--- /dev/null
+*ZoomWin.txt* Zoom into/out-of a window Apr 24, 2008
+Authors: Charles E. Campbell, Jr. *zoomwin*
+ Ron Aaron
+Copyright: (c) 2004-2008 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr. *zoomwin-copyright*
+ The VIM LICENSE applies to ZoomWin.vim and ZoomWin.txt
+ (see |copyright|) except use "ZoomWin" instead of "Vim"
+ No warranty, express or implied. Use At-Your-Own-Risk.
+1. Usage *zoomwin-usage*
+ :call ZoomWin()
+ :ZoomWin
+ <c-w>o
+ Either of the two commands or the normal mode <c-w>o will toggle between
+ * selecting the current window for display as the only window or
+ * to restore the original multiple-window view.
+2. Setup *zoomwin-setup*
+ Simply put ZoomWin.vim into your .vim/plugin directory (you may need to
+ make such a directory first). Under Windows that should be
+ vimfiles\plugin. ZoomWin now uses the HelpExtractor method to
+ automatically extract help and to make it known to vim by running helptags
+ on it.
+3. History *zoomwin-history*
+ v23 Apr 24, 2008 : * when |'scrollbind'| was activated: when ZoomWin
+ attempted to restore multiple-windows, the cursor
+ position was incorrect. Fixed.
+ v22 Apr 10, 2006 : * "only" was occasionally issuing an "Already one
+ window" message, which is now prevented
+ * SavePosn() issued error message when handling an
+ empty buffer
+ * saves yank registers and restores them on each
+ zoom/unzoom
+ v21 Oct 12, 2004 : * v14 fixed a bug when wmw and/or wmv equal to 0;
+ v21 will invoke the patch only if the version <= 603.
+ For vim version 6.3 users, this fix allows more files
+ to be handled by ZoomWin.
+ May 10, 2005 * When :version shows -mksession, and the vim version
+ is at least 6.3, ZoomWin will now do a partial zoom
+ v20 Jul 26, 2004 : * bugfix - ZoomWin didn't always retain the
+ position in the former zoomed-in window after
+ the window layout was restored. It was restoring
+ the position when the zoom-in occurred.
+ v19 May 26, 2004 : * bugfix - winmanager has events firing that,
+ amongst other things, reset the bufhidden
+ option to delete for some windows while
+ ZoomWin worked. ZoomWin now works
+ successfully with winmanager.
+ v18 May 20, 2004 : * bugfix - didn't adversely affect anything, but
+ ZoomWin was deleting its session file twice.
+ * bugfix -- a multi-source file + minibufexplorer
+ + Taglist interaction bug -- minibufexplorer's
+ autocmd events were firing, generating a new
+ window while ZoomWin was attempting to restore
+ the display. ZoomWin didn't have restoration
+ information for the new window and so reported
+ an error. Events are now temporarily disabled
+ while ZoomWin is restoring the layout.
+ v17 Mar 26, 2004 : * ZoomWin command installed. Works nicely with
+ taglist: vim +Tlist +ZoomWin filename
+ v16 Dec 22, 2003 : * handles bufhidden and nobl windows (TagList support).
+ * Now also works with quickfix window (:copen) but
+ still not with |cmdline-window| (q:)
+ v15 Dec 19, 2003 : * SavePosn()/RestorePosn() needed to be preceded
+ by s: to prevent clashes
+ v14 Dec 18, 2003 : * works around a restoration-bug with mksession
+ when either wmw or wmh settings are zero
+ * Bwipes internal temporary buffers
+ * Known bugs: will not work with command-line
+ * Editing window (|cmdline-window|) nor the
+ quickfix window (|copen|).
+ v13 Dec 18, 2003 : Uses eventignore to prevent events/autocmds from
+ firing while changing the mksession results.
+ v12 Dec 12, 2003 : uses hidden and a minimalist mksession save
+ v11 Oct 14, 2003 : bug fix: apparently RestorePosn()'s variables,
+ which were b:, weren't always defined, so s:
+ ones are now used.
+ v10 Sep 22, 2003 : Bug fix: when a single window is showing, the user
+ moves the cursor, then <c-w>o used to restore
+ screen, the current cursor position wasn't retained
+ Restores v:this_session.
+ Bug fix: change a window, use <c-w>o, then write.
