--- /dev/null
+gitv -- gitk for vim.
+AUTHOR: Greg Sexton <gregsexton@gmail.com> *gitv-author*
+WEBSITE: http://www.gregsexton.org/portfolio/gitv/
+LICENSE: Same terms as Vim itself (see :help license).
+NOTES: Much of the credit for gitv goes to Tim Pope and the fugitive plugin
+ where this plugin either uses functionality directly or was inspired
+ heavily.
+gitv *gitv*
+1. Introduction |gitv-introduction|
+2. Installation |gitv-installation|
+3. Usage |gitv-usage|
+4. Configuration Options |gitv-config-options|
+5. Changelog |gitv-changelog|
+6. Misc |gitv-misc|
+1. Introduction *gitv-introduction*
+|gitv| is a 'gitk clone' plugin for the text editor Vim. The goal is to give
+you a similar set of functionality as a repository viewer. Using this plugin
+you can view a repository's history including branching and merging, you can
+see which commits refs point to. You can quickly and easily view what changed
+to which files and when. You can perform arbitrary diffs (using Vim's
+excellent built in diff functionality) and you can easily check out whole
+commits and branches or just individual files if need be.
+Throw in the fact that it is running in Vim and you get for free: the ability
+to move over repository history quickly and precisely using Vim's built in
+movement operators. You get excellent code syntax highlighting due to Vim's
+built in ability. You can open up all sorts of repository views in multiple
+windows and position them exactly how you like. You can take advantage of
+Vim's registers to copy multiple fragments of code from previous commits. The
+list goes on.
+This plugin is an extension of the |fugitive| plugin.
+I hope you like it!
+2. Installation *gitv-installation*
+Install in ~/.vim, or in ~\vimfiles if you're on Windows. This plugin should
+be fully pathogen compatible if you want to install it this way.
+|gitv| was developed against Vim 7.3 but earlier versions of Vim should work.
+Vim 7.2+ is recommended as it ships with syntax highlighting for many Git file
+types. You will also need the |fugitive| plugin installed and working for
+|gitv| to work.
+3. Usage *gitv-usage*
+|gitv| defines the following command.
+:Gitv[!] [args] Invoking this command on a buffer that belongs to a git
+ repository causes the gitv browser to open. '!' causes gitv
+ to open in file mode rather than browser mode. Any [args]
+ supplied are passed on to the gitv viewer and can be used to
+ narrow the commits that are shown. If this command is run
+ on a buffer not belonging to a git repository a message
+ stating 'Not a git repository.' is displayed.
+The following abbreviation is also defined so that you can type :gitv without
+ cabbrev gitv Gitv
+3.1 Browser mode
+|gitv| has two distinct modes. Browser mode and file mode. The browser mode is
+opened in a new tab and allows the repository history to be viewed for all
+files. This is activated by running :Gitv without a '!'.
+In this mode you can view the entire repository history and see which files
+were changed with each commit. This mode tries to closely resemble gitk.
+3.2 File mode
+File mode is opened in a |preview-window| above the buffer you are currently in.
+This view is tailored to act on the buffer that :Gitv! was run from, the
+"focused" file. Whilst in this mode all actions performed are specific to the
+single focused file. The browser only shows commits where the focused file
+changed. Selecting a commit, views the focused file as it was in that commit.
+Performing a check out only checks the focused file out as it was in the
+commit. And so on. See 3.4 for the differences.
+3.3 Arguments
+You can pass arguments to the :Gitv command. These allow you to filter and
+narrow the commits shown. Essentially, gitv is a glorified 'git log' wrapper
+and so any flag that 'git log' accepts so will gitv. gitv does not inspect the
+arguments passed on to 'git log' and so may not work if they don't make sense.
+Without any arguments gitv behaves just like gitk and git log without
+arguments. It will display the commit history for the currently checked out
+Here are some particularly useful examples of arguments that could be
+passed to :Gitv. For more info see 'git help log' and in particular the
+section: "Commit Limiting".
+ Flag Description ~
+ --all View repository history for all refs.
+ <since>..<until> Show only commits between the named two commits. When
+ either <since> or <until> is omitted, it defaults to
+ HEAD, i.e. the tip of the current branch. For a more
+ complete list of ways to spell <since> and <until>,
+ see gitrevisions(7).
+ --merges View only merge commits.
+ -S<string> Look for differences that introduce or remove an
+ instance of <string>. Note that this is different than
+ the string simply appearing in diff output; see the
+ pickaxe entry in gitdiffcore(7) for more details.
+ -G<regex> Look for differences whose added or removed line
+ matches the given <regex>.
+3.4 Key mappings.
+This is a list of key mappings that will work only in the gitv browser window.
+Where appropriate the differences in action is described for the two modes.
+ Mode Map Description~
+ normal <cr> Opens a commit. In browser mode this will show the
+ commit header information including the commit
+ message. It will also dispaly a full diff showing all the
+ changes to files.
+ Tip: if you press <cr> on anything sensible you can
+ view the expected output. For example pressing <cr> on
+ the line beginning a file diff, it will display the
+ diff using Vim's built in diff viewing capability.
+ Pressing <cr> on the tree sha will list all the files
+ in the commit and pressing <cr> on one of these will
+ show that file as it was in the commit. And so on.
+ Pressing <cr> on the line "-- Load More --" will load
+ |g:Gitv_CommitStep| more commits.
+ In file mode this will open the focused file as it was
+ in the currently selected diff. This allows you to
+ easily go back in time and look at the focused file.
