--- /dev/null
+" File: taglist.vim
+" Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
+" Version: 2.3
+" Last Modified: Feb 10, 2003
+" Overview
+" --------
+" The "Tag List" plugin can be used to efficiently browse through your
+" source files. The "Tag List" plugin provides the following features:
+" 1. Opens a vertically/horizontally split Vim window with a list of tags
+" (functions, classes, structures, variables, etc) defined in the current
+" file.
+" 2. Groups the tags by their type and displays them in a foldable tree.
+" 3. Automatically updates the taglist window as you switch between
+" files/buffers.
+" 4. When a tag name is selected from the taglist window, positions the cursor
+" at the definition of the tag in the source file
+" 5. Automatically highlights the current tag name.
+" 6. Can display the prototype of a tag from the taglist window.
+" 7. Displays the scope of a tag.
+" 8. Can optionally use the tag prototype instead of the tag name.
+" 9. The tag list can be sorted either by name or by line number.
+" 10. Supports the following language files: Assembly, ASP, Awk, C, C++,
+" Cobol, Eiffel, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Lua, Make, Pascal, Perl, PHP,
+" Python, Rexx, Ruby, Scheme, Shell, Slang, Sql, TCL, Verilog, Vim and
+" Yacc.
+" 11. Runs in all the platforms where the exuberant ctags utility and Vim are
+" supported (this includes MS-Windows and Unix based systems).
+" 12. Runs in both console/terminal and GUI versions of Vim.
+" 13. The ctags output for a file is cached to speed up displaying the taglist
+" window.
+" 14. Works with the winmanager plugin. Using the winmanager plugin, you can
+" use multiple Vim plugins at the same time efficiently.
+" 15. Can be easily extended to support new languages. Support for existing
+" languages can be modified easily.
+" To see the screenshots of the taglist plugin in different environments,
+" visit the following page:
+" http://www.geocities.com/yegappan/taglist/screenshots.html
+" This plugin relies on the exuberant ctags utility to dynamically generate
+" the tag listing. You can download the exuberant ctags utility from
+" http://ctags.sourceforge.net.
+" The exuberant ctags utility must be installed in your system to use this
+" plugin. You should use exuberant ctags version 5.0 and above. This plugin
+" doesn't use or create a tags file and there is no need to create a tags file
+" to use this plugin.
+" This script relies on the Vim "filetype" detection mechanism to determine
+" the type of the current file. To turn on filetype detection use
+" :filetype on
+" This plugin will not work in 'compatible' mode. Make sure the 'compatible'
+" option is not set. This plugin will not work if you run Vim in the
+" restricted mode (using the -Z command-line argument). This plugin also
+" assumes that the system() Vim function is supported.
+" Installation
+" ------------
+" 1. Copy the taglist.vim script to the $HOME/.vim/plugin directory. Refer to
+" ':help add-plugin', ':help add-global-plugin' and ':help runtimepath' for
+" more details about Vim plugins.
+" 2. Set the Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to point to the location of the
+" exuberant ctags utility (not to the directory).
+" 3. If you are running a terminal/console version of Vim and the terminal
+" doesn't support changing the window width then set the Tlist_Inc_Winwidth
+" variable to 0.
+" 4. Restart Vim.
+" 5. You can use the ":Tlist" command to open/close the taglist window.
+" Usage
+" -----
+" You can open the taglist window by using the ":Tlist" command. Invoking this
+" command will toggle (open or close) the taglist window. You can map a key to
+" invoke this command:
+" nnoremap <silent> <F8> :Tlist<CR>
+" Add the above mapping to your ~/.vimrc file. You can also open the taglist
+" window on startup using the following command line:
+" $ vim +Tlist
+" You can close the taglist window from the taglist window by pressing 'q' or
+" using the Vim ":q" command. You can also use any of the Vim window commands
+" to close the taglist window. Invoking the ":Tlist" command when the taglist
+" window is opened, will close the taglist window.
+" As you switch between source files, the taglist window will be automatically
+" updated with the tag listing for the current source file. The tag names
+" will grouped by their type (variable, function, class, etc). For tags with
+" scope information (like class members, structures inside structures, etc),
+" the scope information will be displayed in square brackets "[]" after the
+" tagname.
+" The tag names will be displayed as a foldable tree using the Vim folding
+" support. You can collapse the tree using the '-' key or using the Vim zc
+" fold command. You can open the tree using the '+' key or using the Vim zo
+" fold command. You can open all the fold using the '*' key or using the Vim
+" zR fold command You can also use the mouse to open/close the folds.
+" You can select a tag either by pressing the <Enter> key or by double
+" clicking the tag name using the mouse. You can configure the taglist plugin
+" by setting the 'Tlist_Use_SingleClick' variable to jump to a tag on a single
+" mouse click.
+" The script will automatically highlight the name of the current tag. The
+" tag name will be highlighted after 'updatetime' milliseconds. The default
+" value for this Vim option is 4 seconds. You can also use the ":TlistSync"
+" command to force the highlighting of the current tag. You can map a key to
+" invoke this command:
+" nnoremap <silent> <F9> :TlistSync<CR>
+" Add the above mapping to your ~/.vimrc file.
+" If you place the cursor on a tag name in the "Tag List" window, then the tag
+" prototype will be displayed at the Vim status line after 'updatetime'
+" milliseconds. The default value for the 'updatetime' Vim option is 4
+" seconds. You can also press the space bar to display the prototype of the
+" tag under the cursor.
+" By default, the tag list will be sorted by the order in which the tags
+" appear in the file. You can sort the tags either by name or by order by
+" pressing the "s" key in the taglist window.
+" You can press the 'x' key in the taglist window to maximize the taglist
+" window width/height. The window will be maximized to the maximum possible
+" width/height without closing the other existing windows. You can again press
+" 'x' to restore the taglist window to the default width/height.
+" You can press the '?' key to display help information about using the
+" taglist window. If you again press the '?' key, the help information will be
+" removed.
+" The following table lists the description of the keys that you can use
+" in the taglist window.
+" Key Description
+" <CR> Jump to the location where the tag under cursor is
+" defined.
+" o Jump to the location where the tag under cursor is
+" defined in a new window.
+" <Space> Display the prototype of the tag under the cursor.
+" u Update the tags listed in the taglist window
+" s Change the sort order of the tags (by name or by order)
+" x Zoom-in or Zoom-out the taglist window
+" + Open a fold
+" - Close a fold
+" * Open all folds
+" q Close the taglist window
+" ? Display help
+" You can use the ":TlistShowPrototype" command to display the prototype of
+" a function in the specified line number. For example,
+" :TlistShowPrototype 50
+" If the line number is not supplied, this command will display the prototype
+" of the current function.
+" You can also use the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin. This will
+" allow you to use the file explorer, buffer explorer and the taglist plugin
+" at the same time in different windows. To use the taglist plugin with the
+" winmanager plugin, set 'TagList' in the 'winManagerWindowLayout' variable.
+" For example, to use the file explorer plugin and the taglist plugin at the
+" same time, use the following setting:
+" let winManagerWindowLayout = 'FileExplorer|TagList'
+" Configuration
+" -------------
+" By changing the following variables you can configure the behavior of this
+" script. Set the following variables in your .vimrc file using the 'let'
+" command.
