--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Version 1.0
+Displays 256, 88 and 16 color tables depending on what the terminal supports.
+Also provides for conversion between 256 and 88 color values.
+Note on coding style. I was playing around with using classes as simple
+namespaces (sort of like modules); ie. having classes that have all
+staticmethods and never get instatiated.
+import curses
+from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
+from math import ceil, sqrt
+option_list = [
+ make_option("-x", "--hex", action="store_true", dest="hex",
+ default=False, help="Include hex color numbers on chart."),
+ make_option("-n", "--numbers", action="store_true", dest="numbers",
+ default=False, help="Include color escape numbers on chart."),
+ make_option("-b", "--block", action="store_true", dest="block",
+ default=True, help="Display as block format (vs cube) [default]."),
+ make_option("-c", "--cube-slice", action="store_true", dest="cube",
+ default=False, help="Display as cube slices (vs block)."),
+ make_option("-v", "--vertical", action="store_true", dest="vertical",
+ default=True, help="Display with vertical orientation [default]."),
+ make_option("-z", "--horizontal", action="store_true", dest="horizontal",
+ default=False, help="Display with horizontal orientation."),
+ make_option("-l", "--rgb", action="store_true", dest="rgb",
+ default=False, help="Long format. RGB values text."),
+ make_option("-r", "--256to88", action="store", dest="reduce",
+ metavar="N", type="int",
+ help="Convert (reduce) 256 color value N to an 88 color value."),
+ make_option("-e", "--88to256", action="store", dest="expand",
+ metavar="N", type="int",
+ help="Convert (expand) 88 color value N to an 256 color value."),
+ ]
+version = __doc__.split('\n')[1]
+parser = OptionParser(version=version, option_list=option_list)
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+# output constants
+fg_escape = "\x1b[38;5;%dm"
+bg_escape = "\x1b[48;5;%dm"
+clear = "\x1b[0m"
+class _staticmethods(type):
+ """ Got tired of adding @staticmethod in front of every method.
+ """
+ def __new__(m, n, b, d):
+ """ turn all methods in to staticmethods.
+ staticmethod() deals correctly with class attributes.
+ """
+ for (n, f) in d.items():
+ d[n] = staticmethod(f)
+ return type.__new__(m, n, b, d)
+class term16(object):
+ """ Basic 16 color terminal.
+ """
+ __metaclass__ = _staticmethods
+ def _label():
+ if options.numbers:
+ return " %2d "
+ elif options.hex:
+ return " %2x "
+ return " "
+ def fg(label, n):
+ fg = n < 8 and 15 or 0
+ try:
+ return fg_escape % fg + label % n + clear
+ except TypeError:
+ return fg_escape % fg + label + clear
+ def _color_table():
+ label = term16._label()
+ return [
+ [bg_escape % n + term16.fg(label, n) + clear
+ for n in range(8)],
+ [bg_escape % n + term16.fg(label, n) + clear
+ for n in range(8,16)]
+ ]
+ def display():
+ """ display 16 color info
+ """
+ print "System colors:"
+ colors = term16._color_table()
+ for r in colors:
+ print ''.join(i for i in r)
+class term256(term16):
+ """ eg. xterm-256
+ """
+ def _rgb_lookup():
+ """ color rgb lookup dict
+ """
+ rgb = "%02x/%02x/%02x"
+ cincr = [0] + [95+40*n for n in range(5)]
+ color_rgb = [rgb % (i, j, k)
+ for i in cincr for j in cincr for k in cincr]
+ color_rgb = dict(zip(range(16, len(color_rgb)+16), color_rgb))
+ greys = [rgb % (((8+n),)*3) for n in range(0, 240, 10)]
+ greys = dict(zip(range(232, 256), greys))
+ color_rgb.update(greys)