+ Pressing <cr> on the top line in file mode opens the
+ current working copy of the focused file.
+ normal o The same as <cr> but opens in a new |split|.
+ normal O The same as <cr> but opens in a new |tab|.
+ normal s The same as <cr> but opens in a new |vsplit|.
+ normal <c-cr> This performs the same thing as <cr> in browser mode.
+ In file mode it opens the commit details rather than
+ the focused file.
+ normal q Quits gitv. In browser mode this will close the entire
+ tab. In file mode this closes only the |preview-window|.
+ Note: in browser mode this will close the tab
+ regardless of any windows you may have opened as well
+ as the gitv windows.
+ normal u Forces an update of the content of the browser window.
+ normal co Performs a 'git checkout' of the commit the cursor is
+ on. In both modes this will present you with a choice
+ of whether you would like to checkout the sha or any
+ ref that might point to this commit.
+ File mode differs in that it doesn't check out the
+ entire commit but just the focused file in that
+ commit.
+ Tip: in gVim this will present you with a pop up dialog.
+ You can make this a text choice by performing ':set
+ guioptions+=c.'
+ normal D Performs a diff using Vim's built in diff viewing
+ capabilities. This does nothing in browser mode. In
+ file mode it will diff the current file with the
+ focused file in the commit under the cursor.
+ visual D In visual mode this performs a diff against the file
+ in the commit at the top of the selection against the
+ file in the commit at the bottom of the selection. The
+ newest file is always on the right.
+ normal S This works for both browser and file mode. It opens a
+ diffstat of everything that has changed since the
+ commit under the cursor.
+ visual S In visual mode this works in exactly the same way as
+ normal mode. However, it only shows what has changed in
+ the range of commits that are highlighted.
+Here is a list of extra key mappings that can be used to efficiently move
+around a repository history in the browser window.
+ Mode Map Description~
+ normal x Jumps the cursor forward to the next branching point
+ in the history.
+ normal X Jumps the cursor backward to the previous branching
+ point in the history.
+ normal r Jumps the cursor forward to the next ref in the
+ history.
+ normal R Jumps the cursor backward to the previous ref in the
+ history.
+ normal P Jumps the cursor to the commit referenced by HEAD.
+3.5 Commands
+Running the |:Git| command in the commit browser window, in either mode, will
+cause the |:Git| command to be run as expected but the commit history will
+automatically update to reflect any changes too.
+3.6 Windows
+In browser mode, two windows are opened initially. The "browser window" that
+displays the commit history and the "preview window" that shows the currently
+selected commit.
+In file mode, a |preview-window| is opened above the current file. This is a
+browser window filtered to show commits only affecting the focused file. The
+window holding the focused file acts as the preview window in this mode.
+NOTE: In both modes the buffer in the preview window is wiped after replacing
+it. This is to stop the quick build up of fugitive buffers. A buffer will not
+be wiped if it contains unsaved changes. Buffers are not wiped when opening a
+commit in a split, vsplit or a new tab.
+When opening a commit, the window it will be opened in is determined by simple
+rules. If in browser mode and the layout is vertical it will open in the
+window to the immediate right (exactly as if you performed <c-w>l). If in a
+horizontal layout, it will be opened in the window immediately below (exactly
+as if you performed <c-w>j). If in file mode, it will open exactly like
+browser mode split horizontally. NOTE: It is for this reason that you should
+not move the browser window as it will cause commits to be opened in
+unexpected places.
+3.7 Folding
+Folding of branches is supported in the browser window. Initially all folds
+are always open and will open on a reload. You can collapse any branch by
+using Vim's built in fold operators. See |folding| for more details.
+4. Configuration Options *gitv-config-options*
+You can set the following options in your .vimrc to override the values used
+by |gitv|. The defaults are shown.
+4.1 Commit Step
+This is the number of commits to show each time. When pressing <cr> on
+"-- Load More --", the number of extra commits loaded is g:Gitv_CommitStep.
+The default is a screen's worth of lines. This should be set to an integer
+number. Setting this to a value _really_ high will load the entire repo in one
+ g:Gitv_CommitStep = &lines
+4.2 Open Horizontal
+This is the default layout to use in browser mode. If set to 0 then browser
+mode will open in a vertical split. If set to 1 then browser mode will open in
+a horizontal split. If set to 'auto' then browser mode will open in a vertical
+split unless the content fits better in a horizontal split, in which case it
+will open horizontally.
+The commit browser width and height is automatically sized to best fit the
+content in all modes and settings.
+ g:Gitv_OpenHorizontal = 0
+4.3 Git Executable
+This is the name of the git executable to use to run commands. This should be
+a string.
+ g:Gitv_GitExecutable = 'git'
+4.4 Wipe All on Close
+This option should be set to either 0 (to disable) or 1 (to enable). If set to
+1 then on closing the browser mode by using the q key all buffers displayed in
+a window in the tab will be wiped before the tab is closed. This option allows
+you to limit the number of fugitive buffers that accumulate in the use of gitv.
+NOTE: This will not wipe any buffer with unsaved content. It will however
+mercilessly wipe all buffers in the tab regardless of the file they hold.
+ g:Gitv_WipeAllOnClose = 0
+4.5 Wrap Lines
+If set to 1 then line wrapping is enabled. This is useful if you have
+occasional very long commit messages.
