nssm processes <servicename>\r
+Note that if 32-bit NSSM is run on a 64-bit system running an older version of\r
+Windows than Vista it will not be able to query the paths of 64-bit processes.\r
Exporting service configuration\r
if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 2;\r
+ imports.QueryFullProcessImageName = (QueryFullProcessImageName_ptr) get_import(imports.kernel32, QUERYFULLPROCESSIMAGENAME_EXPORT, &error);\r
+ if (! imports.QueryFullProcessImageName) {\r
+ if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 3;\r
+ }\r
imports.SleepConditionVariableCS = (SleepConditionVariableCS_ptr) get_import(imports.kernel32, "SleepConditionVariableCS", &error);\r
if (! imports.SleepConditionVariableCS) {\r
- if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 3;\r
+ if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 4;\r
imports.WakeConditionVariable = (WakeConditionVariable_ptr) get_import(imports.kernel32, "WakeConditionVariable", &error);\r
if (! imports.WakeConditionVariable) {\r
- if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 4;\r
+ if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 5;\r
else if (error != ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) return 1;\r
if (imports.advapi32) {\r
imports.CreateWellKnownSid = (CreateWellKnownSid_ptr) get_import(imports.advapi32, "CreateWellKnownSid", &error);\r
if (! imports.CreateWellKnownSid) {\r
- if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 6;\r
+ if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 7;\r
imports.IsWellKnownSid = (IsWellKnownSid_ptr) get_import(imports.advapi32, "IsWellKnownSid", &error);\r
if (! imports.IsWellKnownSid) {\r
- if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 7;\r
+ if (error != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return 8;\r
- else if (error != ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) return 5;\r
+ else if (error != ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) return 6;\r
return 0;\r
#ifndef IMPORTS_H\r
#define IMPORTS_H\r
+/* Some functions don't have decorated versions. */\r
+#ifdef UNICODE\r
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *AttachConsole_ptr)(DWORD);\r
+typedef BOOL (WINAPI *QueryFullProcessImageName_ptr)(HANDLE, unsigned long, LPTSTR, unsigned long *);\r
typedef void (WINAPI *WakeConditionVariable_ptr)(PCONDITION_VARIABLE);\r
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CreateWellKnownSid_ptr)(WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE, SID *, SID *, unsigned long *);\r
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsWellKnownSid_ptr)(SID *, WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE);\r
HMODULE advapi32;\r
AttachConsole_ptr AttachConsole;\r
SleepConditionVariableCS_ptr SleepConditionVariableCS;\r
+ QueryFullProcessImageName_ptr QueryFullProcessImageName;\r
WakeConditionVariable_ptr WakeConditionVariable;\r
CreateWellKnownSid_ptr CreateWellKnownSid;\r
IsWellKnownSid_ptr IsWellKnownSid;\r
buffer[i] = _T('\0');\r
- if (! GetModuleFileNameEx(k->process_handle, NULL, exe, _countof(exe))) _sntprintf_s(exe, _countof(exe), _TRUNCATE, _T("???"));\r
+ unsigned long size = _countof(exe);\r
+ if (! imports.QueryFullProcessImageName || ! imports.QueryFullProcessImageName(k->process_handle, 0, exe, &size)) {\r
+ /*\r
+ Fall back to GetModuleFileNameEx(), which won't work for WOW64 processes.\r
+ */\r
+ if (! GetModuleFileNameEx(k->process_handle, NULL, exe, _countof(exe))) {\r
+ long error = GetLastError();\r
+ if (error == ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY) _sntprintf_s(exe, _countof(exe), _TRUNCATE, _T("[WOW64]"));\r
+ else _sntprintf_s(exe, _countof(exe), _TRUNCATE, _T("???"));\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
_tprintf(_T("% 8lu %s%s\n"), k->pid, buffer ? buffer : _T(""), exe);\r