit !~ item[3]
+ continue
+ endif
+ let screenwidth += strdisplaywidth(dig) + 2
+ " if the output is too wide, echo an output
+ if screenwidth > &columns || !empty(a:bang)
+ let screenwidth = 0
+ echon "\n"
+ endif
+ echohl Title
+ echon item[2]
+ echohl Normal
+ echon item[1]. " ". item[3] . " "
+ endfor
+fu! <sid>GetDigraphChars(code) "{{{1
+ let dlist = <sid>GetDigraph()
+ let ddict = {}
+ for digraph in dlist
+ let key=matchstr(digraph, '\d\+$')+0
+ let val=split(digraph)
+ let ddict[key] = val[0]
+ endfor
+ return get(ddict, a:code, '')
+fu! <sid>UnicodeDict() "{{{1
+ let dict={}
+ let list=readfile(s:UniFile)
+ for glyph in list
+ let val = split(glyph, ";")
+ let Name = val[1]
+ let dict[Name] = str2nr(val[0],16)
+ endfor
+ return dict
+fu! <sid>CheckUniFile(force) "{{{1
+ if (!filereadable(s:UniFile) || (getfsize(s:UniFile) == 0)) || a:force
+ call s:WarningMsg("File " . s:UniFile . " does not exist or is zero.")
+ call s:WarningMsg("Let's see, if we can download it.")
+ call s:WarningMsg("If this doesn't work, you should download ")
+ call s:WarningMsg(s:unicode_URL . " and save it as " . s:UniFile)
+ sleep 10
+ if exists(":Nread")
+ sp +enew
+ " Use the default download method. You can specify a different one,
+ " using :let g:netrw_http_cmd="wget"
+ exe ":lcd " . s:directory
+ exe "0Nread " . s:unicode_URL
+ $d _
+ exe ":w!" . s:UniFile
+ if getfsize(s:UniFile)==0
+ call s:WarningMsg("Error fetching Unicode File from " . s:unicode_URL)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ bw
+ else
+ call s:WarningMsg("Please download " . s:unicode_URL)
+ call s:WarningMsg("and save it as " . s:UniFile)
+ call s:WarningMsg("Quitting")
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ return 1
+fu! <sid>CheckDir() "{{{1
+ try
+ if (!isdirectory(s:directory))
+ call mkdir(s:directory)
+ endif
+ catch
+ call s:WarningMsg("Error creating Directory: " . s:directory)
+ return 0
+ endtry
+ return <sid>CheckUniFile(0)
+fu! <sid>GetDigraph() "{{{1
+ if exists("s:dlist") && !empty(s:dlist)
+ return s:dlist
+ else
+ redir => digraphs
+ silent digraphs
+ redir END
+ let s:dlist=[]
+ let s:dlist=map(split(substitute(digraphs, "\n", ' ', 'g'),
+ \ '..\s<\?.\{1,2\}>\?\s\+\d\{1,5\}\zs'),
+ \ 'substitute(v:val, "^\\s\\+", "", "")')
+ " special case: digraph 57344: starts with 2 spaces
+ "return filter(dlist, 'v:val =~ "57344$"')
+ let idx=match(s:dlist, '57344$')
+ let s:dlist[idx]=' '.s:dlist[idx]
+ return s:dlist
+ endif
+fu! <sid>CompareList(l1, l2) "{{{1
+ return a:l1[1] == a:l2[1] ? 0 : a:l1[1] > a:l2[1] ? 1 : -1
+fu! <sid>CompareDigraphs(d1, d2) "{{{1
+ let d1=matchstr(a:d1, '\d\+$')+0
+ let d2=matchstr(a:d2, '\d\+$')+0
+ if d1 == d2
+ return 0
+ elseif d1 > d2
+ return 1
+ else
+ return -1
+ endif
+fu! <sid>OutputMessage(msg) " {{{1
+ redraw
+ echohl Title
+ if type(a:msg) == type([])
+ " List
+ for item in a:msg
+ echom item
+ endfor
+ elseif type(a:msg) == type("")
+ " string
+ echom a:msg
+ endif
+ echohl Normal
+fu! <sid>WarningMsg(msg) "{{{1
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ let msg = "UnicodePlugin: " . a:msg
+ if exists(":unsilent") == 2
+ unsilent echomsg msg
+ else
+ echomsg msg
+ endif
+ echohl Normal
+fu! <sid>GetHtmlEntity(hex) "{{{1
+ return get(s:html, a:hex, '')
+" Modeline "{{{1
+" vim: ts=4 sts=4 fdm=marker com+=l\:\" fdl=0
--- /dev/null
+*unicode.txt* A completion plugin for Unicode glyphs
+Author: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
+Version: 0.17 Thu, 15 Aug 2013 08:53:06 +0200
+ *unicode-copyright*
+Copyright: (c) 2009 - 2013 by Christian Brabandt
+ The VIM LICENSE applies to unicode.vim and unicode.txt
+ (see |copyright|) except use unicode instead of "Vim".