+ Was saving file only to temporary file instead of
+ actual file, but when the actual file was brought back,
+ the changes were lost.
+ v9 Aug 15, 2003 : v8 managed to trash syntax highlighting on
+ reload, this one removes the eventignore
+ handling. Will need more pondering...
+ v8 Aug 14, 2003 : now handles not-modified but not filereadable
+ buffers, nowrite buffers uses eventignore to
+ bypass autocmd firing
+ v7 May 23, 2003 : bugfix - GotoWinNum() didn't always get the
+ cursor into the correct window
+ v6 Mar 25, 2003 : more cleanup included
+ v5 Mar 14, 2003 : includes support for handling scratch buffers,
+ no-name buffer windows, and modified-buffer
+ windows. All windows' contents will be saved to
+ temporary buffers
+ v4 Dec 12, 2002 : Zak Beck contributed code to clean up temporary
+ session files if one leaves vim while zoomed-in
+ v3 Dec 11, 2002 : plugin-ized
+ v2 Nov 08, 2002 : A guaranteed-to-be-unique to this
+ session file is used for session information.
+ Modified but not yet saved files are made hidden
+ during zoom in.
+ v1 the epoch : Ron Aaron's original
--- /dev/null
+" ZoomWin: Brief-like ability to zoom into/out-of a window
+" Author: Charles Campbell
+" original version by Ron Aaron
+" Date: Apr 24, 2008
+" Version: 23a ASTRO-ONLY
+" History: see :help zoomwin-history {{{1
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 508 1 :AutoInstall: ZoomWin.vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load Once: {{{1
+if &cp || exists("g:loaded_ZoomWin")
+ finish
+let s:keepcpo = &cpo
+let g:loaded_ZoomWin = "v23a"
+set cpo&vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Public Interface: {{{1
+if !hasmapto("<Plug>ZoomWin")
+ nmap <unique> <c-w>o <Plug>ZoomWin
+nnoremap <silent> <script> <Plug>ZoomWin :set lz<CR>:silent call ZoomWin()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
+com! ZoomWin :set lz|silent call ZoomWin()|set nolz
+au VimLeave * call <SID>CleanupSessionFile()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ZoomWin: toggles between a single-window and a multi-window layout {{{1
+" The original version was by Ron Aaron.
+fun! ZoomWin()
+" let g:decho_hide= 1 "Decho
+" call Dfunc("ZoomWin() winbufnr(2)=".winbufnr(2))
+ " if the vim doesn't have +mksession, only a partial zoom is available {{{2
+ if !has("mksession")
+ if !exists("s:partialzoom")
+ echomsg "missing the +mksession feature; only a partial zoom is available"
+ let s:partialzoom= 0
+ endif
+ if v:version < 630
+ echoerr "***sorry*** you need an updated vim, preferably with +mksession"
+ elseif s:partialzoom
+ " partial zoom out
+ let s:partialzoom= 0
+ exe s:winrestore
+ else
+ " partial zoom in
+ let s:partialzoom= 1
+ let s:winrestore = winrestcmd()
+ res
+ endif
+" call Dret("ZoomWin : partialzoom=".s:partialzoom)
+ return
+ endif
+ " Close certain windows {{{2
+ call s:ZoomWinPreserve(0)
+ " save options. Force window minimum height/width to be >= 1 {{{2
+ let keep_hidden = &hidden
+ let keep_write = &write
+ if v:version < 603
+ if &wmh == 0 || &wmw == 0
+ let keep_wmh = &wmh
+ let keep_wmw = &wmw
+ silent! set wmh=1 wmw=1
+ endif
+ endif
+ set hidden write
+ if winbufnr(2) == -1
+ " there's only one window - restore to multiple-windows mode {{{2
+" call Decho("there's only one window - restore to multiple windows")
+ if exists("s:sessionfile") && filereadable(s:sessionfile)
+ " save position in current one-window-only
+" call Decho("save position in current one-window-only in sponly")
+ let sponly = s:SavePosn(0)
+ let s:origline = line(".")
+ let s:origcol = virtcol(".")
