--- /dev/null
+" clipbrd.vim -- Clipboard and other register content editor.
+" Author: Hari Krishna (hari_vim at yahoo dot com)
+" Last Change: 01-Jun-2006 @ 17:57
+" Created: 26-May-2004
+" Requires: Vim-7.0, genutils.vim(2.0)
+" Version: 2.0.1
+" Licence: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+" See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt
+" Download From:
+" http://www.vim.org/script.php?script_id=1014
+" Usage:
+" - Execute the default map (\cb or <Leader>cb) or :ClipBrd command to view
+" the default register ("*", the clipboard register). You can also specify
+" the register name as an argument to the :ClipBrd command.
+" - The register name is remembered (until you change it again by explicitly
+" specifying it) so that you don't have to specify it everytime you run
+" :ClipBrd command.
+" - The "[Clip Board]" buffer is like a regular Vim file buffer, as you can
+" write (:w, :w!, :wq, :wq!), reload (:e, :e!) and quit (:q, :q!) the
+" buffer using the built-in Vim commands. Writing without the bang will
+" make the plugin prompt you for confirmation and where available, you can
+" click "Cancel" to prevent the buffer from quitting.
+" - To refresh contents from the register, use :e or :e! command, or just
+" close and reopen the buffer. To quit without saving, just use the :q!
+" command.
+" - <C-G> while in the [Clip Board] buffer shows the register name.
+" - Even other buffer commands and settings work as expected, e.g., you can
+" :hide the buffer if you can't decide to save or quit, and the contents
+" should remain the same when you come back, unless a different register
+" is explicitly specified while opening the clipboard. Setting 'bufhidden'
+" to "hide" or 'hidden' also should do the same.
+" Installation:
+" - Place the file in your plugin directory.
+" - Also install the latest genutils.vim.
+" - If you don't like the default map (\cb), change it by placing the
+" following in your vimrc (change <Your Map> appropriately):
+" nmap <unique> <silent> <Your Map> <Plug>ClipBrdOpen
+" - If you want to change the default register from "*" to something else,
+" put the following in your vimrc:
+" let g:clipbrdDefaultReg = '+'
+" The default register is significant only the first time you invoke the
+" ClipBrd without specifying any register.
+" - You can optionally create a program shortcut with the following as the
+" command:
+" gvim +ClipBrd +only
+" This allows you to use the shortcut to quickly view and edit the
+" system clipboard. I find it extremely useful. Place the shortcut in a
+" quick reach (like the windows taskbar) and you will have a powerful
+" clipboard editor handy all the time.
+" TODO:
+if exists('loaded_clipbrd')
+ finish
+if v:version < 700
+ "echomsg 'clipbrd: You need at least Vim 7.0'
+ finish
+if !exists('loaded_genutils')
+ runtime plugin/genutils.vim
+if !exists('loaded_genutils') || loaded_genutils < 200
+ echomsg 'clipbrd: You need a newer version of genutils.vim plugin'
+ finish
+let loaded_clipbrd=1
+if !exists('s:myBufNum')
+let s:myBufNum = -1
+let s:myDir = ''
+if exists('g:clipbrdDefaultReg')
+ let s:curReg = g:clipbrdDefaultReg
+ let s:curReg = '*'
+let s:title = '[Clip Board]'
+command! -nargs=? ClipBrd :call <SID>ViewRegister(<f-args>)
+if (! exists("no_plugin_maps") || ! no_plugin_maps) &&
+ \ (! exists("no_clipbrd_maps") || ! no_clipbrd_maps)
+ nnoremap <script> <Plug>ClipBrdOpen :ClipBrd<CR>
+ if !hasmapto('<Plug>ClipBrdOpen')
+ nmap <unique> <silent> <Leader>cb <Plug>ClipBrdOpen
+ endi
+function! s:ViewRegister(...)