+" The script uses the Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to locate the ctags utility.
+" By default, this is set to ctags. Set this variable to point to the location
+" of the ctags utility in your system. Note that this variable should point to
+" the fully qualified exuberant ctags location and NOT to the directory in
+" which exuberant ctags is installed.
+" let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'd:\tools\ctags.exe'
+" let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/local/bin/ctags'
+" By default, the tag names will be listed in the order in which they are
+" defined in the file. You can alphabetically sort the tag names by pressing
+" the "s" key in the taglist window. You can also change the default order by
+" setting the variable Tlist_Sort_Type to "name" or "order":
+" let Tlist_Sort_Type = "name"
+" Be default, the tag names will be listed in a vertically split window. If
+" you prefer a horizontally split window, then set the
+" 'Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window' variable to 1. If you are running MS-Windows
+" version of Vim in a MS-DOS command window, then you should use a
+" horizontally split window instead of a vertically split window. Also, if
+" you are using an older version of xterm in a Unix system that doesn't
+" support changing the xterm window width, you should use a horizontally split
+" window.
+" let Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window = 1
+" By default, the vertically split taglist window will appear on the left hand
+" side. If you prefer to open the window on the right hand side, you can set
+" the Tlist_Use_Right_Window variable to one:
+" let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1
+" To automatically open the taglist window, when you start Vim, you can set
+" the Tlist_Auto_Open variable to 1. By default, this variable is set to 0 and
+" the taglist window will not be opened automatically on Vim startup.
+" let Tlist_Auto_Open = 1
+" By default, only the tag name will be displayed in the taglist window. If
+" you like to see tag prototypes instead of names, set the
+" Tlist_Display_Prototype variable to 1. By default, this variable is set to 0
+" and only tag names will be displayed.
+" let Tlist_Display_Prototype = 1
+" The default width of the vertically split taglist window will be 30. This
+" can be changed by modifying the Tlist_WinWidth variable:
+" let Tlist_WinWidth = 20
+" Note that the value of the 'winwidth' option setting determines the minimum
+" width of the current window. If you set the 'Tlist_WinWidth' variable to a
+" value less than that of the 'winwidth' option setting, then Vim will use the
+" value of the 'winwidth' option.
+" By default, when the width of the window is less than 100 and a new taglist
+" window is opened vertically, then the window width will be increased by the
+" value set in the Tlist_WinWidth variable to accommodate the new window. The
+" value of this variable is used only if you are using a vertically split
+" taglist window. If your terminal doesn't support changing the window width
+" from Vim (older version of xterm running in a Unix system) or if you see any
+" weird problems in the screen due to the change in the window width or if you
+" prefer not to adjust the window width then set the 'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth'
+" variable to 0. CAUTION: If you are using the MS-Windows version of Vim in a
+" MS-DOS command window then you must set this variable to 0, otherwise the
+" system may hang due to a Vim limitation (explained in :help win32-problems)
+" let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 0
+" By default, when you double click on the tag name using the left mouse
+" button, the cursor will be positioned at the definition of the tag. You
+" can set the Tlist_Use_SingleClick variable to one to jump to a tag when
+" you single click on the tag name using the mouse. By default this variable
+" is set to zero.
+" let Tlist_Use_SingleClick = 1
+" Due to a bug in Vim, if you set Tlist_Use_SingleClick to one and try to
+" resize the taglist window using the mouse, then Vim will crash. The fix for
+" this bug will be available in the next version of Vim. In the meantime,
+" instead of resizing the taglist window using the mouse, you can use normal
+" Vim window resizing commands to resize the taglist window.
+" By default, the taglist window will contain text that display the name of
+" the file, sort order information and the key to press to get help. Also,
+" empty lines will be used to separate different groups of tags. If you
+" don't need these information, you can set the Tlist_Compact_Format variable
+" to one to get a compact display.
+" let Tlist_Compact_Format = 1
+" Extending
+" ---------
+" You can extend exuberant ctags to add support for new languages. For more
+" information, visit the following page
+" http://ctags.sourceforge.net/EXTENDING.html
+" You can extend the taglist plugin to add support for new languages or modify
+" the support for an already supported language by setting the following
+" variables in the .vimrc file.
+" To modify the support for an already supported language, you have to set the
+" tlist_xxx_settings variable. Replace xxx with the Vim filetype name. To
+" determine the filetype name used by Vim for a file, use the command
+" :set filetype
+" The format of the value set in the tlist_xxx_settings variable is
+" <language_name>;flag1:name1;flag2:name2;flag3:name3
+" The different fields are separated by the ';' character. The first field
+" 'language_name' is the name used by exuberant ctags. This name can be
+" different from the file type name used by Vim. For example, for C++, the
+" language name used by ctags is 'c++' but the filetype name used by Vim is
+" 'cpp'. The remaining fields follow the format "flag:name". The sub-field
+" 'flag' is the language specific flag used by exuberant ctags to generate the
+" corresponding tags. For example, for the C language, to list only the
+" functions, the 'f' flag should be used. For more information about the flags
+" supported by exuberant ctags for a particular language, read the help text
+" from the 'ctags --help' comand. The sub-field 'name' specifies the title
+" text to use for displaying the tags of a particular type. For example,
+" 'name' can be set to 'functions'.
+" For example, to list only the classes and functions defined in a C++
+" language file, add the following lines to your .vimrc file
+" let tlist_cpp_settings = 'c++;c:class;f:function'
+" In the above setting, 'cpp' is the Vim filetype name and 'c++' is the name
+" used by the exuberant ctags tool. 'c' and 'f' are the flags passed to
+" exuberant ctags to list classes and functions.
+" For example, to display only functions defined in a C file and to use "My
+" Functions" as the title for the function group, use
+" let tlist_c_settings = 'c;f:My Functions'
+" To add support for a new language, set the tlist_xxx_settings variable
+" appropriately as described above.
+" ****************** Do not modify after this line ************************
+if exists('loaded_taglist') || &cp
+ finish
+let loaded_taglist=1
+" Location of the exuberant ctags tool
+if !exists('Tlist_Ctags_Cmd')
+ let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags'
+" Tag listing sort type - 'name' or 'order'
+if !exists('Tlist_Sort_Type')
+ let Tlist_Sort_Type = 'order'
+" Tag listing window split (horizontal/vertical) control
+if !exists('Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window')
+ let Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window = 0
+" Open the vertically split taglist window on the left or on the right side.
+" This setting is relevant only if Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window is set to zero (i.e.
+" only for vertically split windows)
+if !exists('Tlist_Use_Right_Window')
+ let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 0
+" Increase Vim window width to display vertically split taglist window. For
+" MS-Windows version of Vim running in a MS-DOS window, this must be set to 0
+" otherwise the system may hang due to a Vim limitation.
+if !exists('Tlist_Inc_Winwidth')
+ if (has('win16') || has('win95')) && !has('gui_running')
+ let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 0
+ else
+ let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 1
+ endif
+" Vertically split taglist window width setting
+if !exists('Tlist_WinWidth')
+ let Tlist_WinWidth = 30
+" Horizontally split taglist window height setting
+if !exists('Tlist_WinHeight')
+ let Tlist_WinHeight = 10
+" Automatically open the taglist window on Vim startup
+if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Open')
+ let Tlist_Auto_Open = 0
+" Display tag prototypes or tag names in the taglist window
+if !exists('Tlist_Display_Prototype')
+ let Tlist_Display_Prototype = 0
+" Use single left mouse click to jump to a tag. By default this is disabled.