+ g:Gitv_WrapLines = 0
+4.6 Truncate Commit Subjects
+If set to 1 then commit subject truncation is enabled. This will truncate
+commit subjects, where necessary, so that the whole line will fit in one
+screen width. If this is set, then automatically switching to a horizontal
+layout will no longer work as commits will be truncated to always fit in a
+vertical split. NOTE: It is possible that this can truncate any refs pointing
+at a commit. In this situation it will not be possible to check out any of
+these refs. This is due to gitv being unable to recognise that they are refs.
+ g:Gitv_TruncateCommitSubjects = 0
+5. Changelog *gitv-changelog*
+1.0 First release. I hope you enjoy gitv!
+6. Misc *gitv-misc*
+6.1 Tips and tricks
+I use the following mappings to make working with |gitv| easier.
+ nmap <leader>gv :Gitv --all<cr>
+ nmap <leader>gV :Gitv! --all<cr>
+The following abbreviation makes running arbitrary git commands much easier.
+ cabbrev git Git
+The function: 'Gitv_OpenGitCommand(command, windowCmd)' is provided to allow
+the more advanced user to create their own commands. This function will
+execute the git command provided in the new window created using windowCmd.
+By using this function you get for free: the buffer set up for read only git
+output, including syntax highlighting and many other tailored options. You
+also get mappings for 'u' to update the output and 'q' to easily close the
+Here is an example of getting diff output both cached and not, in a vertical
+and horizontal split respectively.
+ call Gitv_OpenGitCommand("diff --no-color --cached", 'vnew')
+ call Gitv_OpenGitCommand("diff --no-color", 'new')
+I like my diff colors to be green for added lines and red for removed lines,
+just like in the shell. Adding this to your vimrc will accomplish this.
+ highlight diffAdded guifg=#00bf00
+ highlight diffRemoved guifg=#bf0000
+I highly recommend adding to your vimrc:
+ set lazyredraw
+This stops Vim from redrawing the screen during complex operations and results
+in much smoother looking plugins.
+6.2 Bugs, issues, features and contributing.
+There are no known bugs. Hopefully there are not too many unknown. Please see
+below to help.
+Bugs, suggestions, pull requests and patches are all very welcome. If you find
+issues with |gitv| please add them to the issues page on the github project.
+Anything else, feel free to email me: gregsexton@gmail.com.
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:
--- /dev/null
+"AUTHOR: Greg Sexton <gregsexton@gmail.com>
+"WEBSITE: http://www.gregsexton.org/portfolio/gitv/
+"LICENSE: Same terms as Vim itself (see :help license).
+"NOTES: Much of the credit for gitv goes to Tim Pope and the fugitive plugin
+" where this plugin either uses functionality directly or was inspired heavily.
+if exists("g:loaded_gitv") || v:version < 700
+ finish
+let g:loaded_gitv = 1
+let s:savecpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+"configurable options:
+"g:Gitv_CommitStep - int
+"g:Gitv_OpenHorizontal - {0,1,'AUTO'}
+"g:Gitv_GitExecutable - string
+"g:Gitv_WipeAllOnClose - int
+"g:Gitv_WrapLines - {0,1}
+"g:Gitv_TruncateCommitSubjects - {0,1}
+if !exists("g:Gitv_CommitStep")
+ let g:Gitv_CommitStep = &lines
+if !exists('g:Gitv_GitExecutable')
+ let g:Gitv_GitExecutable = 'git'
+if !exists('g:Gitv_WipeAllOnClose')
+ let g:Gitv_WipeAllOnClose = 0 "default for safety
+if !exists('g:Gitv_WrapLines')
+ let g:Gitv_WrapLines = 0
+if !exists('g:Gitv_TruncateCommitSubjects')
+ let g:Gitv_TruncateCommitSubjects = 0
+"this counts up each time gitv is opened to ensure a unique file name
+let g:Gitv_InstanceCounter = 0
+let s:localUncommitedMsg = '* Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index.'
+let s:localCommitedMsg = '* Local changes checked in to index but not committed.'
+command! -nargs=* -bang Gitv call s:OpenGitv(shellescape(<q-args>), <bang>0)
+cabbrev gitv Gitv
+"Public API:"{{{
+fu! Gitv_OpenGitCommand(command, windowCmd, ...) "{{{
+ "returns 1 if command succeeded with output
+ "optional arg is a flag, if present runs command verbatim
+ "this function is not limited to script scope as is useful for running other commands.
+ "e.g call Gitv_OpenGitCommand("diff --no-color", 'vnew') is useful for getting an overall git diff.
+ let [result, finalCmd] = s:RunGitCommand(a:command, a:0)
+ if type(result) == type(0)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if type(result) == type("") && result == ""
+ echom "No output."
+ return 0
+ else
+ if a:windowCmd == ''
+ silent setlocal modifiable
+ silent setlocal noreadonly
+ 1,$ d
+ else
+ let goBackTo = winnr()
+ let dir = s:GetRepoDir()
+ let workingDir = fnamemodify(dir,':h')
+ let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd '
+ let bufferDir = getcwd()
+ let tempSplitBelow = &splitbelow
+ let tempSplitRight = &splitright
+ try
+ set nosplitbelow
+ set nosplitright
+ execute cd.'`=workingDir`'
+ exec a:windowCmd
+ let newWindow = winnr()
+ finally
+ exec goBackTo . 'wincmd w'
+ execute cd.'`=bufferDir`'
+ if exists('newWindow')
+ exec newWindow . 'wincmd w'
+ endif
+ exec 'set '. (tempSplitBelow ? '' : 'no') . 'splitbelow'
+ exec 'set '. (tempSplitRight ? '' : 'no') . 'splitright'
+ endtry
+ endif
+ if !(&modifiable)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let b:Git_Command = finalCmd
+ silent setlocal ft=git
+ silent setlocal buftype=nofile
+ silent setlocal nobuflisted
+ silent setlocal noswapfile
+ silent setlocal bufhidden=wipe
+ silent setlocal nonumber
+ if g:Gitv_WrapLines
+ silent setlocal wrap
+ else
+ silent setlocal nowrap
+ endif
+ silent setlocal fdm=syntax
+ silent setlocal foldlevel=0
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> q :q!<CR>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> u :if exists('b:Git_Command')<bar>call Gitv_OpenGitCommand(b:Git_Command, '', 1)<bar>endif<cr>
+ call append(0, split(result, '\n')) "system converts eols to \n regardless of os.
