let l:sign = ""
let l:i = 0
while strlen(l:signs)
- let l:sign = matchstr(l:signs, '^[A-Za-z]\+\(:.\)*[.=-][^ ]\+')
+ let l:sign = matchstr(l:signs, '^[A-Za-z]\+\(:.\)*[.=>-][^ ]\+')
- let l:name = substitute(l:sign, '[:.=-].*', "", "")
+ let l:name = substitute(l:sign, '[:.=>-].*', "", "")
let l:var = tolower(l:name)
let l:sign = substitute(l:sign, '^[A-Za-z]\+', "", "")
let l:ascii = matchstr(l:sign, '^:.')
- let l:mark = substitute(l:sign, '^\(:.\)*[.=-]', "", "")
+ let l:mark = substitute(l:sign, '^\(:.\)*[.=>-]', "", "")
if strlen(l:ascii)
let l:ascii = substitute(l:ascii, '^:', "", "")
let l:ascii = substitute(l:ascii, '"', '\\"', "")
+ if l:ascii == "o"
+ let l:line = "."
+ else
+ let l:line = "'" . l:ascii
+ endif
call <SID>Prep_Sign(l:var)
- exe "let " . l:var . " = <SID>Place_Sign(" . l:i . ", line(\"'" . l:ascii . "\"), b:sign" . l:var . ", \"Mark" . l:name . "\")"
+ exe "let " . l:var . " = <SID>Place_Sign(" . l:i . ", line(\"" . l:line . "\"), b:sign" . l:var . ", \"Mark" . l:name . "\")"
let l:i = l:i + 1
let l:signs = substitute(l:signs, '^[^ ]\+ *', "", "")
" Signs with Type '=' will be highlighted with the MarkSign group.
" Signs with Type '-' will be highlighted with the MarkLine group.
" Signs with Type '.' will be highlighted with the MarkDot group.
+ " Signs with Type '>' will be highlighted with the MarkArrow group.
" Define the Mark where Symbol is not also the mark name, eg "']".
let g:iainsigns = "Less=< Greater=> Left=( Right=) SquareLeft=[ SquareRight=] BraceLeft={ BraceRight=} a-a b-b c-c d-d e-e f-f A-A B-B C-C D-D E-E F-F"
if Has_Unicode()
- let g:iainsigns = g:iainsigns . " Quote:\"=” Dash:'=’ Caret:^.ʌ Dot:..•"
+ let g:iainsigns = g:iainsigns . " Quote:\"=” Dash:'=’ Caret:^.ʌ Dot:..• Cursor:o>▶"
- let g:iainsigns = g:iainsigns . " Quote=\" Dash=' Caret.^ Dot:..*"
+ let g:iainsigns = g:iainsigns . " Quote=\" Dash=' Caret.^ Dot:..* Cursor>o "
let l:signs = g:iainsigns
let l:sign = ""
while strlen(l:signs)
- let l:sign = matchstr(l:signs, '^[A-Za-z]\+\(:.\)*[.=-][^ ]\+')
+ let l:sign = matchstr(l:signs, '^[A-Za-z]\+\(:.\)*[.=>-][^ ]\+')
- let l:name = substitute(l:sign, '[:.=-].*', "", "")
+ let l:name = substitute(l:sign, '[:.=>-].*', "", "")
let l:sign = substitute(l:sign, '^[A-Za-z]\+', "", "")
let l:ascii = matchstr(l:sign, '^:.')
- let l:mark = substitute(l:sign, '^\(:.\)*[.=-]', "", "")
+ let l:mark = substitute(l:sign, '^\(:.\)*[.=>-]', "", "")
if strlen(l:ascii)
let l:ascii = substitute(l:ascii, '^:', "", "")
let l:ascii = matchstr(l:ascii, '^.')
let l:hl = "texthl=MarkDot text="
elseif l:type == "-"
let l:hl = "texthl=MarkLine text="
+ elseif l:type == ">"
+ let l:hl = "texthl=MarkArrow text="
exe "sign define Mark" . l:name . " " . l:hl . l:mark