+" Only double click using the mouse will be processed.
+if !exists('Tlist_Use_SingleClick')
+ let Tlist_Use_SingleClick = 0
+" Control whether additional help is displayed as part of the taglist or not.
+" Also, controls whether empty lines are used to separate the tag tree.
+if !exists('Tlist_Compact_Format')
+ let Tlist_Compact_Format = 0
+" assembly language
+let s:tlist_def_asm_settings = 'asm;d:define;l:label;m:macro;t:type'
+" aspperl language
+let s:tlist_def_aspperl_settings = 'asp;f:function;s:sub'
+" aspvbs language
+let s:tlist_def_aspvbs_settings = 'asp;f:function;s:sub'
+" awk language
+let s:tlist_def_awk_settings = 'awk;f:function'
+" beta language
+let s:tlist_def_beta_settings = 'beta;f:fragment;s:pattern;v:virtual'
+" c language
+let s:tlist_def_c_settings = 'c;d:macro;g:enum;s:struct;u:union;t:typedef;' .
+ \ 'v:variable;f:function'
+" c++ language
+let s:tlist_def_cpp_settings = 'c++;v:variable;d:macro;t:typedef;c:class;' .
+ \ 'g:enum;s:struct;u:union;f:function'
+" cobol language
+let s:tlist_def_cobol_settings = 'cobol;d:data;f:file;g:group;p:paragraph;' .
+ \ 'P:program;s:section'
+" eiffel language
+let s:tlist_def_eiffel_settings = 'eiffel;c:class;f:feature'
+" fortran language
+let s:tlist_def_fortran_settings = 'fortran;p:program;b:block data;' .
+ \ 'c:common;e:entry;i:interface;k:type;l:label;m:module;' .
+ \ 'n:namelist;t:derived;v:variable;f:function;s:subroutine'
+" java language
+let s:tlist_def_java_settings = 'java;p:package;c:class;i:interface;' .
+ \ 'f:field;m:method'
+" lisp language
+let s:tlist_def_lisp_settings = 'lisp;f:function'
+" lua language
+let s:tlist_def_lua_settings = 'lua;f:function'
+" makefiles
+let s:tlist_def_make_settings = 'make;m:macro'
+" pascal language
+let s:tlist_def_pascal_settings = 'pascal;f:function;p:procedure'
+" perl language
+let s:tlist_def_perl_settings = 'perl;p:package;s:subroutine'
+" php language
+let s:tlist_def_php_settings = 'php;c:class;f:function'
+" python language
+let s:tlist_def_python_settings = 'python;c:class;m:member;f:function'
+" rexx language
+let s:tlist_def_rexx_settings = 'rexx;s:subroutine'
+" ruby language
+let s:tlist_def_ruby_settings = 'ruby;c:class;f:method;F:function;' .
+ \ 'm:singleton method'
+" scheme language
+let s:tlist_def_scheme_settings = 'scheme;s:set;f:function'
+" shell language
+let s:tlist_def_sh_settings = 'sh;f:function'
+" C shell language
+let s:tlist_def_csh_settings = 'sh;f:function'
+" Z shell language
+let s:tlist_def_zsh_settings = 'sh;f:function'
+" slang language
+let s:tlist_def_slang_settings = 'slang;n:namespace;f:function'
+" sql language
+let s:tlist_def_sql_settings = 'sql;c:cursor;F:field;P:package;r:record;' .
+ \ 's:subtype;t:table;T:trigger;v:variable;f:function;p:procedure'
+" tcl language
+let s:tlist_def_tcl_settings = 'tcl;c:class;f:method;p:procedure'
+"verilog language
+let s:tlist_def_verilog_settings = 'verilog;m:module;P:parameter;r:reg;' .
+ \ 't:task;w:write;p:port;v:variable;f:function'
+" vim language
+let s:tlist_def_vim_settings = 'vim;v:variable;f:function'
+" yacc language
+let s:tlist_def_yacc_settings = 'yacc;l:label'
+" Initialize the taglist script local variables for the supported file types
+" and tag types
+let s:tlist_winsize_chgd = 0
+let s:tlist_win_maximized = 0
+let s:tlist_part_of_winmanager = 0
+" Do not change the name of the taglist title variable. The winmanager plugin
+" relies on this name to determine the title for the taglist plugin.
+let TagList_title = "__Tag_List__"
+function! s:Tlist_Show_Help()
+ if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 1
+ " In compact display mode, do not display help
+ return
+ endif
+ if exists("s:tlist_show_help") && s:tlist_show_help == 1
+ let s:tlist_show_help = 0
+ else
+ let s:tlist_show_help = 1
+ endif
+ call s:Tlist_Open_Window()
+ call s:Tlist_Init_Window(b:tlist_bufnum)
+ " Update the taglist window
+ call s:Tlist_Explore_File(b:tlist_bufnum)
+" An autocommand is used to refresh the taglist window when entering any
+" buffer. We don't want to refresh the taglist window if we are entering the
+" file window from one of the taglist functions. The 'Tlist_Skip_Refresh'
+" variable is used to skip the refresh of the taglist window
+let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 0
+function! s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echomsg a:msg
+ echohl None
+" Tlist_Skip_Buffer()
+" Check whether tag listing is supported for the specified buffer.
+function! s:Tlist_Skip_Buffer(bufnum)
+ " Skip buffers with 'buftype' set to nofile, nowrite, quickfix or help
+ if getbufvar(a:bufnum, '&buftype') != ''
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let ftype = getbufvar(a:bufnum, '&filetype')
+ " Skip buffers with filetype not set
+ if ftype == ''
+ return 1
+ endif
+ " Skip files which are not supported by exuberant ctags
+ " First check whether default settings for this filetype are available.