+ silent setlocal nomodifiable
+ silent setlocal readonly
+ 1
+ return 1
+ endif
+endf "}}} }}}
+"General Git Functions: "{{{
+fu! s:RunGitCommand(command, verbatim) "{{{
+ "if verbatim returns result of system command, else
+ "switches to the buffer repository before running the command and switches back after.
+ if !a:verbatim
+ "switches to the buffer repository before running the command and switches back after.
+ let dir = s:GetRepoDir()
+ let workingDir = fnamemodify(dir,':h')
+ if workingDir == ''
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd '
+ let bufferDir = getcwd()
+ try
+ execute cd.'`=workingDir`'
+ let finalCmd = g:Gitv_GitExecutable.' --git-dir="' .dir. '" ' . a:command
+ let result = system(finalCmd)
+ finally
+ execute cd.'`=bufferDir`'
+ endtry
+ else
+ let result = system(a:command)
+ let finalCmd = a:command
+ endif
+ return [result, finalCmd]
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:GetRepoDir() "{{{
+ let dir = fugitive#buffer().repo().dir()
+ if dir == ''
+ echom "No git repository could be found."
+ endif
+ return dir
+endfu "}}} }}}
+"Open And Update Gitv:"{{{
+fu! s:OpenGitv(extraArgs, fileMode) "{{{
+ let sanatizedArgs = a:extraArgs == "''" ? '' : a:extraArgs
+ let sanatizedArgs = sanatizedArgs == '""' ? '' : sanatizedArgs
+ let g:Gitv_InstanceCounter += 1
+ if !s:IsCompatible() "this outputs specific errors
+ return
+ endif
+ try
+ if a:fileMode
+ call s:OpenFileMode(sanatizedArgs)
+ else
+ call s:OpenBrowserMode(sanatizedArgs)
+ endif
+ catch /not a git repository/
+ echom 'Not a git repository.'
+ return
+ endtry
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:IsCompatible() "{{{
+ if !exists('g:loaded_fugitive')
+ echoerr "gitv requires the fugitive plugin to be installed."
+ endif
+ return exists('g:loaded_fugitive')
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:OpenBrowserMode(extraArgs) "{{{
+ "this throws an exception if not a git repo which is caught immediately
+ let fubuffer = fugitive#buffer()
+ silent Gtabedit HEAD
+ if s:IsHorizontal()
+ let direction = 'new gitv'.'-'.g:Gitv_InstanceCounter
+ else
+ let direction = 'vnew gitv'.'-'.g:Gitv_InstanceCounter
+ endif
+ if !s:LoadGitv(direction, 0, g:Gitv_CommitStep, a:extraArgs, '')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ call s:SetupBufferCommands(0)
+ "open the first commit
+ silent call s:OpenGitvCommit("Gedit", 0)
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:OpenFileMode(extraArgs) "{{{
+ let relPath = fugitive#buffer().path()
+ pclose!
+ if !s:LoadGitv(&previewheight . "new gitv".'-'.g:Gitv_InstanceCounter, 0, g:Gitv_CommitStep, a:extraArgs, relPath)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ set previewwindow
+ set winfixheight
+ let b:Gitv_FileMode = 1
+ let b:Gitv_FileModeRelPath = relPath
+ call s:SetupBufferCommands(1)
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:LoadGitv(direction, reload, commitCount, extraArgs, filePath) "{{{
+ if a:reload
+ let jumpTo = line('.') "this is for repositioning the cursor after reload
+ endif
+ if !s:ConstructAndExecuteCmd(a:direction, a:reload, a:commitCount, a:extraArgs, a:filePath)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ call s:SetupBuffer(a:commitCount, a:extraArgs, a:filePath)
+ exec exists('jumpTo') ? jumpTo : '1'
+ call s:SetupMappings() "redefines some of the mappings made by Gitv_OpenGitCommand
+ call s:ResizeWindow(a:filePath!='')
+ echom "Loaded up to " . a:commitCount . " commits."