+ return color_rgb
+ def _rgb_color_table():
+ """ 256 color info
+ """
+ label = "% 4d: %s"
+ _rgb = term256._rgb_lookup()
+ return [[fg_escape % n + label % (n, _rgb[n]) + clear
+ for n in [i+j for j in range(6)]]
+ for i in range(16, 256, 6)]
+ def _rgb_display():
+ """ display colors with rgb hex info
+ """
+ colors = term256._rgb_color_table()
+ while colors:
+ rows, colors = colors[:6], colors[6:]
+ for r in zip(*rows):
+ print ''.join(i for i in r)
+ print
+ def _label():
+ if options.numbers:
+ return "%3d "
+ elif options.hex:
+ return " %2x "
+ return " "
+ def fg(label, n):
+ if n < 232:
+ fg = n < 124 and 15 or 0
+ else:
+ fg = n < 244 and 15 or 0
+ try:
+ return fg_escape % fg + label % n + clear
+ except TypeError:
+ return fg_escape % fg + label + clear
+ def _color_table():
+ """ compact 256 color info
+ """
+ label = term256._label()
+ return [[bg_escape % n + term256.fg(label, n) + clear
+ for n in [i+j for j in range(6)]]
+ for i in range(16, 232, 6)]
+ def _grey_table():
+ """ compact grey table
+ """
+ label = " " + term256._label()
+ return [[bg_escape % n + term256.fg(label, n) + clear
+ for n in [i+j for j in range(12)]]
+ for i in range(232, 256, 12)]
+ def _compact_display():
+ """ display colors in compact format
+ """
+ colors = term256._color_table()
+ if options.cube:
+ _cube(colors)
+ elif options.block:
+ _block(colors)
+ print
+ print "Greyscale ramp:"
+ greys = term256._grey_table()
+ for r in greys:
+ print ''.join(i for i in r)
+ def display():
+ """ display 256 color info (+ 16 in compact format)
+ """
+ if options.rgb:
+ print "Xterm RGB values for 6x6x6 color cube and greyscale."
+ print
+ term256._rgb_display()
+ else:
+ term16.display()
+ print
+ print "6x6x6 color cube:"
+ term256._compact_display()
+class term88(term16):
+ """ xterm-88 or urxvt
+ """
+ def _rgb_lookup():
+ """ color rgb lookup dict
+ """
+ rgb = "%02x/%02x/%02x"
+ cincr = [0, 0x8b, 0xcd, 0xff]
+ color_rgb = [rgb % (i, j, k)
+ for i in cincr for j in cincr for k in cincr]
+ color_rgb = dict(zip(range(16, len(color_rgb)+16), color_rgb))
+ greys = [rgb % ((n,)*3)
+ for n in [0x2e, 0x5c, 0x73, 0x8b, 0xa2, 0xb9, 0xd0, 0xe7]]
+ greys = dict(zip(range(80, 88), greys))
+ color_rgb.update(greys)
+ return color_rgb
+ def _rgb_color_table():
+ """ 256 color info
+ """
+ label = "% 4d: %s"
+ _rgb = term88._rgb_lookup()
+ return [[fg_escape % n + label % (n, _rgb[n]) + clear
+ for n in [i+j for j in range(4)]]
+ for i in range(16, 88, 4)]
+ def _rgb_display():
+ """ display colors with rgb hex info
+ """
+ colors = term88._rgb_color_table()
+ while colors:
+ rows, colors = colors[:4], colors[4:]
+ for r in zip(*rows):
+ print ''.join(i for i in r)
+ print
+ def _label():
+ if options.numbers:
+ return " %2d "
+ elif options.hex:
+ return " %2x "
+ return " "
+ def fg(label, n):
+ if n < 80:
+ fg = n < 48 and 15 or 0
+ else:
+ fg = n < 84 and 15 or 0
+ try:
+ return fg_escape % fg + label % n + clear
+ except TypeError:
+ return fg_escape % fg + label + clear
+ def _color_table():
+ """ 88 color info
+ """
+ label = term88._label()
+ return [[bg_escape % n + term88.fg(label, n) + clear
+ for n in [i+j for j in range(4)]]
+ for i in range(16, 80, 4)]
+ def _grey_table():
+ """ 88 color grey info
+ """
+ label = term88._label()
+ return [bg_escape % n + term88.fg(label, n) + clear
+ for n in range(80, 88)]
+ def display():
+ """ display 16 + 88 color info
+ """
+ if options.rgb:
+ print "Xterm RGB values for 4x4x4 color cube and greyscale."
