X-Git-Url: http://git.iain.cx/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=.vimrc;h=96f8a1f3da3bbbaecbb35a43dad04bdc7a1911e8;hb=3e4ed13b68141823f47f93acc00572a823c56995;hp=b6ba9a8dcef02553c03d18148d13437cde7f9f2c;hpb=832105f1cffb94d0193777f6c1d3ddc98be1e24d;p=profile.git diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc index b6ba9a8..96f8a1f 100644 --- a/.vimrc +++ b/.vimrc @@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ se tags=~/.tags,./tags,tags " Don't timeout waiting to interpet, eg, OA as an escape code. se ttimeoutlen=100 +" Use ^B to search backward when completing. +inoremap +" Use ^L to show matching completions but don't select one. +inoremap + """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Handle options only available in Vim 5 and above. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" @@ -348,6 +353,8 @@ endif if has("win32") se guifont=DejaVu_Sans_Mono:h10:cANSI endif +hi! link TabLineSel StatusLine +hi! link TabLine StatusLineNC " Ignore whitespace when diffing. se diffopt=filler,iwhite @@ -427,7 +434,36 @@ call Mapping("q", ":call Cycle_Quickfix():") " updated as a side-effect. call Mapping("s", ":filetype detect:") +fun! Iain_Colour(colour) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:colour == "darkblue" + return 17 + elseif a:colour == "darkmagenta" + return 33 + elseif a:colour == "darkred" + return 32 + elseif a:colour == "red" + return 64 + endif + elseif &t_Co == 256 + if a:colour == "darkblue" + return 17 + elseif a:colour == "darkmagenta" + return 90 + elseif a:colour == "darkred" + return 88 + elseif a:colour == "red" + return 196 + endif + else + return a:colour + endif +endfun + " Change status bar colour when various things happen. +" Flags: H/h: Cursor held/moved. +" F/f: Focus gained/lost. +" I/i: Insert mode entered/left. fun! Highlight_StatusLine(flag) " Get current status. call Iain_Vars() @@ -436,43 +472,40 @@ fun! Highlight_StatusLine(flag) let re = "[" . tolower(a:flag) . toupper(a:flag) . "]" let b:iainstatus = substitute(b:iainstatus, re, a:flag, "") + let l:normalcolour = "darkblue" + let l:editingcolour = "darkmagenta" + let l:warningcolour = "darkred" + let l:readonlycolour = "red" + " Default colour. - let s:colour = "darkblue" - let s:termcolour = "" - let s:term88colour = "17" - let s:term256colour = "17" + let l:colour = l:normalcolour " Maybe override depending on status. if b:iainstatus =~# "H" if b:iainstatus =~# "I" " Held in insert mode. Add extra highlight if we don't have focus. if b:iainstatus =~# "f" - let s:colour = "darkred" - let s:term88colour = "32" - let s:term256colour = "88" + let l:colour = l:warningcolour else - let s:colour = "darkmagenta" - let s:term88colour = "33" - let s:term256colour = "90" + let l:colour = l:editingcolour endif endif else if b:iainstatus =~# "I" " Regular insert mode. - let s:colour = "darkmagenta" - let s:term88colour = "33" - let s:term256colour = "90" + let l:colour = l:editingcolour endif endif - if &t_Co == 88 - let s:termcolour = s:term88colour - elseif &t_Co == 256 - let s:termcolour = s:term256colour - else - let s:termcolour = s:colour + " Override again if readonly. + if l:colour != l:normalcolour + if getbufvar("", "&ro") + let l:colour = l:readonlycolour + endif endif - exec "highlight StatusLine guifg=white guibg=" . s:colour . " ctermbg=white ctermfg=" . s:termcolour + let l:termcolour = Iain_Colour(l:colour) + + exec "highlight StatusLine guifg=white guibg=" . l:colour . " ctermbg=white ctermfg=" . l:termcolour endfun call Highlight_StatusLine("") @@ -484,6 +517,77 @@ endif if version >= "700" version 7.0 +" Helper to show tab name. +fun! TabName(label, gui) + let l:label = a:label + if l:label == "" + let l:label = "No Name" + if a:gui + let l:label = "[" . l:label . "]" + endif + else + let l:label = fnamemodify(l:label, ":t") + if strlen(l:label) >= 18 + let l:label = l:label[0:17] . ".." + endif + endif + return l:label +endfun + +" Find out if any buffer was modified. +fun! TabModified(buflist) + let l:i = 0 + while i < len(a:buflist) + if getbufvar(a:buflist[l:i], "&modified") == 1 + return "+" + endif + let l:i = l:i + 1 + endwhile + return "" +endfun + +" Tab line. +fun! Show_TabLine() + let l:s = "%#TabLineFill#Tabs:" + + let l:i = 0 + while l:i < tabpagenr("$") + let l:i = l:i + 1 + " Get the label. + let l:buflist = tabpagebuflist(l:i) + let l:winnr = tabpagewinnr(l:i) + let l:n = tabpagewinnr(l:i, "$") + let l:label = TabName(bufname(l:buflist[l:winnr - 1]), 0) + let l:modified = TabModified(l:buflist) + + " Choose highlighting. + if l:i == tabpagenr() + let l:s .= "%#TabLineSel#[" . l:n . l:modified . " " . l:label . "]" + else + let l:s .= "%#TabLine# " . l:n . l:modified . " " . l:label . " " + endif + endwhile + + " Padding. + let l:s .= "%#TabLine#%T" + return l:s +endfun + +" Per tab label for the GUI. +fun! Show_GUITabLine() + let l:buflist = tabpagebuflist(v:lnum) + let l:winnr = tabpagewinnr(v:lnum) + let l:s = tabpagewinnr(v:lnum, "$") + let l:label = TabName(bufname(l:buflist[l:winnr - 1]), 1) + let l:modified = TabModified(l:buflist) + + let l:s .= l:modified . " " . l:label + return l:s +endfun + +se tabline=%!Show_TabLine() +se guitablabel=%!Show_GUITabLine() + au CursorHoldI * call Highlight_StatusLine("H") au CursorMovedI * call Highlight_StatusLine("h") au FocusGained * call Highlight_StatusLine("F") @@ -491,6 +595,9 @@ au FocusLost * call Highlight_StatusLine("f") au InsertEnter * call Highlight_StatusLine("I") au InsertLeave * call Highlight_StatusLine("i") +" Limit the size of the popup menu when completing. +se pumheight=20 + " Make diffs vertical by default. se diffopt+=vertical @@ -498,13 +605,16 @@ se diffopt+=vertical se numberwidth=5 " Add "previous tab" mapping as gb. -map gb :tabPrev +map gb :tabprevious: " Transparency. if has("gui_macvim") se transparency=15 endif +" Yet more GUI options. Add tabs. +se go+=e + " Perforce. let g:p4EnableMenu=1 let g:p4Presets='P4CONFIG'