+ return 1
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:ConstructAndExecuteCmd(direction, reload, commitCount, extraArgs, filePath) "{{{
+ if a:reload "run the same command again with any extra args
+ if exists('b:Git_Command')
+ "substitute in the potentially new commit count taking account of a potential filePath
+ let newcmd = b:Git_Command
+ if a:filePath != ''
+ let newcmd = substitute(newcmd, " -- " . a:filePath . "$", "", "")
+ endif
+ let newcmd = substitute(newcmd, " -\\d\\+$", " -" . a:commitCount, "")
+ if a:filePath != ''
+ let newcmd .= ' -- ' . a:filePath
+ endif
+ silent let res = Gitv_OpenGitCommand(newcmd, a:direction, 1)
+ return res
+ endif
+ else
+ let cmd = "log " . a:extraArgs
+ let cmd .= " --no-color --decorate --pretty=format:\"%d %s__SEP__%ar__SEP__%an__SEP__[%h]\" --graph -"
+ let cmd .= a:commitCount
+ if a:filePath != ''
+ let cmd .= ' -- ' . a:filePath
+ endif
+ silent let res = Gitv_OpenGitCommand(cmd, a:direction)
+ return res
+ endif
+ return 0
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:SetupBuffer(commitCount, extraArgs, filePath) "{{{
+ silent set filetype=gitv
+ let b:Gitv_CommitCount = a:commitCount
+ let b:Gitv_ExtraArgs = a:extraArgs
+ silent setlocal modifiable
+ silent setlocal noreadonly
+ silent %s/refs\/tags\//t:/ge
+ silent %s/refs\/remotes\//r:/ge
+ silent %s/refs\/heads\///ge
+ silent %call s:Align("__SEP__", a:filePath)
+ silent %s/\s\+$//e
+ call s:AddLoadMore()
+ call s:AddLocalNodes(a:filePath)
+ if a:filePath != ''
+ call append(0, '-- ['.a:filePath.'] --')
+ endif
+ silent setlocal nomodifiable
+ silent setlocal readonly
+ silent setlocal cursorline
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:AddLocalNodes(filePath) "{{{
+ let suffix = a:filePath == '' ? '' : ' -- '.a:filePath
+ let gitCmd = "diff --no-color --cached" . suffix
+ let [result, cmd] = s:RunGitCommand(gitCmd, 0)
+ if result != ""
+ call append(0, s:localCommitedMsg)
+ endif
+ let gitCmd = "diff --no-color" . suffix
+ let [result, cmd] = s:RunGitCommand(gitCmd, 0)
+ if result != ""
+ call append(0, s:localUncommitedMsg)
+ endif
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:AddLoadMore() "{{{
+ call append(line('$'), '-- Load More --')
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:SetupMappings() "{{{
+ "operations
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> <cr> :call <SID>OpenGitvCommit("Gedit", 0)<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> o :call <SID>OpenGitvCommit("Gsplit", 0)<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> O :call <SID>OpenGitvCommit("Gtabedit", 0)<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> s :call <SID>OpenGitvCommit("Gvsplit", 0)<cr>
+ "force opening the fugitive buffer for the commit
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> <c-cr> :call <SID>OpenGitvCommit("Gedit", 1)<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> q :call <SID>CloseGitv()<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> u :call <SID>LoadGitv('', 1, b:Gitv_CommitCount, b:Gitv_ExtraArgs, <SID>GetRelativeFilePath())<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> co :call <SID>CheckOutGitvCommit()<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> D :call <SID>DiffGitvCommit()<cr>
+ vmap <buffer> <silent> D :call <SID>DiffGitvCommit()<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> S :call <SID>StatGitvCommit()<cr>
+ vmap <buffer> <silent> S :call <SID>StatGitvCommit()<cr>
+ "movement
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> x :call <SID>JumpToBranch(0)<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> X :call <SID>JumpToBranch(1)<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> r :call <SID>JumpToRef(0)<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> R :call <SID>JumpToRef(1)<cr>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> P :call <SID>JumpToHead()<cr>
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:SetupBufferCommands(fileMode) "{{{
+ silent command! -buffer -nargs=* -complete=customlist,s:fugitive_GitComplete Git call <sid>MoveIntoPreviewAndExecute("Git <args>",1)|normal u
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:ResizeWindow(fileMode) "{{{
+ if a:fileMode "window height determined by &previewheight
+ return
+ endif
+ if !s:IsHorizontal()
+ "size window based on longest line
+ let longest = max(map(range(1, line('$')), "virtcol([v:val, '$'])"))
+ if longest > &columns/2
+ "potentially auto change to horizontal
+ if s:AutoHorizontal()
+ "switching to horizontal
+ let b:Gitv_AutoHorizontal=1
+ wincmd K
+ call s:ResizeWindow(a:fileMode)
+ return
+ else
+ let longest = &columns/2
+ endif
+ endif
+ exec "vertical resize " . longest
+ else
+ "size window based on num lines
+ call s:ResizeHorizontal()
+ endif
+endf "}}} }}}
+fu! s:GetGitvSha(lineNumber) "{{{
+ let l = getline(a:lineNumber)
+ let sha = matchstr(l, "\\[\\zs[0-9a-f]\\{7}\\ze\\]$")
+ return sha
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:GetGitvRefs() "{{{
+ let l = getline('.')
+ let refstr = matchstr(l, "^\\(\\(|\\|\\/\\|\\\\\\|\\*\\)\\s\\?\\)*\\s\\+(\\zs.\\{-}\\ze)")
+ let refs = split(refstr, ', ')
+ return refs
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:RecordBufferExecAndWipe(cmd, wipe) "{{{
+ "this should be used to replace the buffer in a window
+ let buf = bufnr('%')
+ exec a:cmd
+ if a:wipe
+ "safe guard against wiping out buffer you're in
+ if bufnr('%') != buf && bufexists(buf)
+ exec 'bwipeout ' . buf
+ endif
+ endif
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:MoveIntoPreviewAndExecute(cmd, tryToOpenNewWin) "{{{
+ if winnr("$") == 1 "is the only window
+ call s:AttemptToCreateAPreviewWindow(a:tryToOpenNewWin, a:cmd)
+ return
+ endif
+ let horiz = s:IsHorizontal()
+ let filem = s:IsFileMode()
+ let currentWin = winnr()
+ if horiz || filem
+ wincmd j
+ else
+ wincmd l
+ endif
+ if currentWin == winnr() "haven't moved anywhere
+ call s:AttemptToCreateAPreviewWindow(a:tryToOpenNewWin, a:cmd)
+ return
+ endif
+ silent exec a:cmd
+ if horiz || filem
+ wincmd k
+ else
+ wincmd h
+ endif
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:AttemptToCreateAPreviewWindow(shouldAttempt, cmd) "{{{
+ if a:shouldAttempt
+ call s:CreateNewPreviewWindow()
+ call s:MoveIntoPreviewAndExecute(a:cmd, 0)
+ else
+ echoerr "No preview window detected."
