Assume we are using a terminal with a dark background. This should be the case if Xresources are correctly loaded. If by some unfortunate happenstance we should find ourselves at the console of an old Solaris machine we can set bg=light.
" Look for ctags in home directory first.
se tags=~/.tags,./tags,tags
+" Don't timeout waiting to interpet, eg, <ESC>OA as an escape code.
+se ttimeoutlen=100
" Use - and = to create underlines.
map - yyp:s/./-/g<RETURN>:let @/=''<RETURN>:<RETURN>
map = yyp:s/./=/g<RETURN>:let @/=''<RETURN>:<RETURN>
if version >= "500"
version 5.0
+" Tell Vim we use dark backgrounds in our terminals.
+if ! has("gui_running")
+ se bg=dark
" Vim 5 hardcodes the size of numbers column to 8.
let numberwidth=8