# $Id$
+$include /etc/inputrc
set editing-mode vi
set meta-flag on
set input-meta on
set output-meta on
set bell-style none
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
-\C-w: backward-kill-word
+set completion-ignore-case off
+set mark-symlinked-directories on
+set print-completions-horizontally on
\C-l: clear-screen
-$include /etc/inputrc
# $Id$
+# Bash variables and options.
+# Some of these are (now) the default but listed for completeness.
+# Allow ^D to exit the shell.
+set +o ignoreeof
+# vi keys. Not needed if .inputrc is handled properly.
+set -o vi
+# Don't cache missing PATH entries.
+shopt -s checkhash
+# Don't wait for SIGWINCH.
shopt -s checkwinsize
+# Append to history.
+shopt -s histappend
+# Don't try to expand hostnames after @.
+shopt -u hostcomplete
+# Don't send HUP to jobs on exit.
+shopt -u huponexit
+# Handle accidental tab mashing at start of a line.
+shopt -s no_emptycmd_completion
+# The Red Hat The
+shopt -u nocaseglob
+# Return a null string when no matches are found for a glob, rather than the
+# literal pattern.
+shopt -s nullglob