+ endif
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:CreateNewPreviewWindow() "{{{
+ "this should not be called by anything other than AttemptToCreateAPreviewWindow
+ let horiz = s:IsHorizontal()
+ let filem = s:IsFileMode()
+ if horiz || filem
+ Gsplit HEAD
+ else
+ Gvsplit HEAD
+ endif
+ wincmd x
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:IsHorizontal() "{{{
+ "NOTE: this can only tell you if horizontal while cursor in browser window
+ let horizGlobal = exists('g:Gitv_OpenHorizontal') && g:Gitv_OpenHorizontal == 1
+ let horizBuffer = exists('b:Gitv_AutoHorizontal') && b:Gitv_AutoHorizontal == 1
+ return horizGlobal || horizBuffer
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:AutoHorizontal() "{{{
+ return exists('g:Gitv_OpenHorizontal') &&
+ \ type(g:Gitv_OpenHorizontal) == type("") &&
+ \ g:Gitv_OpenHorizontal ==? 'auto'
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:IsFileMode() "{{{
+ return exists('b:Gitv_FileMode') && b:Gitv_FileMode == 1
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:ResizeHorizontal() "{{{
+ let lines = line('$')
+ if lines > (&lines/2)-2
+ let lines = (&lines/2)-2
+ endif
+ exec "resize " . lines
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:GetRelativeFilePath() "{{{
+ return exists('b:Gitv_FileModeRelPath') ? b:Gitv_FileModeRelPath : ''
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:OpenRelativeFilePath(sha, geditForm) "{{{
+ let relPath = s:GetRelativeFilePath()
+ if relPath == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ let cmd = a:geditForm . " " . a:sha . ":" . relPath
+ let cmd = 'call s:RecordBufferExecAndWipe("'.cmd.'", '.(a:geditForm=='Gedit').')'
+ call s:MoveIntoPreviewAndExecute(cmd, 1)
+endf "}}} }}}
+"Mapped Functions:"{{{
+"Operations: "{{{
+fu! s:OpenGitvCommit(geditForm, forceOpenFugitive) "{{{
+ if getline('.') == "-- Load More --"
+ call s:LoadGitv('', 1, b:Gitv_CommitCount+g:Gitv_CommitStep, b:Gitv_ExtraArgs, s:GetRelativeFilePath())
+ return
+ endif
+ if s:IsFileMode() && getline('.') =~ "^-- \\[.*\\] --$"
+ call s:OpenWorkingCopy(a:geditForm)
+ return
+ endif
+ if getline('.') == s:localUncommitedMsg
+ call s:OpenWorkingDiff(a:geditForm, 0)
+ return
+ endif
+ if getline('.') == s:localCommitedMsg
+ call s:OpenWorkingDiff(a:geditForm, 1)
+ return
+ endif
+ let sha = s:GetGitvSha(line('.'))
+ if sha == ""
+ return
+ endif
+ if s:IsFileMode() && !a:forceOpenFugitive
+ call s:OpenRelativeFilePath(sha, a:geditForm)
+ else
+ let cmd = a:geditForm . " " . sha
+ let cmd = 'call s:RecordBufferExecAndWipe("'.cmd.'", '.(a:geditForm=='Gedit').')'
+ call s:MoveIntoPreviewAndExecute(cmd, 1)
+ endif
+fu! s:OpenWorkingCopy(geditForm)
+ let fp = s:GetRelativeFilePath()
+ let form = a:geditForm[1:] "strip off the leading 'G'
+ let cmd = form . " " . fugitive#buffer().repo().tree() . "/" . fp
+ let cmd = 'call s:RecordBufferExecAndWipe("'.cmd.'", '.(form=='edit').')'
+ call s:MoveIntoPreviewAndExecute(cmd, 1)
+fu! s:OpenWorkingDiff(geditForm, staged)
+ let winCmd = a:geditForm[1:] == 'edit' ? '' : a:geditForm[1:]
+ if s:IsFileMode()
+ let fp = s:GetRelativeFilePath()
+ let suffix = ' -- '.fp
+ let g:Gitv_InstanceCounter += 1
+ let winCmd = 'new gitv'.'-'.g:Gitv_InstanceCounter
+ else
+ let suffix = ''
+ endif
+ if a:staged
+ let cmd = 'call Gitv_OpenGitCommand(\"diff --no-color --cached'.suffix.'\", \"'.winCmd.'\")'
+ else
+ let cmd = 'call Gitv_OpenGitCommand(\"diff --no-color'.suffix.'\", \"'.winCmd.'\")'
+ endif
+ let cmd = 'call s:RecordBufferExecAndWipe("'.cmd.'", '.(winCmd=='').')'
+ call s:MoveIntoPreviewAndExecute(cmd, 1)
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:CheckOutGitvCommit() "{{{
+ let allrefs = s:GetGitvRefs()
+ let sha = s:GetGitvSha(line('.'))
