The rotate-window command isn't hugely useful so instead bind o to
"swap-pane -D" and O to "swap-pane -U" to swap the current pane with
the next (resp. previous) pane.
Bind w to prompt for a pane to swap with the current pane.
Bind W to prompt for a window to swap with the current window.
bind J select-pane -D
bind K select-pane -U
# Swap panes.
-bind w swap-pane
+bind o swap-pane -D
+bind C-o swap-pane -D
+bind O swap-pane -U
+bind w command-prompt -p "Select [<window>.]<pane> to swap:" 'swap-pane -s . -t %1'
+# Swap windows.
+bind W choose-window "swap-window -t '%%'"
# Show panes.
bind = display-panes
# Move the current pane into a separate window.