X-Git-Url: http://git.iain.cx/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=.vimrc;h=77a1d45b38d9a25a070df700ed03c86b27eaec3c;hb=eae36419db72d287dc1af274027ab1c2d3d18dec;hp=6bb850dc9672eacfef73f16deff1b03e0dffef75;hpb=ccd9a2392417e22f770ba7d7eec7cfc5d997a799;p=profile.git diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc index 6bb850d..77a1d45 100644 --- a/.vimrc +++ b/.vimrc @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ se laststatus=2 " Use C indent style. se cindent se cinkeys=0{,0},0),:,!^F,o,O,e +se cinoptions=b1,c2 " GUI options. se go=aglmr @@ -67,6 +68,13 @@ map = yyp:s/./=/g:let @/='': if version >= "500" version 5.0 +" Vim 5 hardcodes the size of numbers column to 8. +let numberwidth=8 + +" Save sessions in UNIX format with / as file separator. This is +" cross-platoform. +se ssop+=unix,slash + " Nuke any pre-existing autocommands. autocmd! @@ -74,7 +82,7 @@ autocmd! let oldcols=&columns " More GUI options. Add icon, tearoffs and toolbar. -se go=agilmrtT +se go+=itT " Allow dynamic window resize even if we aren't in an xterm. se t_WS=[8;%p1%d;%p2%dt @@ -85,6 +93,10 @@ se hlsearch " Syntax highlighting. syn on +" Use a discernably different colour to highlight the cursor which shows +" matching brackets. Our regular cursor is green so use blue instead of cyan. +hi MatchParen ctermbg=blue + " Catch typos. command! W :w command! Wq :wq @@ -101,6 +113,10 @@ fun! Iain_Vars() if ! exists("b:iainverbose") let b:iainverbose = 0 endif + if ! exists("b:iainstatus") + " Window Flags: (F)ocused, (I)nsert mode, Cursor (H)old. + let b:iainstatus = "Fih" + endif endfun " Helper for status line. @@ -162,49 +178,18 @@ fun! Show_StatusLine() exec "set statusline=" . sl1 . sl2 . sl3 endfun +" Toggle case-sensitivity. +fun! Invert_Case() + let &ic = ! &ic +endfun + " Restore window size. au VimLeave * if exists("oldcols") | let &columns=oldcols | endif -" Map C mode. -au BufEnter * if &ft == "c" || &ft == "cpp" | call CMode_map() | endif -au BufLeave * if &ft == "c" || &ft == "cpp" | call CMode_unmap() | endif - -" Map Perl mode. -au BufEnter * if &ft == "perl" | call PerlMode_map() | endif -au BufLeave * if &ft == "perl" | call PerlMode_unmap() | endif - " Map Makefile mode. au BufEnter * if &ft == "make" | call MakeMode_map() | endif au BufLeave * if &ft == "make" | call MakeMode_unmap() | endif -" Entering C mode. -fun! CMode_map() - let oldcinkeys=&cinkeys - let oldcinwords=&cinwords - set cinkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!^F,o,O,e - set cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,switch -endfun - -" Leaving C mode. -fun! CMode_unmap() - set cinkeys=oldcinkeys - set cinwords=oldcinwords -endfun - -" Entering Perl mode. -fun! PerlMode_map() - let oldcinkeys=&cinkeys - let oldcinwords=&cinwords - set cinkeys=0{,0},:,!^F,o,O,e - set cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,eval -endfun - -" Leaving Perl mode. -fun! PerlMode_unmap() - set cinkeys=oldcinkeys - set cinwords=oldcinwords -endfun - " Entering Make mode. fun! MakeMode_map() set list @@ -219,6 +204,29 @@ endfun " Show the status line for the first time. call Show_StatusLine() + +" Change to ts=2 with Q2. +map Q2 :se ts=2: +" Change to ts=4 with Q4. +map Q4 :se ts=4: +" Change to ts=8 with Q8. +map Q8 :se ts=8: +" Change to ts=16 with Q6. +map Q6 :se ts=16: +" Change to ts=32 with Q3. +map Q3 :se ts=32: +" Toggle paste mode with Qp. +map Qp :se paste!: +" Swap case-sensitivity with Qc. +map Qc :call Invert_Case(): +" Change number mode with Qn. +map Qn :se number!: +" Expand or shrink window size with Q> and Q<. For use after toggling number. +map Q> :exe 'se columns+=' . numberwidth: +map Q< :exe 'se columns-=' . numberwidth: +" Clear search pattern with Q/. +map Q/ :let @/="": + endif """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" @@ -227,33 +235,42 @@ endif if version >= "600" version 6.0 -" Track changing number mode. -let g:numbercols=&columns -let g:numberchanges=0 +" Remember quickfix state. +let g:quickfixing=0 + +" Set indenting by filetype. +filetype indent on " Less intrusive syntax highlighting. syn enable " Nice GUI colour. if has("gui_running") - se guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 12 + se guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 10 colo darkblue endif if has("win32") - se guifont=Bitstream_Vera_Sans_Mono:h10:cANSI + se guifont=DejaVu_Sans_Mono:h10:cANSI endif +" Ignore whitespace when diffing. +se diffopt=filler,iwhite + " Expand window when doing a vertical diff. if &diff let &columns = 164 endif " Status bar matches the colour. -highlight StatusLine guifg=white guibg=blue ctermbg=white ctermfg=blue +highlight StatusLine guifg=white guibg=darkblue ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkblue " Numbers in blue. highlight LineNr term=underline cterm=bold guifg=blue ctermfg=blue +" Remember that we are opening the quickfix window. +au BufWinEnter quickfix let g:quickfixing=1 +au BufUnload * if &ft == "qf" | let g:quickfixing=0 | endif + " Make * and # work the way you expect in visual mode. vnoremap * y/\V=substitute(escape(@@,"/\\"),"\n","\\\\n","ge") vnoremap # y?