+ " source session file to restore window layout
+ let ei_keep= &ei
+ set ei=all
+ exe 'silent! so '.s:sessionfile
+" Decho("@@<".@@.">")
+ let v:this_session= s:sesskeep
+ if exists("s:savedposn1")
+ " restore windows' positioning and buffers
+" call Decho("restore windows, positions, buffers")
+ windo call s:RestorePosn(s:savedposn{winnr()})|unlet s:savedposn{winnr()}
+ call s:GotoWinNum(s:winkeep)
+ unlet s:winkeep
+ endif
+ if line(".") != s:origline || virtcol(".") != s:origcol
+ " If the cursor hasn't moved from the original position,
+ " then let the position remain what it was in the original
+ " multi-window layout.
+" call Decho("restore position using sponly")
+ call s:RestorePosn(sponly)
+ endif
+ " delete session file and variable holding its name
+" call Decho("delete session file")
+ call delete(s:sessionfile)
+ unlet s:sessionfile
+ let &ei=ei_keep
+ endif
+ else " there's more than one window - go to only-one-window mode {{{2
+" call Decho("there's multiple windows - goto one-window-only")
+ let s:winkeep = winnr()
+ let s:sesskeep = v:this_session
+ " doesn't work with the command line window (normal mode q:)
+ if &bt == "nofile" && expand("%") == "command-line"
+ echoerr "***error*** ZoomWin doesn't work with the command line window"
+" call Dret("ZoomWin : commandline window error")
+ return
+ endif
+" call Decho("1: @@<".@@.">")
+ " disable all events (autocmds)
+" call Decho("disable events")
+ let ei_keep= &ei
+ set ei=all
+" call Decho("2: @@<".@@.">")
+ " save window positioning commands
+" call Decho("save window positioning commands")
+ windo let s:savedposn{winnr()}= s:SavePosn(1)
+ call s:GotoWinNum(s:winkeep)
+ " set up name of session file
+" call Decho("3: @@<".@@.">")
+ let s:sessionfile= tempname()
+" call Decho("4: @@<".@@.">")
+ " save session
+" call Decho("save session")
+ let ssop_keep = &ssop
+ let &ssop = 'blank,help,winsize'
+" call Decho("5: @@<".@@.">")
+ exe 'mksession! '.s:sessionfile
+" call Decho("6: @@<".@@.">")
+ let keepyy= @@
+ let keepy0= @0
+ let keepy1= @1
+ let keepy2= @2
+ let keepy3= @3
+ let keepy4= @4
+ let keepy5= @5
+ let keepy6= @6
+ let keepy7= @7
+ let keepy8= @8
+ let keepy9= @9
+ set lz ei=all bh=
+ if v:version >= 700
+ exe "keepalt keepmarks new! ".s:sessionfile
+ silent! keepjumps keepmarks v/wincmd\|split\|resize/d
+ keepalt w!
+ keepalt bw!
+ else
+ exe "new! ".s:sessionfile
+ v/wincmd\|split\|resize/d
+ w!
+ bw!
+ endif
+ let @@= keepyy
+ let @0= keepy0
+ let @1= keepy1
+ let @2= keepy2
+ let @3= keepy3
+ let @4= keepy4
+ let @5= keepy5
+ let @6= keepy6
+ let @7= keepy7
+ let @8= keepy8
+ let @9= keepy9
+" call Decho("7: @@<".@@.">")
+ " restore user's session options and restore event handling
+" call Decho("restore user session options and event handling")
+ set nolz
+ let &ssop = ssop_keep
+ silent! only!
+" call Decho("8: @@<".@@.">")
+ let &ei = ei_keep
+ echomsg expand("%")
+" call Decho("9: @@<".@@.">")
+ endif
+ " restore user option settings {{{2
+" call Decho("restore user option settings")
+ let &hidden= keep_hidden
+ let &write = keep_write
+ if v:version < 603
+ if exists("keep_wmw")
+ let &wmh= keep_wmh
+ let &wmw= keep_wmw
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Re-open certain windows {{{2
+ call s:ZoomWinPreserve(1)
+" call Dret("ZoomWin")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" SavePosn: this function sets up a savedposn variable that {{{1
+" has the commands necessary to restore the view
+" of the current window.
+fun! s:SavePosn(savewinhoriz)
+" call Dfunc("SavePosn(savewinhoriz=".a:savewinhoriz.") file<".expand("%").">")
+ let swline = line(".")