+ " If it is not available, then check whether user specified settings are
+ " available. If both are not available, then don't list the tags for this
+ " filetype
+ let var = 's:tlist_def_' . ftype . '_settings'
+ if !exists(var)
+ let var = 'g:tlist_' . ftype . '_settings'
+ if !exists(var)
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ let filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnum), '%:p')
+ " Skip buffers with no names
+ if filename == ''
+ return 1
+ endif
+ " Skip files which are not readable or files which are not yet stored
+ " to the disk
+ if !filereadable(filename)
+ return 1
+ endif
+ return 0
+" Tlist_FileType_Init
+" Initialize the ctags arguments and tag variable for the specified
+" file type
+function! s:Tlist_FileType_Init(ftype)
+ " If the user didn't specify any settings, then use the default
+ " ctags args. Otherwise, use the settings specified by the user
+ let var = 'g:tlist_' . a:ftype . '_settings'
+ if exists(var)
+ " User specified ctags arguments
+ let settings = {var} . ';'
+ else
+ " Default ctags arguments
+ let var = 's:tlist_def_' . a:ftype . '_settings'
+ if !exists(var)
+ " No default settings for this file type. This filetype is
+ " not supported
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let settings = s:tlist_def_{a:ftype}_settings . ';'
+ endif
+ let msg = 'Invalid ctags option setting - ' . settings
+ " Extract the file type to pass to ctags. This can be different from the
+ " file type detected by Vim
+ let pos = stridx(settings, ';')
+ if pos == -1
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let ctags_ftype = strpart(settings, 0, pos)
+ if ctags_ftype == ''
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Make sure a valid filetype is supplied. If the user didn't specify a
+ " valid filetype, then the ctags option settings may be treated as the
+ " filetype
+ if ctags_ftype =~ ':'
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Remove the file type from settings
+ let settings = strpart(settings, pos + 1)
+ if settings == ''
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Process all the specified ctags flags. The format is
+ " flag1:name1;flag2:name2;flag3:name3
+ let ctags_flags = ''
+ let cnt = 0
+ while settings != ''
+ " Extract the flag
+ let pos = stridx(settings, ':')
+ if pos == -1
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let flag = strpart(settings, 0, pos)
+ if flag == ''
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Remove the flag from settings
+ let settings = strpart(settings, pos + 1)
+ " Extract the tag type name
+ let pos = stridx(settings, ';')
+ if pos == -1
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let name = strpart(settings, 0, pos)
+ if name == ''
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let settings = strpart(settings, pos + 1)
+ let cnt = cnt + 1
+ let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_{cnt}_name = flag
+ let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_{cnt}_fullname = name
+ let ctags_flags = ctags_flags . flag
+ endwhile
+ let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_ctags_args = '--language-force=' . ctags_ftype .
+ \ ' --' . ctags_ftype . '-types=' . ctags_flags
+ let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_count = cnt
+ let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_ctags_flags = ctags_flags
+ return 1
+" Tlist_Cleanup()
+" Cleanup all the taglist window variables.
+function! s:Tlist_Cleanup()
+ if has('syntax')
+ silent! syntax clear TagListTitle
+ endif
+ match none
+ if exists('b:tlist_ftype') && b:tlist_ftype != ''
+ let count_var_name = 's:tlist_' . b:tlist_ftype . '_count'
+ if exists(count_var_name)
+ let old_ftype = b:tlist_ftype
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= s:tlist_{old_ftype}_count
+ let ttype = s:tlist_{old_ftype}_{i}_name
+ let j = 1
+ let var_name = 'b:tlist_' . old_ftype . '_' . ttype . '_count'
+ if exists(var_name)
+ let cnt = b:tlist_{old_ftype}_{ttype}_count
+ else
+ let cnt = 0
+ endif
+ while j <= cnt
+ unlet! b:tlist_{old_ftype}_{ttype}_{j}
+ let j = j + 1
+ endwhile
+ unlet! b:tlist_{old_ftype}_{ttype}_count
+ unlet! b:tlist_{old_ftype}_{ttype}_start
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Clean up all the variables containing the tags output
+ if exists('b:tlist_tag_count')
+ while b:tlist_tag_count > 0
+ unlet! b:tlist_tag_{b:tlist_tag_count}
+ let b:tlist_tag_count = b:tlist_tag_count - 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ unlet! b:tlist_bufnum
+ unlet! b:tlist_bufname
+ unlet! b:tlist_ftype
+" Tlist_Open_Window
+" Create a new taglist window. If it is already open, clear it
+function! s:Tlist_Open_Window()
+ " If used with winmanager don't open windows. Winmanager will handle
+ " the window/buffer management
+ if s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ return
+ endif
+ " Cleanup the taglist window listing, if the window is open
+ let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
+ if winnum != -1
+ " Jump to the existing window
+ if winnr() != winnum
+ exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
+ endif
+ else
+ " Create a new window. If user prefers a horizontal window, then open
+ " a horizontally split window. Otherwise open a vertically split
+ " window
+ if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window == 1
+ " If a single window is used for all files, then open the tag
+ " listing window at the very bottom
+ let win_dir = 'botright'
+ " Horizontal window height
+ let win_size = g:Tlist_WinHeight
+ else
+ " Increase the window size, if needed, to accomodate the new
+ " window
+ if g:Tlist_Inc_Winwidth == 1 &&
+ \ &columns < (80 + g:Tlist_WinWidth)
+ " one extra column is needed to include the vertical split
+ let &columns= &columns + (g:Tlist_WinWidth + 1)
+ let s:tlist_winsize_chgd = 1
+ else
+ let s:tlist_winsize_chgd = 0
+ endif
+ " Open the window at the leftmost place
+ if g:Tlist_Use_Right_Window == 1
+ let win_dir = 'botright vertical'
+ else
+ let win_dir = 'topleft vertical'
+ endif
+ let win_size = g:Tlist_WinWidth
+ endif
+ " If the tag listing temporary buffer already exists, then reuse it.
+ " Otherwise create a new buffer
+ let bufnum = bufnr(g:TagList_title)
+ if bufnum == -1
+ " Create a new buffer
+ let wcmd = g:TagList_title
+ else
+ " Edit the existing buffer
+ let wcmd = '+buffer' . bufnum
+ endif
+ " Create the taglist window
+ exe 'silent! ' . win_dir . ' ' . win_size . 'split ' . wcmd
+ endif
+" Tlist_Zoom_Window
+" Zoom (maximize/minimize) the taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Zoom_Window()
+ if s:tlist_win_maximized == 1
+ if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window == 1
+ exe 'resize ' . g:Tlist_WinHeight
+ else
+ exe 'vert resize ' . g:Tlist_WinWidth
+ endif
+ let s:tlist_win_maximized = 0
+ else
+ " Set the window size to the maximum possible without closing other
+ " windows
+ if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window == 1
+ resize
+ else
+ vert resize
+ endif
+ let s:tlist_win_maximized = 1
+ endif
+" Tlist_Init_Window
+" Set the default options for the taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Init_Window(bufnum)
+ " Set report option to a huge value to prevent informations messages
+ " while deleting the lines
+ let old_report = &report
+ set report=99999
+ " Mark the buffer as modifiable
+ setlocal modifiable
+ " Delete the contents of the buffer to the black-hole register
+ silent! %delete _
+ " Mark the buffer as not modifiable
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ " Restore the report option
+ let &report = old_report
+ " Clean up all the old variables used for the last filetype
+ call <SID>Tlist_Cleanup()
+ let filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnum), ':p')
+ " Set the sort type. First time, use the global setting. After that use
+ " the previous setting
+ let b:tlist_sort_type = getbufvar(a:bufnum, 'tlist_sort_type')
+ if b:tlist_sort_type == ''
+ let b:tlist_sort_type = g:Tlist_Sort_Type
+ endif
+ let b:tlist_tag_count = 0
+ let b:tlist_bufnum = a:bufnum
+ let b:tlist_bufname = fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnum), ':p')
+ let b:tlist_ftype = getbufvar(a:bufnum, '&filetype')
+ " Mark the buffer as modifiable
+ setlocal modifiable
+ if s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ " To handle a bug in the winmanager plugin, add a space at the
+ " last line
+ call setline('$', ' ')
+ endif
+ if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
+ if exists("s:tlist_show_help") && s:tlist_show_help == 1
+ call append(0, '" <enter> : Jump to tag definition')
+ call append(1, '" o : Jump to tag definition in new window')
+ call append(2, '" <space> : Display tag prototype')
+ call append(3, '" u : Update tag list')
+ call append(4, '" s : Select sort field')
+ call append(5, '" x : Zoom-out/Zoom-in taglist window')
+ call append(6, '" + : Open a fold')
+ call append(7, '" - : Close a fold')
+ call append(8, '" * : Open all folds')
+ call append(9, '" q : Close the taglist window')
+ call append(10, '" ? : Remove help text')
+ call append(11, '" Sorted by ' . b:tlist_sort_type)
+ call append(12, '"= ' . fnamemodify(filename, ':t') . ' (' .