\V=substitute(escape(@@,"?\\"),"\n","\\\\n","ge") @@ -291,89 +308,38 @@ fun! Cycle_VerboseStatusLine() call Show_StatusLine() endfun -" Cycle between number mode. -" FIXME: Toggling in a split window doesn't work properly. We need to track -" the number of windows and number modes. Something for later... -" Perhaps have a redraw callback that checks width and original column number. -fun! Cycle_Number() - if &number - " Restore width. - if &t_WS =~ '^.' - " Track changes. - let g:numberchanges=g:numberchanges-1 - if g:numberchanges<0 - g:numberchanges=0 - endif - - " Change size back if this was the last window. - if g:numberchanges == 0 - let &columns=g:numbercols - endif - endif - set nonumber +" Toggle quickfix window. +fun! Cycle_Quickfix() + if g:quickfixing == 1 + cclose + let g:quickfixing=0 else - " Save width between number toggling. - if &t_WS =~ '^' - " Expand if this was the first change. - if g:numberchanges == 0 - let g:numbercols=&columns - if version >= 700 - " Expand column by our preferred width. - let &columns=&columns+&numberwidth - else - " Vim 6 hardcodes width to 8. - let &columns=&columns+8 - endif - endif - - " Track changes. - let g:numberchanges=g:numberchanges+1 - endif - set number + copen endif endfun -" Toggle case-sensitivity. -fun! Invert_Case() - let &ic = ! &ic -endfun - -" We'll use Q for various commands. Unmap it. +" We use Q for various commands. Unmap it. +" Vim 5 won't let us unmap this as it treats Q as an ambiguous mapping (because +" Qx also exists. With Vim 5 you are rewarded with Ex mode if you don't type +" the Qx sequence quickly enough. Vim 6 allows us to forget the Ex mapping. map Q -" Change to ts=2 with Q2. -map Q2 :se ts=2: -" Change to ts=4 with Q4. -map Q4 :se ts=4: -" Change to ts=8 with Q8. -map Q8 :se ts=8: -" Change to ts=16 with Q6. -map Q6 :se ts=16: -" Change to ts=32 with Q3. -map Q3 :se ts=32: -" Change foldmethod with Qf. -map Qf :se foldenable!: -" Toggle paste mode with Qp. -map Qp :se paste!: -" Swap hex/decimal statusline with Qx +" Swap hex/decimal statusline with Qx. map Qx :call Cycle_HexStatusLine(): -" Change statusline verbosity with Qv +" Change statusline verbosity with Qv. map Qv :call Cycle_VerboseStatusLine(): -" Swap case-sensitivity with Qc. -map Qc :call Invert_Case(): " Cycle list styles with Ql. map Ql :call Cycle_List(): -" Change number mode with Qn. -map Qn :call Cycle_Number(): " Toggle tags with Qt. map Qt :Tlist +" Change foldmethod with Qf. +map Qf :se foldenable!: +" Toggle quickfix window with Qq. +map Qq :call Cycle_Quickfix(): +" Rerun filetype detection with Qs. The s is for syntax, as this will be +" updated as a side-effect. +map Qs :filetype detect: -" Leaving Perl mode. -fun! PerlMode_unmap() - set cinkeys=oldcinkeys - set cinwords=oldcinwords - set foldmethod=manual -endfun endif """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" @@ -382,6 +348,47 @@ endif if version >= "700" version 7.0 +" Change status bar colour when entering insert mode. +fun! Highlight_StatusLine(flag) + " Get current status. + call Iain_Vars() + + " Change the status based on the flag. XXX: Does Vim let us to do flags? + let re = "[" . tolower(a:flag) . toupper(a:flag) . "]" + let b:iainstatus = substitute(b:iainstatus, re, a:flag, "") + + " Default colour. + let colour = "darkblue" + " Maybe override depending on status. + if b:iainstatus =~# "H" + if b:iainstatus =~# "I" + " Held in insert mode. Add extra highlight if we don't have focus. + if b:iainstatus =~# "f" + let colour = "darkmagenta" + else + let colour = "darkred" + endif + endif + else + if b:iainstatus =~# "I" + " Regular insert mode. + let colour = "darkred" + endif + endif + + exec "highlight StatusLine guifg=white guibg=" . colour . " ctermbg=white ctermfg=" . colour +endfun + +au CursorHoldI * call Highlight_StatusLine("H") +au CursorMovedI * call Highlight_StatusLine("h") +au FocusGained * call Highlight_StatusLine("F") +au FocusLost * call Highlight_StatusLine("f") +au InsertEnter * call Highlight_StatusLine("I") +au InsertLeave * call Highlight_StatusLine("i") + +" Make diffs vertical by default. +se diffopt+=vertical + " Set size of numbers column. se numberwidth=5