" Define the function we'll use. It's easier to do this than to faff about " trying to run a sequence of normal mode commands. fun! P4submit() " There's no point doing this if the spec is readonly. That probably means " it's a submitted change. if ! &ro setf perforce " Clear the unnamed register. let @" = "" try " Delete the spec blurb if it exists. /^# A Perforce Change Spec/,/^# *(New changelists only\.)$/d " If the blurb was deleted the text will be in the unnamed register. if @" != "" " Delete the blank line left above the remaining fields. 1 delete " Allow closing an unmodified spec. set nomod " Get the files in the changelist. let l:files = system("sed -n 's@^ \\(//.*\\) #.*@\\1@p' " . bufname("")) " Create a new window, move it below the spec and read in a diff. botright new if l:files != "" exe "r!env P4DIFF= p4 diff -du " . substitute(l:files, "\n", " ", "g") endif setf diff " Delete the blank line left above the diff. 1 delete set nobuflisted set buftype=nowrite set bufhidden=hide setlocal noswapfile file [p4 diff] " Switch back to the top window and put the cursor by the description. wincmd k resize 10 exe "normal G" ? let @/ = "" endif catch " We get here if no blurb was deleted. This is the case if we aren't " editing a change. endtry endif endfun " Expand the command line window so we don't have to press RETURN later. let s:cmdheight = &cmdheight set cmdheight=3 " Change directory so "file [p4 diff]" doesn't try to cd somewhere. cd / " Call and then discard our function. call P4submit() delfunction P4submit " Don't expand tabs in the spec. set noexpandtab " Restore the command window. exe "set cmdheight=" . s:cmdheight " Close the scratch buffer. if version >= 700 " Vim 7 lets us close the buffer by number. The changelist is always in #1. au BufWinLeave qa! else " Prior versions can only do it by name. Fall back to a temporary file. au BufWinLeave /tmp/tmp.*.* qa! endif