" Allow closing an unmodified spec.
set nomod
- " Get the files in the changelist.
- let l:files = system("sed -n 's@^ \\(//.*\\) #.*@\"\\1\"@p' " . bufname(""))
- " Create a new window, move it below the spec and read in a diff.
- botright new
- if l:files != ""
- exe "r!env P4DIFF= p4 diff -du " . substitute(l:files, "\n", " ", "g")
- endif
+ try
+ /everything below this line is just the diff/
+ " We are submitting through git p4 so yank the diff.
+ normal j
+ normal yG
+ " Create a new window below the spec and paste the diff.
+ botright new
+ normal p
+ catch
+ " Get the files in the changelist.
+ let l:files = system("sed -n 's@^ \\(//.*\\) #.*@\"\\1\"@p' " . bufname(""))
+ " Create a new window below the spec and read in a diff.
+ botright new
+ if l:files != ""
+ exe "r!env P4DIFF= p4 diff -du " . substitute(l:files, "\n", " ", "g")
+ endif
+ endtry
setf diff
" Switch back to the top window and put the cursor by the description.
wincmd k
resize 10
- exe "normal G"
- ?<enter description here>
+ normal G
+ ?^Description:
let @/ = ""