+ \ fnamemodify(filename, ':p:h') . ')')
+ else
+ call append(0, '" Press ? to display help text')
+ call append(1, '" Sorted by ' . b:tlist_sort_type)
+ call append(2, '"= ' . fnamemodify(filename, ':t') . ' (' .
+ \ fnamemodify(filename, ':p:h') . ')')
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Mark the buffer as not modifiable
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ " Highlight the comments
+ if has('syntax')
+ syntax match TagListComment '^" .*'
+ syntax match TagListSortBy '^" Sorted by .*'
+ syntax match TagListCurDir '^"= .*'
+ " Colors used to highlight the selected tag name
+ highlight clear TagName
+ if has('gui_running') || &t_Co > 2
+ highlight link TagName Search
+ else
+ highlight TagName term=reverse cterm=reverse
+ endif
+ " Colors to highlight comments and titles
+ highlight clear TagListComment
+ highlight link TagListComment Comment
+ highlight clear TagListTitle
+ highlight link TagListTitle Title
+ highlight clear TagListSortBy
+ highlight link TagListSortBy String
+ highlight clear TagListCurDir
+ highlight link TagListCurDir Statement
+ endif
+ " Folding related settings
+ if has('folding')
+ setlocal foldenable
+ setlocal foldmethod=manual
+ setlocal foldcolumn=2
+ setlocal foldtext=v:folddashes.getline(v:foldstart)
+ endif
+ if !s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ " Mark buffer as scratch
+ silent! setlocal buftype=nofile
+ silent! setlocal bufhidden=delete
+ silent! setlocal noswapfile
+ " Due to a bug in Vim 6.0, the winbufnr() function fails for unlisted
+ " buffers. So if the taglist buffer is unlisted, multiple taglist
+ " windows will be opened. This bug is fixed in Vim 6.1 and above
+ if v:version >= 601
+ silent! setlocal nobuflisted
+ endif
+ endif
+ silent! setlocal nowrap
+ " If the 'number' option is set in the source window, it will affect the
+ " taglist window. So forcefully disable 'number' option for the taglist
+ " window
+ silent! setlocal nonumber
+ " Create buffer local mappings for jumping to the tags and sorting the list
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> :call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> o :call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(1)<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-LeftMouse> :call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> s :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort()<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> + :silent! foldopen<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> - :silent! foldclose<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> * :silent! %foldopen!<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <kPlus> :silent! foldopen<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMinus> :silent! foldclose<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMultiply> :silent! %foldopen!<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Space> :call <SID>Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> u :call <SID>Tlist_Update_Window()<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :call <SID>Tlist_Zoom_Window()<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ? :call <SID>Tlist_Show_Help()<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :close<CR>
+ " Map single left mouse click if the user wants this functionality
+ if g:Tlist_Use_SingleClick == 1
+ nnoremap <silent> <LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>:if bufname("%") =~ "__Tag_List__"
+ \ <bar> call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(0) <bar> endif <CR>
+ endif
+ " Define the autocommand to highlight the current tag
+ augroup TagListAutoCmds
+ autocmd!
+ " Display the tag prototype for the tag under the cursor.
+ autocmd CursorHold __Tag_List__ call s:Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()
+ " Highlight the current tag
+ autocmd CursorHold * silent call <SID>Tlist_Highlight_Tag(bufnr('%'),
+ \ line('.'))
+ autocmd BufUnload __Tag_List__ call <SID>Tlist_Close_Window()
+ if !s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ " Adjust the Vim window width when taglist window is closed
+ " Auto refresh the taglisting window
+ autocmd BufEnter * call <SID>Tlist_Refresh_Window()
+ endif
+ augroup end
+" Tlist_Close_Window()
+" Close the taglist window and adjust the Vim window width
+function! s:Tlist_Close_Window()
+ " Remove the autocommands for the taglist window
+ silent! autocmd! TagListAutoCmds
+ " Clear all the highlights
+ match none
+ if has('syntax')
+ silent! syntax clear TagListTitle
+ endif
+ " Remove the left mouse click mapping if it was setup initially
+ if g:Tlist_Use_SingleClick == 1
+ if hasmapto('<LeftMouse>')
+ nunmap <LeftMouse>
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window || g:Tlist_Inc_Winwidth == 0 ||
+ \ s:tlist_winsize_chgd == 0 ||
+ \ &columns < (80 + g:Tlist_WinWidth)
+ " No need to adjust window width if horizontally split tag listing
+ " window or if columns is less than 101 or if the user chose not to
+ " adjust the window width
+ else
+ " Adjust the Vim window width
+ let &columns= &columns - (g:Tlist_WinWidth + 1)
+ endif
+ endif
+" Tlist_Explore_File()
+" List the tags defined in the specified file in a Vim window
+function! s:Tlist_Explore_File(bufnum)
+ " Get the filename and file type
+ let filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnum), ':p')
+ let ftype = getbufvar(a:bufnum, '&filetype')
+ " Check for valid filename and valid filetype
+ if filename == '' || !filereadable(filename) || ftype == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ " If the tag types for this filetype are not yet created, then create
+ " them now
+ let var = 's:tlist_' . ftype . '_count'
+ if !exists(var)
+ if s:Tlist_FileType_Init(ftype) == 0
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ " If the cached ctags output exists for the specified buffer, then use it.