+ if sha == ""
+ return
+ endif
+ let refs = allrefs + [sha]
+ let refstr = join(refs, "\n")
+ let choice = confirm("Checkout commit:", refstr . "\nCancel")
+ if choice == 0
+ return
+ endif
+ let choice = get(refs, choice-1, "")
+ if choice == ""
+ return
+ endif
+ let choice = substitute(choice, "^t:", "", "")
+ let choice = substitute(choice, "^r:", "", "")
+ if s:IsFileMode()
+ let relPath = s:GetRelativeFilePath()
+ let choice .= " -- " . relPath
+ endif
+ exec "Git checkout " . choice
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:CloseGitv() "{{{
+ if s:IsFileMode()
+ q
+ else
+ if g:Gitv_WipeAllOnClose
+ silent windo setlocal bufhidden=wipe
+ endif
+ let moveLeft = tabpagenr() == tabpagenr('$') ? 0 : 1
+ tabc
+ if moveLeft && tabpagenr() != 1
+ tabp
+ endif
+ endif
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:DiffGitvCommit() range "{{{
+ if !s:IsFileMode()
+ echom "Diffing is not possible in browser mode."
+ return
+ endif
+ let shafirst = s:GetGitvSha(a:firstline)
+ let shalast = s:GetGitvSha(a:lastline)
+ if shafirst == "" || shalast == ""
+ return
+ endif
+ if a:firstline != a:lastline
+ call s:OpenRelativeFilePath(shafirst, "Gedit")
+ endif
+ call s:MoveIntoPreviewAndExecute("Gdiff " . shalast, a:firstline != a:lastline)
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:StatGitvCommit() range "{{{
+ let shafirst = s:GetGitvSha(a:firstline)
+ let shalast = s:GetGitvSha(a:lastline)
+ if shafirst == "" || shalast == ""
+ return
+ endif
+ let cmd = 'diff '.shafirst
+ if shafirst != shalast
+ let cmd .= ' '.shalast
+ endif
+ let cmd .= ' --stat'
+ let cmd = "call s:SetupStatBuffer('".cmd."')"
+ if s:IsFileMode()
+ exec cmd
+ else
+ call s:MoveIntoPreviewAndExecute(cmd, 1)
+ endif
+fu! s:SetupStatBuffer(cmd)
+ silent let res = Gitv_OpenGitCommand(a:cmd, s:IsFileMode()?'vnew':'')
+ if res
+ silent set filetype=gitv
+ endif
+endfu "}}} }}}
+"Movement: "{{{
+fu! s:JumpToBranch(backward) "{{{
+ if a:backward
+ silent! ?|/\||\\?-1
+ else
+ silent! /|\\\||\//+1
+ endif
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:JumpToRef(backward) "{{{
+ if a:backward
+ silent! ?^\(\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\=\)\+\s\+\zs(
+ else
+ silent! /^\(\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?\)\+\s\+\zs(/
+ endif
+endf "}}}
+fu! s:JumpToHead() "{{{
+ silent! /^\(\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?\)\+\s\+\zs(HEAD/
+endf "}}}
+"}}} }}}
+"Align And Truncate Functions: "{{{
+fu! s:Align(seperator, filePath) range "{{{
+ let lines = getline(a:firstline, a:lastline)
+ call map(lines, 'split(v:val, a:seperator)')
+ let newlines = copy(lines)
+ call filter(newlines, 'len(v:val)>1')
+ let maxLens = s:MaxLengths(newlines)
+ let newlines = []
+ for tokens in lines
+ if len(tokens)>1
+ let newline = []
+ for i in range(len(tokens))
+ let token = tokens[i]
+ call add(newline, token . repeat(' ', maxLens[i]-strlen(token)+1))
+ endfor
+ call add(newlines, newline)
+ else
+ call add(newlines, tokens)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if g:Gitv_TruncateCommitSubjects
+ call s:TruncateLines(newlines, a:filePath)
+ endif
+ call map(newlines, "join(v:val)")
+ call setline(a:firstline, newlines)
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:TruncateLines(lines, filePath) "{{{
+ "truncates the commit subject for any line > &columns
+ call map(a:lines, "s:TruncateHelp(v:val, a:filePath)")
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:TruncateHelp(line, filePath) "{{{
+ let length = strlen(join(a:line))
+ let maxWidth = s:IsHorizontal() ? &columns : &columns/2
+ let maxWidth = a:filePath != '' ? winwidth(0) : maxWidth
+ if length > maxWidth
+ let delta = length - maxWidth
+ "offset = 3 for the elipsis and 1 for truncation
+ let offset = 3 + 1
+ if a:line[0][-(delta + offset + 1):] =~ "^\\s\\+$"
+ let extension = " "
+ else
+ let extension = "..."
+ endif
+ let a:line[0] = a:line[0][:-(delta + offset)] . extension
+ endif
+ return a:line
+endfu "}}}
+fu! s:MaxLengths(colls) "{{{
+ "precondition: coll is a list of lists of strings -- should be rectangular
+ "returns a list of maximum string lengths
+ let lengths = []
+ for x in a:colls
+ for y in range(len(x))
+ let length = strlen(x[y])
+ if length > get(lengths, y, 0)
+ if len(lengths)-1 < y
+ call add(lengths, length)
+ else
+ let lengths[y] = length
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ return lengths
+endfu "}}} }}}
+"Fugitive Functions: "{{{
+"These functions are lifted directly from fugitive and modified only to work with gitv.
