" So there's no need to assign them low priority.
se suffixes-=*.o,*.obj
-" Vim 5 hardcodes the size of numbers column to 8.
-let numberwidth=8
" Save sessions in UNIX format with / as file separator. This is
" cross-platform.
se ssop+=unix,slash
" Window Flags: (F)ocused, (I)nsert mode, Cursor (H)old.
let b:iainstatus = "Fih"
+ if ! exists("g:iainextracolumns")
+ let g:iainextracolumns = 0
+ endif
" Helper for status line.
" Show the window title.
fun! Show_TitleString()
if bufname("") == ""
- let ts1='Vim'
+ let l:ts1='Vim'
- let ts1=printf("%2d: %s", bufnr(""), expand('%t'))
+ let l:ts1=printf("%2d: %s", bufnr(""), expand('%t'))
- return printf("%s (%s) %s", ts1, getcwd(), v:servername)
+ return printf("%s (%s) %s", l:ts1, getcwd(), v:servername)
" Show the status line.
fun! Show_StatusLine()
call Iain_Vars()
- let sl1='%2n\:\ %<%f\ [%{Show_List()}%{Show_Case()}%{Show_Tabstop()}%{Show_Paste()}%Y%M%R]\ %='
- let sl3='L:%4.6l/%-4.6L\ C:%3.6c\ \|\ %P'
- let hexformat='%b'
+ let l:sl1='%2n\:\ %<%f\ [%{Show_List()}%{Show_Case()}%{Show_Tabstop()}%{Show_Paste()}%Y%M%R]\ %='
+ let l:sl3='L:%4.6l/%-4.6L\ C:%3.6c\ \|\ %P'
+ let l:hexformat='%b'
if b:iainhex
- let hexformat='0\x%02B'
+ let l:hexformat='0\x%02B'
if b:iainverbose
- let sl2=hexformat . '\ \|\ P:%4.6o\ '
+ let l:sl2=l:hexformat . '\ \|\ P:%4.6o\ '
- let sl2=''
+ let l:sl2=''
- exec "set statusline=" . sl1 . sl2 . sl3
+ exec "set statusline=" . l:sl1 . l:sl2 . l:sl3
" Toggle case-sensitivity.
let &ic = ! &ic
+" Grow or shrink the window size.
+fun! Resize_Columns(op)
+ " XXX: This won't work inside screen.
+ " We should really detect whether it would work rather than assume it won't.
+ if &term =~ '^screen'
+ return
+ endif
+ " Vim 5 hardcodes the size of numbers column to 8.
+ if version >= 600
+ let l:numberwidth = &numberwidth
+ else
+ let l:numberwidth = 8
+ endif
+ exec "se columns" . a:op . "=" . l:numberwidth
+" Toggle number display.
+fun! Number()
+ call Iain_Vars()
+ let &number = ! &number
+ let l:i = 0
+ let l:num_numbers = 0
+ while l:i <= winnr("$")
+ if getwinvar(l:i, "&number") == 1
+ let l:num_numbers = l:num_numbers + 1
+ endif
+ let l:i = l:i + 1
+ endwhile
+ if l:num_numbers == 0
+ let g:iainextracolumns = 0
+ call Resize_Columns("-")
+ elseif g:iainextracolumns == 0
+ let g:iainextracolumns = 1
+ call Resize_Columns("+")
+ endif
" Restore window size.
au VimLeave * if exists("oldcols") | let &columns=oldcols | endif
" Swap case-sensitivity with \c.
call Mapping("c", ":call Invert_Case()<CR>:<CR>")
" Change number mode with \n.
-call Mapping("n", ":se number!<CR>:<CR>")
-" Expand or shrink window size with \> and \<. For use after toggling number.
-call Mapping(">", ":exe 'se columns+=' . numberwidth<CR>:<CR>")
-call Mapping("<", ":exe 'se columns-=' . numberwidth<CR>:<CR>")
+call Mapping("n", ":call Number()<CR>:<CR>")
+" Expand or shrink window size with \> and \<.
+call Mapping(">", ":call Resize_Columns('+')<CR>:<CR>")
+call Mapping("<", ":call Resize_Columns('-')<CR>:<CR>")
" Clear search pattern with \/.
call Mapping("/", ":let @/=\"\"<CR>:<CR>")