+ " Otherwise run ctags to get the output
+ let valid_cache = getbufvar(a:bufnum, 'tlist_valid_cache')
+ if valid_cache != ''
+ " Load the cached processed tags output from the buffer local
+ " variables
+ let b:tlist_tag_count = getbufvar(a:bufnum, 'tlist_tag_count') + 0
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= b:tlist_tag_count
+ let var_name = 'tlist_tag_' . i
+ let b:tlist_tag_{i} = getbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name)
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
+ let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
+ let var_name = 'tlist_' . ttype . '_start'
+ let b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start =
+ \ getbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name) + 0
+ let var_name = 'tlist_' . ttype . '_count'
+ let cnt = getbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name) + 0
+ let b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_count = cnt
+ let var_name = 'tlist_' . ttype
+ let l:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype} = getbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name)
+ let j = 1
+ while j <= cnt
+ let var_name = 'tlist_' . ttype . '_' . j
+ let b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_{j} = getbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name)
+ let j = j + 1
+ endwhile
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ else
+ " Exuberant ctags arguments to generate a tag list
+ let ctags_args = ' -f - --format=2 --excmd=pattern --fields=nks '
+ " Form the ctags argument depending on the sort type
+ if b:tlist_sort_type == 'name'
+ let ctags_args = ctags_args . ' --sort=yes '
+ else
+ let ctags_args = ctags_args . ' --sort=no '
+ endif
+ " Add the filetype specific arguments
+ let ctags_args = ctags_args . ' ' . s:tlist_{ftype}_ctags_args
+ " Ctags command to produce output with regexp for locating the tags
+ let ctags_cmd = g:Tlist_Ctags_Cmd . ctags_args
+ let ctags_cmd = ctags_cmd . ' "' . filename . '"'
+ " Run ctags and get the tag list
+ let cmd_output = system(ctags_cmd)
+ " Cache the ctags output with a buffer local variable
+ call setbufvar(a:bufnum, 'tlist_valid_cache', 'Yes')
+ call setbufvar(a:bufnum, 'tlist_sort_type', b:tlist_sort_type)
+ " Handle errors
+ if v:shell_error && cmd_output != ''
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(cmd_output)
+ return
+ endif
+ " No tags for current file
+ if cmd_output == ''
+ call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('No tags found for ' . filename)
+ return
+ endif
+ " Initialize variables for the new filetype
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
+ let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
+ let b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start = 0
+ let b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_count = 0
+ let l:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype} = ''
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ " Process the ctags output one line at a time. Separate the tag output
+ " based on the tag type and store it in the tag type variable
+ while cmd_output != ''
+ " Extract one line at a time
+ let one_line = strpart(cmd_output, 0, stridx(cmd_output, "\n"))
+ " Remove the line from the tags output
+ let cmd_output = strpart(cmd_output, stridx(cmd_output, "\n") + 1)
+ if one_line == ''
+ " Line is not in proper tags format
+ continue
+ endif
+ " Extract the tag type
+ let ttype = s:Tlist_Extract_Tagtype(one_line)
+ if ttype == ''
+ " Line is not in proper tags format
+ continue
+ endif
+ " make sure the tag type is supported
+ if s:tlist_{ftype}_ctags_flags !~# ttype
+ continue
+ endif
+ " Extract the tag name
+ if g:Tlist_Display_Prototype == 0
+ let ttxt = ' ' . strpart(one_line, 0, stridx(one_line, "\t"))
+ " Add the tag scope, if it is available. Tag scope is the last
+ " field after the 'line:<num>\t' field
+ let start = strridx(one_line, 'line:')
+ let end = strridx(one_line, "\t")
+ if end > start
+ let tscope = strpart(one_line, end + 1)
+ let tscope = strpart(tscope, stridx(tscope, ':') + 1)
+ if tscope != ''
+ let ttxt = ttxt . ' [' . tscope . ']'
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ let start = stridx(one_line, '/^') + 2
+ let end = strridx(one_line, '/;"' . "\t")
+ if one_line[end - 1] == '$'
+ let end = end -1
+ endif
+ let ttxt = strpart(one_line, start, end - start)
+ endif
+ " Update the count of this tag type
+ let cnt = b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_count + 1
+ let b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_count = cnt
+ " Add this tag to the tag type variable
+ let l:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype} = l:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype} . ttxt . "\n"
+ " Update the total tag count
+ let b:tlist_tag_count = b:tlist_tag_count + 1
+ let b:tlist_tag_{b:tlist_tag_count} = cnt . ':' . one_line
+ let b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_{cnt} = b:tlist_tag_count
+ endwhile
+ " Cache the processed tags output using buffer local variables
+ call setbufvar(a:bufnum, 'tlist_tag_count', b:tlist_tag_count)
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= b:tlist_tag_count
+ let var_name = 'tlist_tag_' . i
+ call setbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name, b:tlist_tag_{i})
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
+ let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
+ let var_name = 'tlist_' . ttype . '_start'
+ call setbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name, b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start)
+ let cnt = b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_count
+ let var_name = 'tlist_' . ttype . '_count'
+ call setbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name, cnt)
+ let var_name = 'tlist_' . ttype
+ call setbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name, l:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype})
+ let j = 1
+ while j <= cnt
+ let var_name = 'tlist_' . ttype . '_' . j
+ call setbufvar(a:bufnum, var_name, b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_{j})
+ let j = j + 1
+ endwhile
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ " Set report option to a huge value to prevent informational messages
+ " while adding lines to the taglist window
+ let old_report = &report
+ set report=99999
+ " Mark the buffer as modifiable
+ setlocal modifiable
+ " Add the tag names grouped by tag type to the buffer with a title
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
+ let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
+ " Add the tag type only if there are tags for that type
+ if l:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype} != ''
+ if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
+ let b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start = line('.') + 1
+ silent! put =s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_fullname
+ else
+ let b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start = line('.')
+ silent! put! =s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_fullname
+ endif
+ silent! put =l:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}
+ " create a fold for this tag type
+ if has('folding')
+ let fold_start = b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start
+ let fold_end = fold_start + b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_count
+ exe fold_start . ',' . fold_end . 'fold'
+ endif
+ " Syntax highlight the tag type names
+ if has('syntax')
+ exe 'syntax match TagListTitle /\%' .
+ \ b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start . 'l.*/'
+ endif
+ " Separate the tag types with a empty line
+ normal! G
+ if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
+ silent! put =''
+ endif
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ if s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ " To handle a bug in the winmanager plugin, add a space at the
+ " last line
+ call setline('$', ' ')
+ endif
+ " Mark the buffer as not modifiable
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ " Restore the report option
+ let &report = old_report
+ " Initially open all the folds
+ if has('folding')
+ silent! %foldopen!
+ endif
+ " Goto the first line in the buffer
+ go
+ return
+" Tlist_Toggle_Window()
+" Open or close a taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Toggle_Window(bufnum)
+ let curline = line('.')
+ " If taglist window is open then close it.
+ let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
+ if winnum != -1
+ if winnr() == winnum
+ " Already in the taglist window. Close it and return
+ close
+ else
+ " Goto the taglist window, close it and then come back to the
+ " original window
+ let curbufnr = bufnr('%')
+ exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
+ close
+ " Need to jump back to the original window only if we are not
+ " already in that window
+ let winnum = bufwinnr(curbufnr)
+ if winnr() != winnum
+ exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
+ endif
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ let s:tlist_part_of_winmanager = 0
+ " Open the taglist window
+ call s:Tlist_Open_Window()
+ " Initialize the taglist window
+ call s:Tlist_Init_Window(a:bufnum)
+ " List the tags defined in a file
+ call s:Tlist_Explore_File(a:bufnum)
+ " Highlight the current tag
+ call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(a:bufnum, curline)
+ " Go back to the original window
+ let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
+ wincmd p
+ let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 0
+" Tlist_Extract_Tagtype
+" Extract the tag type from the tag text
+function! s:Tlist_Extract_Tagtype(tag_txt)
+ " The tag type is after the tag prototype field. The prototype field
+ " ends with the /;"\t string. We add 4 at the end to skip the characters
+ " in this special string..