+function! s:fugitive_sub(str,pat,rep) abort "{{{
+ return substitute(a:str,'\v\C'.a:pat,a:rep,'')
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:fugitive_GitComplete(A,L,P) abort "{{{
+ if !exists('s:exec_path')
+ let s:exec_path = s:fugitive_sub(system(g:fugitive_git_executable.' --exec-path'),'\n$','')
+ endif
+ let cmds = map(split(glob(s:exec_path.'/git-*'),"\n"),'s:fugitive_sub(v:val[strlen(s:exec_path)+5 : -1],"\\.exe$","")')
+ if a:L =~ ' [[:alnum:]-]\+ '
+ return fugitive#buffer().repo().superglob(a:A)
+ elseif a:A == ''
+ return cmds
+ else
+ return filter(cmds,'v:val[0 : strlen(a:A)-1] ==# a:A')
+ endif
+endfunction "}}} }}}
+let &cpo = s:savecpo
+unlet s:savecpo
+ " vim:fdm=marker
--- /dev/null
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Custom git log output
+" Maintainer: Greg Sexton <gregsexton@gmail.com>
+" Last Change: 2011-04-08
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+"set conceallevel=2
+"set concealcursor=n
+syn match gitvSubject /.*/
+syn match gitvDate /\(\d\+ years\?, \)\?\d\+ \%(second\|seconds\|minute\|minutes\|hour\|hours\|day\|days\|week\|weeks\|month\|months\|year\) ago/ contained containedin=gitvSubject
+syn match gitvHash /\[[0-9a-f]\{7}\]$/ contained containedin=gitvSubject
+syn match gitvGraphEdge9 /\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?/ nextgroup=gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvGraphEdge8 /\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?/ nextgroup=gitvGraphEdge9,gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvGraphEdge7 /\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?/ nextgroup=gitvGraphEdge8,gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvGraphEdge6 /\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?/ nextgroup=gitvGraphEdge7,gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvGraphEdge5 /\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?/ nextgroup=gitvGraphEdge6,gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvGraphEdge4 /\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?/ nextgroup=gitvGraphEdge5,gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvGraphEdge3 /\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?/ nextgroup=gitvGraphEdge4,gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvGraphEdge2 /\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?/ nextgroup=gitvGraphEdge3,gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvGraphEdge1 /\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?/ nextgroup=gitvGraphEdge2,gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvGraphEdge0 /^\(\(|\|\/\|\\\|\*\)\s\?\)/ nextgroup=gitvGraphEdge1,gitvRef,gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvRef /\s*(.\{-})/ nextgroup=gitvSubject skipwhite
+syn match gitvRefTag /t:\zs.\{-}\ze\(, \|)\)/ contained containedin=gitvRef
+syn match gitvRefRemote /r:\zs.\{-}\ze\(, \|)\)/ contained containedin=gitvRef
+syn match gitvLoadMore /^-- Load More --$/
+syn match gitvWorkingCopy /^-- \[.*\] --$/ contained containedin=gitvSubject
+syn match gitvLocalUncommit /^\* Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index\.$/
+syn match gitvLocalCommited /^\* Local changes checked in to index but not committed\.$/
+syn match gitvLocalCommitedNode /\*/ contained containedin=gitvLocalCommited
+syn match gitvLocalUncommitNode /\*/ contained containedin=gitvLocalUncommit
+syn match gitvAddedMarks /|\s\+\d\+ \zs+*-*\ze$/ contained containedin=gitvSubject
+syn match gitvAddedMarks /|\s\+Bin \zs\d\+ -> \d\+\ze bytes$/ contained containedin=gitvSubject
+syn match gitvRemovedMarks /-*$/ contained containedin=gitvAddedMarks
+syn match gitvRemovedMarks /\d\+\ze ->/ contained containedin=gitvAddedMarks
+syn match gitvSeperatorMarks /\s\+->\s\+/ contained containedin=gitvAddedMarks
+hi def link gitvHash Number
+hi def link gitvRef Directory
+hi def link gitvRefTag String
+hi def link gitvRefRemote Statement
+hi def link gitvDate Statement
+hi def link gitvSubject Normal
+hi def link gitvLoadMore Question
+hi def link gitvWorkingCopy Question
+hi def link gitvAddedMarks diffAdded
+hi def link gitvRemovedMarks diffRemoved
+hi def link gitvSeperatorMarks Normal
+hi def link gitvGraphEdge0 Delimiter
+if &background == "dark"
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge1 ctermfg=magenta guifg=green1
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge2 ctermfg=green guifg=yellow1
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge3 ctermfg=yellow guifg=orange1
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge4 ctermfg=cyan guifg=greenyellow
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge5 ctermfg=red guifg=springgreen1
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge6 ctermfg=yellow guifg=cyan1
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge7 ctermfg=green guifg=slateblue1
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge8 ctermfg=cyan guifg=magenta1
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge9 ctermfg=magenta guifg=purple1
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge1 ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=orangered3
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge2 ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=orange2
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge3 ctermfg=blue guifg=yellow3
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge4 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=olivedrab4
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge5 ctermfg=red guifg=green4
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge6 ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=paleturquoise3
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge7 ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=deepskyblue4
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge8 ctermfg=blue guifg=darkslateblue
+ highlight default gitvGraphEdge9 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkviolet
+highlight default gitvLocalCommitedNode ctermfg=green guifg=green
+highlight default gitvLocalUncommitNode ctermfg=red guifg=red
+highlight default gitvLocalCommited gui=bold
+highlight default gitvLocalUncommit gui=bold
+let b:current_syntax = "gitv"