+ print
+ term88._rgb_display()
+ else:
+ term16.display()
+ print
+ print "4x4x4 color cube:"
+ colors = term88._color_table()
+ if options.cube:
+ _cube(colors)
+ elif options.block:
+ _block(colors)
+ print
+ print "Greyscale ramp:"
+ greys = term88._grey_table()
+ print ''.join(i for i in greys)
+def _cube(colors):
+ if options.horizontal:
+ def _horizontal(colors):
+ size = int(sqrt(len(colors)))
+ for n in (n*size for n in range(size)):
+ colors[n:n+size] = zip(*colors[n:n+size])
+ while colors:
+ rows, colors = colors[:size*2], colors[size*2:]
+ for n in range(size):
+ print ''.join(i
+ for i in rows[n]+tuple(reversed(rows[n+size])))
+ if colors: print
+ _horizontal(colors)
+ else: #options.vertical - default
+ def _vertical(colors):
+ size = int(sqrt(len(colors)))
+ top = [colors[n:len(colors):size*2] for n in range(size)]
+ bottom = [colors[n+size:len(colors):size*2]
+ for n in reversed(range(size))]
+ for group in [top, bottom]:
+ for rows in group:
+ for r in rows:
+ print ''.join(i for i in r),
+ print
+ _vertical(colors)
+def _block(colors):
+ size = int(sqrt(len(colors)))
+ if not options.horizontal:
+ for n in (n*size for n in range(size)):
+ colors[n:n+size] = zip(*colors[n:n+size])
+ while colors:
+ half = size*(size/2)
+ rows, colors = colors[:half], colors[half:]
+ for n in range(size):
+ for r in rows[n:len(rows):size]:
+ print ''.join(i for i in r),
+ print
+ if colors: print
+def convert88to256(n):
+ """ 88 (4x4x4) color cube to 256 (6x6x6) color cube values
+ """
+ if n < 16:
+ return n
+ elif n > 79:
+ return 234 + (3 * (n - 80))
+ else:
+ def m(n):
+ "0->0, 1->1, 2->3, 3->5"
+ return n and n + n-1 or n
+ b = n - 16
+ x = b % 4
+ y = (b / 4) % 4
+ z = b / 16
+ return 16 + m(x) + (6 * m(y) + 36 * m(z))
+def convert256to88(n):
+ """ 256 (6x6x6) color cube to 88 (4x4x4) color cube values
+ """
+ if n < 16:
+ return n
+ elif n > 231:
+ if n < 234:
+ return 0
+ return 80 + ((n - 234) / 3)
+ else:
+ def m(n, _ratio=(4./6.)):
+ if n < 2:
+ return int(ceil(_ratio*n))
+ else:
+ return int(_ratio*n)
+ b = n - 16
+ x = b % 6
+ y = (b / 6) % 6
+ z = b / 36
+ return 16 + m(x) + (4 * m(y) + 16 * m(z))
+def _terminal():
+ """ detect # of colors supported by terminal and return appropriate
+ terminal class
+ """
+ curses.setupterm()
+ num_colors = curses.tigetnum('colors')
+ if num_colors > 0:
+ return {16:term16, 88:term88, 256:term256}.get(num_colors, term16)
+def main():
+ if options.reduce:
+ v = convert256to88(options.reduce)
+ # reconvert back to display reduction in context
+ print "%s (equivalent to 256 value: %s)" % (v, convert88to256(v))
+ elif options.expand:
+ print convert88to256(options.expand)
+ else:
+ term = _terminal()
+ if term is None:
+ print "Your terminal reports that it has no color support."
+ else:
+ term.display()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()