+ *unicode-plugin*
+1. Functionality
+This plugin was written to enable an easier use of any Unicode glyph
+available. The unicode.vim Plugin uses the data available from the Unicode
+Consortium's website (http://www.unicode.org) to let you enter Unicode
+characters using a completion function.
+By default, the plugin creates a directory unicode below the path autoload
+where this plugin is located. Within this directory it will store the file
+UnicodeData.txt from http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt
+which it will try to download using |netrw| . If this is unsuccessfull, or
+you do not have |netrw| enabled, dowload the file manually and save it in the
+unicode directory below the autoload directory in which unicode.vim is
+ *:EnableUnicodeCompletion*
+By default the plugin is not enabled. To enable it enter: >
+ :EnableUnicodeCompletion
+When you run this command, unicode.vim checks for the availability of
+UnicodeData.txt from the Unicode Consortium, and if it is not available,
+it will try to download it.
+This will also set up the completion function |completefunc| to use for your
+buffer. You can use |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-U| then to start the completion.
+ *:DisableUnicodeCompletion*
+If you want to disable the plugin, enter >
+ :DisableUnicodeCompletion
+ *:UnicodeName*
+Suppose, you want to know, what the Unicode Name for the Character under the
+cursor is. You simply enter the ex command: >
+ :UnicodeName [reg]
+The plugin will then output the character, the character's hexadecimal value
+and the official Unicode name.
+Additionally, if there exists a digraph for that character, it will also be
+shown in paranthesis.
+If you specify a register name, the message will also be saved into that
+ *:Digraphs*
+ :Digraphs
+Outputs the digraph list in an easier way to read with coloring of the digraphs.
+If you want to display a list with a line break after each digraph, use the
+bang attribute >
+ :Digraphs!
+And if you want to display all digraphs matching a certain value, you can add
+an argument to the command: >
+ :Digraphs! A
+displays all digraphs, that match 'A' (e.g. all that can be created with the
+letter A or whose digraph matches the letter 'A'.
+ *unicode-plugin-usage*
+2. Completing Unicode chars
+If you have enabled the plugin using |:EnableUnicodeCompletion| then there are
+2 possibilities to use the plugin. You can either enter the Unicode Character
+name, or enter the Unicode-Codeposition.
+For example, you would like to enter Æ, so you enter AE and press |<C-X><C-U>|
+while in insert mode. Alternatively you can enter the Unicode-Codepoint: U+C6
+and press |<C-X><C-U>| and the popup menu will show you all characters, that
+have a codepoint like C6 with leading zeros, eg. U+00C6 and U+0C66
+A popup menu will appear, showing you the Unicode-Codeposition value, the
+Unicode Character Name and the Unicode Character (and if you have enabled it,
+it can also show you the digraph characters needed to create this character in
+paranthesis, see |unicode-plugin-config| ). You can scroll down in the menu by
+pressing <C-N> and up by pressing <C-P>.
+A |preview-window| can be opened, if your Vim was compiled with the
+quickfix-feature that displays the hexadecimal Unicode Codepoint, the name,
+the digraph characters in parenthesis (if they exist) followed by the glyph
+itself by setting the variable g:UnicodeShowPreviewWindow (see below). By
+default, this feature is off.
+ *unicode-plugin-config*
+The plugin can be customized to include the 2 digraph characters you have to
+type, to get that character. This works only, if there is a digraph defined
+for that Unicode char. If you would like this you need to set
+g:showDigraphCode, e.g. >
+ :let g:showDigraphCode=1
+This functionality is by default disabled, cause it seems to cause some delay
+and screen-rendering errors in the menu. However, the preview window will
+always show the digraph character in parenthesis.
+Enter >
+ :let g:showDigraphCode=0
+to disable the Digraph feature afterwards.
+If you would like to specify a different URL from which to download
+UnicodeData.txt, enter the URL as: >
+ :let g:unicode_URL='http:....'
+To force downloading the file from that new url, enter >
+ :call unicode#CheckUniFile(1)
+If you'd like Unicode completion to be always enabled, you can set the
+variable g:enableUnicodeCompletion to 1 in your |.vimrc| like this: >
+ let g:enableUnicodeCompletion = 1
+Thus, you won't need to use EnableUnicodeCompletion, it will be already
+If you only want to complete the Unicode Names instead of the glyphs,
+you can either set the global variable >
+ let g:unicode_complete_name = 1
+or you can use the mapping <leader>un which swaps the completion function
+between completing the unicode name and completing the unicode glyph.