+ let start = strridx(a:tag_txt, '/;"' . "\t") + 4
+ let end = strridx(a:tag_txt, 'line:') - 1
+ let ttype = strpart(a:tag_txt, start, end - start)
+ return ttype
+" Tlist_Extract_Tag_Prototype
+" Extract the tag protoype from the tag text
+function! s:Tlist_Extract_Tag_Prototype(tag_txt)
+ let start = stridx(a:tag_txt, '/^') + 2
+ let end = strridx(a:tag_txt, '/;"' . "\t")
+ if a:tag_txt[end - 1] == '$'
+ let end = end -1
+ endif
+ let tag_pat = strpart(a:tag_txt, start, end - start)
+ " Remove all the leading space characters
+ let tag_pat = matchstr(tag_pat, '^\s*\zs.*')
+ return tag_pat
+" Tlist_Refresh_Window()
+" Refresh the taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Refresh_Window()
+ " We are entering the buffer from one of the taglist functions. So no need
+ " to refresh the taglist window again
+ if s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh == 1
+ return
+ endif
+ " If the buffer doesn't support tag listing, skip it
+ if s:Tlist_Skip_Buffer(bufnr('%'))
+ return
+ endif
+ let filename = expand('%:p')
+ let curline = line('.')
+ " Make sure the taglist window is open. Otherwise, no need to refresh
+ let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
+ if winnum == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let bno = bufnr(g:TagList_title)
+ let cur_bufnr = bufnr('%')
+ " If the tag listing for the current window is already present, no need to
+ " refresh it
+ if getbufvar(bno, 'tlist_bufnum') == cur_bufnr &&
+ \ getbufvar(bno, 'tlist_bufname') == filename
+ return
+ endif
+ " Save the current window number
+ let cur_winnr = winnr()
+ call s:Tlist_Open_Window()
+ call s:Tlist_Init_Window(cur_bufnr)
+ " Update the taglist window
+ call s:Tlist_Explore_File(cur_bufnr)
+ " Highlight the current tag
+ call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(cur_bufnr, curline)
+ " Refresh the taglist window
+ redraw
+ if !s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ " Jump back to the original window
+ exe cur_winnr . 'wincmd w'
+ endif
+" Tlist_Change_Sort()
+" Change the sort order of the tag listing
+function! s:Tlist_Change_Sort()
+ if !exists('b:tlist_bufnum') || !exists('b:tlist_ftype')
+ return
+ endif
+ let sort_type = getbufvar(b:tlist_bufnum, 'tlist_sort_type')
+ " Toggle the sort order from 'name' to 'order' and vice versa
+ if sort_type == 'name'
+ call setbufvar(b:tlist_bufnum, 'tlist_sort_type', 'order')
+ else
+ call setbufvar(b:tlist_bufnum, 'tlist_sort_type', 'name')
+ endif
+ " Save the current line for later restoration
+ let curline = '\V\^' . getline('.') . '\$'
+ " Clear out the cached taglist information
+ call setbufvar(b:tlist_bufnum, 'tlist_valid_cache', '')
+ call s:Tlist_Open_Window()
+ call s:Tlist_Init_Window(b:tlist_bufnum)
+ call s:Tlist_Explore_File(b:tlist_bufnum)
+ " Go back to the tag line before the list is sorted
+ call search(curline, 'w')
+" Tlist_Update_Window()
+" Update the window by regenerating the tag list
+function! s:Tlist_Update_Window()
+ if !exists('b:tlist_bufnum') || !exists('b:tlist_ftype')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Save the current line for later restoration
+ let curline = '\V\^' . getline('.') . '\$'
+ " Clear out the cached taglist information
+ call setbufvar(b:tlist_bufnum, 'tlist_valid_cache', '')
+ call s:Tlist_Open_Window()
+ call s:Tlist_Init_Window(b:tlist_bufnum)
+ " Update the taglist window
+ call s:Tlist_Explore_File(b:tlist_bufnum)
+ " Go back to the tag line before the list is sorted
+ call search(curline, 'w')
+" Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenr()
+" Return the tag line for the current line
+function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenr()
+ if !exists('b:tlist_ftype')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let lnum = line('.')
+ let ftype = b:tlist_ftype
+ " Determine to which tag type the current line number belongs to using the
+ " tag type start line number and the number of tags in a tag type
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
+ let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
+ let end = b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start + b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_count
+ if lnum >= b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start && lnum <= end
+ break
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ " Current line doesn't belong to any of the displayed tag types
+ if i > s:tlist_{ftype}_count
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Compute the offset into the displayed tags for the tag type
+ let offset = lnum - b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_start
+ if offset == 0
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Get the corresponding tag line and return it
+ return b:tlist_{ftype}_{ttype}_{offset}
+function! s:Tlist_Highlight_Tagline()
+ " Clear previously selected name
+ match none
+ " Highlight the current selected name
+ if g:Tlist_Display_Prototype == 0
+ exe 'match TagName /\%' . line('.') . 'l\s\+\zs.*/'
+ else
+ exe 'match TagName /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'
+ endif
+" Tlist_Jump_To_Tag()
+" Jump to the location of the current tag
+function! s:Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(new_window)
+ " Do not process comment lines and empty lines
+ let curline = getline('.')
+ if curline == '' || curline[0] == '"'
+ return
+ endif
+ " If inside a fold, then don't try to jump to the tag
+ if foldclosed('.') != -1
+ return
+ endif
+ " Get the tag output for the current tag
+ let lnum = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenr()
+ if lnum == 0
+ return
+ endif
+ let mtxt = b:tlist_tag_{lnum}
+ let start = stridx(mtxt, '/^') + 2
+ let end = strridx(mtxt, '/;"' . "\t")
+ if mtxt[end - 1] == '$'
+ let end = end - 1
+ endif
+ let tagpat = '\V\^' . strpart(mtxt, start, end - start) .
+ \ (mtxt[end] == '$' ? '\$' : '')
+ " Highlight the tagline
+ call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tagline()
+ let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
+ if s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ call WinManagerFileEdit(bufname(b:tlist_bufnum), a:new_window)
+ else
+ " Goto the window containing the file. If the window is not there, open a
+ " new window
+ let winnum = bufwinnr(b:tlist_bufnum)
+ if winnum == -1
+ if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window == 1
+ exe 'leftabove split #' . b:tlist_bufnum
+ " Go to the taglist window to change the window size to the user
+ " configured value
+ wincmd p
+ exe 'resize ' . g:Tlist_WinHeight
+ " Go back to the file window
+ wincmd p
+ else
+ " Open the file in a window and skip refreshing the taglist window
+ exe 'rightbelow vertical split #' . b:tlist_bufnum
+ " Go to the taglist window to change the window size to the user
+ " configured value
+ wincmd p
+ exe 'vertical resize ' . g:Tlist_WinWidth
+ " Go back to the file window
+ wincmd p
+ endif
+ else
+ exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
+ " If the user asked to jump to the tag in a new window, then split the
+ " existing window into two.
+ if a:new_window
+ split
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Jump to the tag
+ silent call search(tagpat, 'w')
+ " Bring the line to the middle of the window
+ normal! z.
+ " If the line is inside a fold, open the fold
+ if has('folding')
+ if foldlevel('.') != 0
+ normal zo
+ endif
+ endif
+ let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 0
+" Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()
+" Display the prototype of the tag under the cursor
+function! s:Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()
+ " If we have already display prototype in the tag window, no need to
+ " display it in the status line
+ if g:Tlist_Display_Prototype == 1
+ return
+ endif
+ " Clear the previously displayed line
+ echo
+ " Do not process comment lines and empty lines
+ let curline = getline('.')
