" Remove persistent undo file with \U.
call Mapping("U", ":call <SID>Clear_Undo()<CR>:<CR>")
+" Toggle gundo window with \g.
+call Mapping("g", ":call gundo#GundoToggle()<CR>:<CR>")
" Use a persistent undo file if it exists.
fun! <SID>Check_Undo() "{{{2
if filereadable(undofile(expand("%")))
au Display WinEnter * if &diff | se cursorbind | endif
+" Mapping to reload the gundo window.
+if has("autocmd")
+ au Mode BufEnter * if &ft == "gundo" | try | nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <unique> r :call gundo#GundoToggle()<CR>:call gundo#GundoToggle()<CR> | catch | endtry | endif
endif "}}}1
" Resize after startup.