+ let forceRefresh = 0
+ if (a:0 > 0 && a:1 != s:curReg)
+ let s:curReg = (a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : s:curReg)
+ let forceRefresh = 1
+ endif
+ if s:myBufNum == -1
+ " Temporarily modify isfname to avoid treating the name as a pattern.
+ let _isf = &isfname
+ try
+ set isfname-=\
+ set isfname-=[
+ if exists('+shellslash')
+ exec "sp \\\\". escape(s:title, ' ')
+ else
+ exec "sp \\". escape(s:title, ' ')
+ endif
+ exec "normal i\<C-G>u\<Esc>"
+ let s:myBufNum = bufnr('%')
+ let s:myDir = getcwd()
+ finally
+ let &isfname = _isf
+ endtry
+ else
+ let buffer_win = bufwinnr(s:myBufNum)
+ if buffer_win == -1
+ exec 'sb '. s:myBufNum
+ if a:0 == 0
+ return | " BufReadCmd must have done the trick.
+ endif
+ elseif buffer_win != winnr()
+ exec buffer_win . 'wincmd w'
+ endif
+ " Preserve the buffername, in case the user changed the directory. This is
+ " a hack to get the same functionality as buftype=nofile itself, without
+ " needing to set it (since we want 'modified' flag to be working).
+ if s:myDir !=# getcwd()
+ try
+ exec 'lcd' s:myDir
+ setl buftype=nofile
+ lcd -
+ setl buftype=
+ catch
+ " Ignore.
+ endtry
+ endif
+ endif
+ call s:SetupBuf(s:curReg)
+ if forceRefresh || (line('$') == 1 && getline(1) =~ '^$')
+ call genutils#OptClearBuffer()
+ let v:errmsg = ''
+ silent! exec '$put '.s:curReg
+ if v:errmsg != ''
+ echohl ErrorMsg | echo v:errmsg | echohl NONE
+ return
+ endif
+ silent 1delete _
+ setlocal nomodified
+ endif
+function! s:UpdateRegister(confirmed, cancellable)
+ if a:confirmed || v:cmdbang
+ let response = 1
+ else
+ let response = confirm('Do you want to update register: "'.s:curReg.
+ \ '"? ', "&Yes\n&No".(a:cancellable?"\n&Cancel":''), 1, 'Question')
+ endif
+ if response == 1
+ silent exec '1,$yank' s:curReg
+ endif
+ if response != 3 " If not cancelled.
+ setl nomodified
+ else
+ setl modified
+ endif
+function! s:SetupBuf(regName)
+ call genutils#SetupScratchBuffer()
+ " We are not setting 'buftype' as this will make BufWriteCmd unusable.
+ setlocal buftype=
+ " We are not setting 'bufhidden' because that will allow us to :hide it,
+ " without disturbing the changes.
+ setlocal bufhidden=
+ " Set some options suitable for pure text editing.
+ setlocal tabstop=8
+ setlocal softtabstop=0
+ setlocal shiftwidth=8
+ setlocal noexpandtab
+ setlocal autoindent
+ setlocal formatoptions=tcqnl
+ setlocal comments=:#,fb:-
+ setlocal wrapmargin=0
+ setlocal textwidth=80
+ let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setl ts< sts< sw< et< ai< fo< com< wm< tw<'
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-G> :call <SID>ShowSummary()<CR>
+ let auTitle = escape(s:title, '\[*^$. ')
+ aug ClipBrd
+ au!
+ exec 'au BufWriteCmd ' . auTitle .' :call <SID>UpdateRegister(0, 1)'
+ exec 'au BufReadCmd ' . auTitle .' :call <SID>ViewRegister()'
+ aug END
+function! s:ShowSummary()
+ let summary = genutils#GetVimCmdOutput('file')
+ let summary = substitute(summary, '" \(\[New file]\)\=',
+ \ '" [Register '.s:curReg.']', '')
+ echo summary
+" vim6:fdm=marker et sw=2