+If you want the completion of the unicode chars to be opened in the preview
+window, set the variable >
+ let g:UnicodeShowPreviewWindow = 1
+in your |.vimrc|.
+ *unicode-plugin-error*
+If the plugin gives an error or does not complete anything, first check, that
+UnicodeData.txt from the Unicode Consortium has been successfully downloaded.
+It should be located below the autoload/unicode.vim script in a directory
+called unicode. So if you have installed unicode.vim into
+/home/user/.vim, UnicodeData.txt should be located at:
+/home/user/.vim/autoload/unicode/UnicodeData.txt and should look like this:
+0021;EXCLAMATION MARK;Po;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;;
+0022;QUOTATION MARK;Po;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;;
+0023;NUMBER SIGN;Po;0;ET;;;;;N;;;;;
+0024;DOLLAR SIGN;Sc;0;ET;;;;;N;;;;;
+0025;PERCENT SIGN;Po;0;ET;;;;;N;;;;;
+(several thounsand lines following)
+If the file looks correct, and the plugin is still not working correctly
+contact the maintainer. You'll find his email-adress in the first line of this
+document. Please be patient, it might take a while, until I can take care of
+your report.
+ *i_CTRL-X_CTRL-G* *digraph-completion*
+3. Completing digraphs
+CTRL-X CTRL-G Search for the character in front of the cursor and
+ try to complete this letter using a digraph. If there
+ is no letter in front of the cursor, a list with all
+ available digraphs is shown in a popup menu.
+ If both letters in front of the cursor form a digraph,
+ that digraph will be completed.
+ (Think of Glyph)
+ CTRL-N Use next match. This match replaces the previous
+ match.
+ CTRL-P Use previous match. This match replaces the previous
+ one.
+4. unicode History *unicode-plugin-history*
+ 0.17: Aug 15, 2013 - disable preview window (for completing unicode chars)
+ by default, can be enabled by setting the variable
+ g:UnicodeShowPreviewWindow (patch by Marcin
+ Szamotulski, thanks!)
+ 0.16: Feb 16, 2013 - |:UnicodeName| returns html entity, if possible
+ 0.15: Feb 05, 2013 - make sure, the returned digraphs list is not empty.
+ 0.14: Dec 01, 2012 - |:Digraphs| for better display of digraphs
+ 0.13: Sep 08, 2012 - better output for |UnicodeName| (did previously hide
+ messages)
+ 0.12: Apr 12, 2012 - |UnicodeName| shows digraph, if it exists
+ - better completion of digraphs
+ 0.11: Apr 11, 2012 - prevent loading of autoload file too early
+ - Make matching digraph more error-prone
+ - show all matching digraphs for a char
+ 0.10: Dec 15, 2011 - enable completing of only the names
+ - Really disable the 'completefunc' when disabling
+ the function
+ 0.9: Jul 20, 2011: - |:UnicodeName| checks for existence of
+ UnicodeData.txt
+ - |:UnicodeName| now also detects combined chars
+ - |:UnicodeName| now also outputs control chars
+ 0.8: Sep 30, 2010: - Fix an issue with configuring the plugin (Thanks jgm)
+ - Code cleanup
+ - Make use of the preview window, when completing
+ Digraph or Unicode Glyphs
+ - By default, the Digraph Glyphs will now be enabled
+ using |i_Ctrl-X_CTRL-G| instead of using
+ Ctrl-X_Ctrl-C which wouldn't work in a terminal
+ - |:UnicodeName| now displays the hexadecimal Unicode
+ Codepoint instead of the decimal one (as this seems
+ to be the official way to display unicode
+ codepoints).
+ 0.7: Sep 23, 2010: - |:UnicodeName|
+ - specify g:enableUnicodeCompletion to have unicode
+ completion always enabled.
+ 0.6: Aug 26, 2010: - many small bugfixes with regard to error-handling
+ and error displaying
+ - use default netrw_http_cmd (instead of hardwiring
+ wget)
+ - small documentation update (Inlude a snippet of
+ UnicodeData.txt and get rid of Index.txt data)
+ 0.5: Apr 19, 2010: Created a public repository for this plugin at
+ http://github.com/chrisbra/unicode.vim
+ 0.4: Feb 01, 2010: Use UnicodeData.txt to generate Data
+ (Index.txt does not contain all glyphs).
+ Check for empty file UnicodeData.txt
+ 0.3: Oct 27, 2009: Digraph Completion
+ 0.2: Oct 22, 2009: Enabled GetLatestScripts (|GLVS|)
+ 0.1: Oct 22, 2009: First working version