+ if curline == '' || curline[0] == '"'
+ return
+ endif
+ " If inside a fold, then don't display the prototype
+ if foldclosed('.') != -1
+ return
+ endif
+ " Get the tag output line for the current tag
+ let lnum = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenr()
+ if lnum == 0
+ return
+ endif
+ let mtxt = b:tlist_tag_{lnum}
+ " Get the tag search pattern and display it
+ echo s:Tlist_Extract_Tag_Prototype(mtxt)
+" Tlist_Locate_Tag_Text
+" Locate the tag text given the line number in the source window
+function! s:Tlist_Locate_Tag_Text(sort_type, linenum)
+ let left = 1
+ let right = b:tlist_tag_count
+ if a:sort_type == 'order'
+ " Tag list sorted by order, do a binary search comparing the line
+ " numbers
+ " If the current line is the less than the first tag, then no need to
+ " search
+ let txt = b:tlist_tag_1
+ let start = strridx(txt, 'line:') + strlen('line:')
+ let end = strridx(txt, "\t")
+ if end < start
+ let first_lnum = strpart(txt, start) + 0
+ else
+ let first_lnum = strpart(txt, start, end - start) + 0
+ endif
+ if a:linenum < first_lnum
+ return ""
+ endif
+ while left < right
+ let middle = (right + left + 1) / 2
+ let txt = b:tlist_tag_{middle}
+ let start = strridx(txt, 'line:') + strlen('line:')
+ let end = strridx(txt, "\t")
+ if end < start
+ let middle_lnum = strpart(txt, start) + 0
+ else
+ let middle_lnum = strpart(txt, start, end - start) + 0
+ endif
+ if middle_lnum == a:linenum
+ let left = middle
+ break
+ endif
+ if middle_lnum > a:linenum
+ let right = middle - 1
+ else
+ let left = middle
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ else
+ " sorted by name, brute force method (Dave Eggum)
+ let closest_lnum = 0
+ let final_left = 0
+ while left < right
+ let txt = b:tlist_tag_{left}
+ let start = strridx(txt, 'line:') + strlen('line:')
+ let end = strridx(txt, "\t")
+ if end < start
+ let lnum = strpart(txt, start) + 0
+ else
+ let lnum = strpart(txt, start, end - start) + 0
+ endif
+ if lnum < a:linenum && lnum > closest_lnum
+ let closest_lnum = lnum
+ let final_left = left
+ elseif lnum == a:linenum
+ let closest_lnum = lnum
+ break
+ else
+ let left = left + 1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ if closest_lnum == 0
+ return ""
+ endif
+ if left == right
+ let left = final_left
+ endif
+ endif
+ return b:tlist_tag_{left}
+" Tlist_Highlight_Tag()
+" Do a binary search in the array of tag names and pick a tag entry that
+" contains the current line and highlight it. The idea behind this function
+" is taken from the ctags.vim script available at the Vim online website.
+function! s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(bufnum, curline)
+ let filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:bufnum), ':p')
+ if filename == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ " Make sure the taglist window is present
+ let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
+ if winnum == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let bno = bufnr(g:TagList_title)
+ " Make sure we have the tag listing for the current file
+ if getbufvar(bno, 'tlist_bufnum') != a:bufnum
+ return
+ endif
+ " If there are no tags for this file, then no need to proceed further
+ if getbufvar(bno, 'tlist_tag_count') == 0
+ return
+ endif
+ " If part of winmanager then disable winmanager autocommands
+ if s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ call WinManagerSuspendAUs()
+ endif
+ " Save the original window number
+ let org_winnr = winnr()
+ if org_winnr == winnum
+ let in_taglist_window = 1
+ else
+ let in_taglist_window = 0
+ endif
+ " Go to the taglist window
+ if !in_taglist_window
+ exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
+ endif
+ " Clear previously selected name
+ match none
+ let tag_txt = s:Tlist_Locate_Tag_Text(getbufvar(bno, 'tlist_sort_type'),
+ \ a:curline)
+ if tag_txt == ""
+ if !in_taglist_window
+ let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
+ exe org_winnr . 'wincmd w'
+ let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 0
+ endif
+ if s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ call WinManagerResumeAUs()
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ " Extract the tag type
+ let ttype = s:Tlist_Extract_Tagtype(tag_txt)
+ " Extract the tag offset
+ let offset = strpart(tag_txt, 0, stridx(tag_txt, ':')) + 0
+ " Compute the line number
+ let lnum = b:tlist_{b:tlist_ftype}_{ttype}_start + offset
+ " Goto the line containing the tag
+ exe lnum
+ " Open the fold
+ if has('folding')
+ silent! .foldopen
+ endif
+ " Call winline() to make sure the target line is visible in the taglist
+ " window. This is a side effect of calling winline(). Don't know of a
+ " better way to achieve this.
+ call winline()
+ " Highlight the tag name
+ call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tagline()
+ " Go back to the original window
+ if !in_taglist_window
+ let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
+ exe org_winnr . 'wincmd w'
+ let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 0
+ endif
+ if s:tlist_part_of_winmanager
+ call WinManagerResumeAUs()
+ endif
+ return
+" Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line
+function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line(linenum)
+ " Make sure the current file has a name
+ let filename = fnamemodify(bufname("%"), ':p')
+ if filename == ''
+ return ""
+ endif
+ let linenr = a:linenum
+ if linenr == ""
+ " Default is the current line
+ let linenr = line('.')
+ endif
+ " If there are no tags for this file, then no need to proceed further
+ if !exists("b:tlist_tag_count") || b:tlist_tag_count == 0
+ return ""
+ endif
+ " Get the tag text using the line number
+ let tag_txt = s:Tlist_Locate_Tag_Text(b:tlist_sort_type, linenr)
+ if tag_txt == ""
+ return ""
+ endif
+ " Extract the tag search pattern and return it
+ return s:Tlist_Extract_Tag_Prototype(tag_txt)
+" Define tag listing autocommand to automatically open the taglist window on
+" Vim startup
+if g:Tlist_Auto_Open
+ autocmd VimEnter * nested Tlist
+" Define the 'Tlist' and 'TlistSync' user commands to open/close taglist
+" window
+command! -nargs=0 Tlist call s:Tlist_Toggle_Window(bufnr('%'))
+command! -nargs=0 TlistSync call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(bufnr('%'), line('.'))
+command! -nargs=? TlistShowPrototype echo s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line(<q-args>)
+" Winmanager integration
+" Initialization required for integration with winmanager
+function! TagList_Start()
+ let s:tlist_part_of_winmanager = 1
+ if bufname('%') != '__Tag_List__'
+ return
+ endif
+ let bufnum = WinManagerGetLastEditedFile()
+ " If the tags for the buffer is already listed, then no need to do
+ " anything
+ if exists('b:tlist_bufnum') && bufnum == b:tlist_bufnum
+ return
+ endif
+ call s:Tlist_Init_Window(bufnum)
+ " Open the taglist window
+ call s:Tlist_Explore_File(bufnum)
+function! TagList_IsValid()
+ return 0
+function! TagList_WrapUp()
+ return 0