+ if swline == 1 && getline(1) == ""
+ " empty buffer
+ let savedposn= "silent b ".winbufnr(0)
+" call Dret("SavePosn savedposn<".savedposn.">")
+ return savedposn
+ endif
+ let swcol = col(".")
+ let swwline = winline()-1
+ let swwcol = virtcol(".") - wincol()
+ let savedposn = "silent b ".winbufnr(0)."|".swline."|silent norm! z\<cr>"
+ if swwline > 0
+ let savedposn= savedposn.":silent norm! ".swwline."\<c-y>\<cr>:silent norm! zs\<cr>"
+ endif
+ let savedposn= savedposn.":silent call cursor(".swline.",".swcol.")\<cr>"
+ if a:savewinhoriz
+ if swwcol > 0
+ let savedposn= savedposn.":silent norm! ".swwcol."zl\<cr>"
+ endif
+ " handle certain special settings for the multi-window savedposn call
+ " bufhidden buftype buflisted
+ let settings= ""
+ if &bh != ""
+ let settings="bh=".&bh
+ setlocal bh=hide
+ endif
+ if !&bl
+ let settings= settings." nobl"
+ setlocal bl
+ endif
+ if &bt != ""
+ let settings= settings." bt=".&bt
+ setlocal bt=
+ endif
+ if settings != ""
+ let savedposn= savedposn.":setlocal ".settings."\<cr>"
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("SavePosn savedposn<".savedposn.">")
+ return savedposn
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:RestorePosn: this function restores noname and scratch windows {{{1
+fun! s:RestorePosn(savedposn)
+" call Dfunc("RestorePosn(savedposn<".a:savedposn.">) file<".expand("%").">")
+ if &scb
+ setlocal noscb
+ exe a:savedposn
+ setlocal scb
+ else
+ exe a:savedposn
+ endif
+" call Dret("RestorePosn")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" CleanupSessionFile: if you exit Vim before cleaning up the {{{1
+" supposed-to-be temporary session file
+fun! s:CleanupSessionFile()
+" call Dfunc("CleanupSessionFile()")
+ if exists("s:sessionfile") && filereadable(s:sessionfile)
+" call Decho("sessionfile exists and is readable; deleting it")
+ silent! call delete(s:sessionfile)
+ unlet s:sessionfile
+ endif
+" call Dret("CleanupSessionFile")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" GotoWinNum: this function puts cursor into specified window {{{1
+fun! s:GotoWinNum(winnum)
+" call Dfunc("GotoWinNum(winnum=".a:winnum.") winnr=".winnr())
+ if a:winnum != winnr()
+ exe a:winnum."wincmd w"
+ endif
+" call Dret("GotoWinNum")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ZoomWinPreserve: This function, largely written by David Fishburn, {{{1
+" allows ZoomWin to "preserve" certain windows:
+" TagList, by Yegappan Lakshmanan
+" http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=273
+" WinManager, by Srinath Avadhanula
+" http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=95
+" It does so by closing the associated window upon entry to ZoomWin
+" and re-opening it upon exit by using commands provided by the
+" utilities themselves.
+fun! s:ZoomWinPreserve(open)
+" call Dfunc("ZoomWinPreserve(open=".a:open.")")
+ if a:open == 0
+ " Close Taglist
+ if exists('g:zoomwin_preserve_taglist') && exists('g:loaded_taglist')
+ " If taglist window is open then close it.
+ let s:taglist_winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
+ if s:taglist_winnum != -1
+ " Close the window
+ exec "silent! Tlist"
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Close Winmanager
+ if exists('g:zoomwin_preserve_winmanager') && exists('g:loaded_winmanager')
+ " If the winmanager window is open then close it.
+ let s:is_winmgr_vis = IsWinManagerVisible()
+ if s:is_winmgr_vis == 1
+ exec "WMClose"
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ " Re-open Taglist
+ if exists('g:zoomwin_preserve_taglist') && exists('g:loaded_taglist')
+ " If taglist window was open, open it again
+ if s:taglist_winnum != -1
+ exec "silent! Tlist"
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Re-Open Winmanager
+ if exists('g:zoomwin_preserve_winmanager') && exists('g:loaded_winmanager')
+ " If the winmanager window is open then close it.
+ if s:is_winmgr_vis == 1
+ exec "WManager"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("ZoomWinPreserve")
+let &cpo= s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Modelines: {{{1
+" vim: ts=4 fdm=marker