X-Git-Url: http://git.iain.cx/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=.vim%2Fcolors%2Fiain.vim;h=2161f3daa5ff0d9c3804dcebfc4b993a34568137;hb=c5c1da9752843a9ca41ea31158d1b23cb9a8148b;hp=0fb251ce599356d87a5441e614d001832d22c717;hpb=91f4c218cbcf1e754011dc4b2ed89569407d63c4;p=profile.git diff --git a/.vim/colors/iain.vim b/.vim/colors/iain.vim index 0fb251c..2161f3d 100644 --- a/.vim/colors/iain.vim +++ b/.vim/colors/iain.vim @@ -208,9 +208,18 @@ if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256 " sets the highlighting for the given group fun! X(group, fg, bg, attr) + " Our dark grey ends up being too light when Vim is run inside screen + " on an 88-colour urxvt. + let l:hackgrey = "#303030" + let l:hackterm = "^screen-256color" + let l:hackbad = 235 + let l:hackgood = 234 if a:fg != "" if a:fg =~ '^#' let l:fg = rgb(substitute(a:fg, '^#', '', '')) + if a:fg == l:hackgrey && &term =~ l:hackterm && l:fg == l:hackbad + let l:fg = l:hackgood + endif else let l:fg=a:fg endif @@ -219,6 +228,9 @@ if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256 if a:bg != "" if a:bg =~ '^#' let l:bg = rgb(substitute(a:bg, '^#', '', '')) + if a:bg == l:hackgrey && &term =~ l:hackterm && l:bg == l:hackbad + let l:bg = l:hackgood + endif else let l:bg=a:bg endif @@ -237,7 +249,7 @@ if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256 call X("Search", "#ffffff", "#2050d0", "") call X("IncSearch", "#b0ffff", "#2050d0", "") "call X("SpecialKey", "#00ffff", "", "") - call X("Directory", "#00ffff", "", "") + call X("Directory", "#008bff", "", "") call X("Title", "#ff00ff", "", "none") call X("WarningMsg", "#ff0000", "", "") "call X("WildMenu", "#ffff00", "#000000", "") @@ -245,14 +257,16 @@ if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256 call X("Question", "#00ff00", "", "none") "call X("NonText", "#0030ff", "", "") call X("VertSplit", "#000000", "#808080", "none") - call X("Folded", "#808080", "#000040", "") - call X("FoldColumn", "#808080", "#000040", "") + call X("Folded", "#808080", "#303030", "") + call X("FoldColumn", "#808080", "#303030", "") call X("LineNr", "#90f020", "#303030", "") - call X("DiffAdd", "#00008b", "", "") - call X("DiffChange", "#8b008b", "", "") - call X("DiffDelete", "#0000ff", "#008b8b", "bold") - call X("DiffText", "", "#ff0000", "bold") + call X("DiffAdd", "", "#008bff", "") + call X("DiffChange", "", "#8b008b", "") + call X("DiffDelete", "#008b8b", "#303030", "") + call X("DiffText", "#ffffff", "#ff0000", "none") call X("Cursor", "#000000", "#00ff00", "") + call X("CursorLine", "", "#2e2e2e", "none") + call X("ColorColumn", "", "#2e2e2e", "none") call X("lCursor", "#000000", "#ffffff", "") "call X("Comment", "#80a0ff", "", "") "call X("Constant", "#ffa0a0", "", "") @@ -264,7 +278,11 @@ if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256 call X("Ignore", "#ffffff", "", "") " My stuff. + hi def Normal guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#000020 + call X("StatusLineNC", "black", "#808080", "none") + call X("StatusLine", "white", "#000080", "none") + call X("User1", "white", "#000080", "bold") call X("WildMenu", "blue", "white", "bold") call X("Todo", "black", "green", "bold") call X("MoreMsg", "#00ff00", "", "none") @@ -275,6 +293,13 @@ if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256 call X("Operator", "#e0e000", "", "none") call X("Statement", "#ffff00", "", "none") + hi! link TabLineSel StatusLine + hi! link TabLine StatusLineNC + + hi! link CursorColumn CursorLine + + hi MatchParen ctermbg=blue + call X("Pmenu", "#ffffff", "#287eff", "") hi Comment ctermfg=lightblue cterm=none guifg=#80a0ff gui=none @@ -309,10 +334,30 @@ if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256 " Fix up Perl stuff. " Signs to highlight marks. - call X("MarkLine", "", "#2e2e2e", "") - call X("MarkDot", "red", "#2e2e2e", "") - call X("MarkSign", "lightblue", "#2e2e2e", "") + call X("MarkLine", "", "#303030", "") + call X("MarkDot", "red", "#303030", "") + call X("MarkSign", "lightblue", "#303030", "") hi! link SignColumn LineNr + + " Fix up NERDTree stuff. + hi link treeExecFile Type + hi treeLink cterm=none ctermfg=cyan gui=none guifg=cyan + hi link treeOpenable treeDirSlash + hi link treeClosable treeDirSlash + hi link treePart treeDirSlash + hi link treePartFile treeDirSlash + + " Fix up BufExplorer stuff. + hi link bufExplorerHelp Include + hi link bufExplorerSortBy Include + hi link bufExplorerMapping Identifier + hi link bufExplorerTitle Statement + hi link bufExplorerActBuf Directory + hi link bufExplorerAltBuf Type + hi link bufExplorerCurBuf Statement + hi link bufExplorerHidBuf Comment + hi link bufExplorerUnlBuf String + hi link bufExplorerBufNbr Normal endif " vim: set fdl=0 fdm=marker: